The White House from Washington, DC via Wikimedia Commons

Religious Freedom

On Nov. 4 the Supreme Court is set to hear a case involving religious freedom and LGBTQ+ rights. The Court will determine if Philadelphia violated the First Amendment by requiring adoption agencies to serve same-sex couples.


  1. Why are these people concerned about Obama Care being reversed if Barrett is confirmed. A lower court decided. The SCOTUS, even if the chief goes with the liberals, as he did in a few cases, it’ll be 4::4, which means lower court’s decision stands.Why are you trying to scare us? Oh, I know. We, the mortals, don’t know anything.

    1. The court will become a 6-3 conservative court with Barrett ! And even if Roberts sides with the liberals it will still be 5- 4 conservative!

      1. I really do wish everyone would stop call it a “6-3 conservative court”. As we ALL have found out, John Roberts is NOT a conservative! So, the fact is, a more accurate term now is that it is a “5-4 conservative court”.

        1. You are right, John Roberts is not a Conservative. Senator Ted Cruz stated that John Roberts has blatantly admitted to hating President Trump. Roberts rewrote Obama Care from the bench to reword it to pass as Constitutional. It’s still unconstitutional!! Roberts sides against Our President every chance he gets. The irony is Roberts swore Trump in as President. Hopefully a REAL Conservative can have the Privilege of swearing Trump in second term.

  2. I have to admit, I care MUCH more about the first 3 cases than the last 2 cases. We already know John Roberts will side with the liberals. Let’s hope the fivesome of Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett will do the right thing and vote the way a Conservative should vote on all the cases.

  3. Always believed the law was applied as it was written at the time of the offense or at least the time of the trial.

  4. She is a great choice for a Justice. She knows the law and will apply it correctly. That is if it does not conflict with the Constitution. Then she will go back and do what is right according to the Constitution.

  5. Roberts has downgraded the position of Justice in admitting he hates Trump. He is there to serve the people of the United States and not involve is feeling for the president and he appartently has done just that.

  6. God is moving in America. Satan had an iron grip for decades, then God sent HIS wrecking ball President Trump to drain the murky Swamp. He put measure in place to counter fraud 🙂 Block Chain (A Quantum system that is fraud proof and watermarks on all Legitimate Votes. In God we trust Amen . P.S. President Trump correctly wins in a Landslide

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