Nancy Pelosi via Wikimedia Commons

High Flying Hypocrite

Austin Mayor Steve Adler landed in hot water for filming a video urging his constituents to stay home while he was on vacation in Cabo San Lucas with eight people, just days after hosting his daughter’s wedding in Austin. After initially defending his choice to fly with friends on a private jet to the foreign nation by saying all the guests had taken rapid coronavirus tests, he later apologized in a statement: “I regret this travel. I wouldn’t travel now, didn’t over Thanksgiving, and won’t over Christmas.”


  1. What a painful site! You have to repeatedly click next page to read it. It may create more ad revenue, but it definitely turns me off. I am going to unsubscribe, even though I like some of the articles. Better things to do with my time.

  2. Since when have the Dems ever obeyed any laws?? Remember, they’re the ones always screaming the loudest about how Trump thinks he’s above the law, when the whole time it’s themselves they’re talking about.

  3. Newsom, Bowser, London Breed and even Biden are guilty of breaking COVID rules. Admiring these ppl gets harder and harder everyday.

  4. This is not news as the libs have done this with out blinking and eye. Means nothing to them. Yet they still vote for them. Stupid is as stupid does. You cannot fix stupid.

  5. They are acting like King Louis and Marie Antoinette so they should be treated the same, break out the guillotine and dispatch these demons to hell!

  6. Pierre, l agree with your statement, that this “next page” b.s. is a pain in the ass, but the article is good. I only wish this site would consider that maybe more users would use or benefit from it, instead of ignoring it out of frustration! That being said, the (frustrating) article points out what “dictators” are all about! This CCP virus has been used by these dictators as a successful “trial run” to see how far they can control us lemmings! Everything they do is based on “do as l say, not as l do”! Gun control for instance. They have armed body guards, so they don’t (maybe) carry a gun, but we serfs aren’t allowed to defend ourselves. All dictatorships have disarmed their citizenry, think Hitler, Cuba and Venezuela. Now they cry defund the Police, while releasing criminals into the streets, while threatening to put us lemmings in jail for not wearing these damn masks, while they themselves only wear them for the camera shots, that is of course only the ones that they’re aware of! Now that this obviously criminal organization known as the democrat party has successfully rigged and “won” this last election, more and more of their socialist programs are in our futures. If they can continue their scam in the Georgia runoffs and pull off that one too, not only will that prove (at least to me) that they managed to rig both elections, but that our entire government has become just one giant sham full of opportunists filling their pockets with gullible taxpayers hard earned dollars.
    Welcome to the new Amerika! A man l met who was born and raised in Russia, said that what is happening here now is what happened in Russia, and why he left that country many years ago. “They” demanded; defund the police….then the military took over because the citizenry’s weapons had been confiscated. This is now in our future Russia 2.0! Have a nice day …..comrade!!

  7. “I do a lot of things to advance the interests of the District of Columbia, and some of them are formal and some of them are informal, but all of them are necessary,” Bowser said.
    I wonder how allowing and even encouraging mobs to prowl the streets of DC and assaulting law abiding people minding their own business is advancing the interests of DC. Sure makes me want to visit, NOT!

  8. What’s funny is when Rush Limbaugh left NY for Florida, the NY Democrats were happy until they realized how much Rush paid in state and local taxes. Their response that proved their greed was to claim his move was not valid and attempt to force Rush to continue paying the exorbitant NY taxes.

  9. This attitude that laws and rules are for the TAX PAYER, but not OUR EMPLOYEES is absurd and border line criminal. LETS MAKE THIS HYPOCRISY AND DOUBLE STANDARD MANDATORY 25 YEARS MAXIMUM SECURITY PRISON.

  10. They are not brazen at all. The hard left Democrats created the fake pandemic and know there is nothing to fear, EXCEPT an informed public. They are only afraid we will catch on, throw away the mask, breath plenty of fresh air, and restore Trump’s economic victory.

  11. But the laws are made for us Slaves, us second class citizens. The Elite or ruling class can do whatever pleases them. So turn your guns in and yield to your masters.

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