What’s he saying now?

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Dr. Robert Redfield believes that states more mildly infected by the Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) could begin to reopen by May 1.
In an interview on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” Redfield acknowledged significant regional differences in the transmission COVID-19 before concluding that officials could advise state government leadership in nearly 20 states to loosen strict social distancing guidelines by the month’s end.
The strategy is not without risk. We still don’t have an accurate gauge on the full number of COVID-19 deaths. The delayed rollout of testing kits means that many deaths attributed to pneumonia or influenza in January, February, or March could have been misidentified. That problem persists in rural areas, where testing capacity is limited.
While a haphazard reopening isn’t advised, Redfield and others predict a gradual reopening could come sooner than initially thought.
Here are the states, by the number of current cases, confirmed deaths, and the counties where cases are rising fastest, that are in the best position to begin reopening in the near future.
Sparsely populated, Wyoming has 300+ cases and two confirmed deaths from COVID-19. Teton County (home to the international ski destination Jackson Hole) has a high concentration of COVID-19 cases, equivalent to 269 cases per 100,000 people.
There’s a low rate of change in reported cases statewide. Laramie County, home to Cheyenne and where the virus is growing fastest, is on track to double the number of cases every 27 days.
Outside of Anchorage, which contains 40% of the state’s population, Alaska’s untamed wilderness is not conducive to the spread of pandemics.
Currently, officials have confirmed 300+ cases and seven deaths. The per capita infection rate (total reported cases per 100,000 people) is relatively low in every borough, including Anchorage Municipality. Cases are doubling every 28.5 days in Anchorage. Outside of Alaska’s largest city, there is a low rate of change in reported cases.
Another expansive, low-population density state, Montana has seen 400+ cases and ten deaths from COVID-19. Gallatin County, with its county seat in the ski town of Bozeman and home to Big Sky Resort, the largest ski resort in the United States, has the highest per capita infection rate statewide.
However, there is a low rate of change in reported cases statewide.
The most isolated island with over one million people on earth, Hawaii, has seen 500+ cases of coronavirus. There’s a relatively low number of confirmed cases per capita (between 10 and 100) per 100,000 people. However, the Big Island, a prominent tourist destination, is seeing cases double every 9 days.
North Dakota
The number of confirmed cases in North Dakota stands at 500+. Ten people have died. Per capita, cases are moderately high in Cass and Grand Forks counties (which combined account for 33% of the state’s entire population).
Cases are doubling every 36 hours in Grand Forks County. In Cass County, home to the entire Fargo metropolitan area, they are doubling every seven days. Outside of those counties, there is a relatively low rate of change in reported cases.
Maine has seen over 800 cases and 34 deaths from COVID-19. Per capita, Cumberland County (home to the state’s largest city, Portland) has a relatively high number of cases (130) per 100,000 people.
But even there, cases are doubling only every 22.5 days.
For its size and rural composition, Vermont has so far suffered disproportionately. Over 800 Vermonters have tested positive for COVID-19, and 37 are confirmed to have perished.
Chittenden County, home to Burlington and 26% of the Green Mountain State’s residents, has a high per capita infection rate of 238 per 100,000 people.
However, statewide there is a low rate of change in reported cases.
West Virginia
The Mountain State has seen 800 official cases of COVID-19 and 20 deaths. The per capita infection rate is lower than average, except in Jackson County, where the equivalent of 346 people per 100,000 are confirmed to be infected. Cases are also doubling every three and a half days in Jackson County.
New Hampshire
New Hampshire has 1,300+ confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 41 official deaths. The per capita infection rate is moderately high in Hillsborough and Rockingham counties, which are considered a part of Greater Boston.
In Hillsborough County, cases are doubling every 12.5 days. In Rockingham County, every 16 days. There is an increasingly low rate of change in reported cases, the closer you are to the Canadian border.
Despite its low population density outside of metro Omaha and Lincoln, Nebraska is experiencing some degree of difficulty handling coronavirus in rural areas. Currently, there are 1,400+ cases and 28 deaths statewide. But the per capita figures are troubling in particular jurisdictions. In Hall County, home to Grand Island, the state’s fourth-largest city, the per capita infection rate stands at 763 per 100,000 people. There, cases are doubling every five days.
In Washington County, the number of cases doubles every three days. In Dawson County, it’s every two and a half days, and in Dakota County, it’s every 36 hours. Omaha and Lincoln are almost eerily quiet by comparison.
COVID-19 has largely spared one of the fastest-growing states in the country. So far, Idaho has experienced 1,500+ cases and 45 deaths from the novel coronavirus. The per capita infection rate is moderately high in the booming Boise metro area, but it is astronomical in Blaine County at 2,137 per 100,000 people. Blaine is home to the state’s most well-known ski resort, Sun Valley, and has been a seasonal home to America’s rich and famous since the 1930s. The good news is that, statewide, there is a low rate of change in reported cases.
South Dakota
South Dakota has reported 1,600+ cases of COVID-19 — 85 percent of them in Minnehaha County. One slaughterhouse in Sioux Falls has been linked to more than half of the state’s coronavirus cases, making it the densest cluster in the United States. So far, seven people have died, a figure many have attributed to the factory workers’ young age and good health.
Minnehaha County has 729 cases per 100,000 people. Cases are doubling there every 6.5 days. For the rest of the state, there is a low rate of change in reported cases.
Arkansas has experienced 1,700+ cases and 39 deaths from COVID-19. The per capita infection rate is exceptionally high in Cleburne, Crittenden, St. Francis, and Lincoln counties.
In Lonoke County, cases are doubling every three days. So far, Lonoke County is an outlier.
Kansas has confirmed 1,800+ cases and 94 deaths. Cases are most heavily concentrated in the predominately rural counties of Seward, Ford, Lyon, and Coffey. In Coffey County, the per capita infection rate is 567 per 100,000; however, there is a low rate of change in reported cases.
Cases are doubling every two days in Seward and Ford counties. By contrast, cases in the Kansas City and Wichita metropolitan areas are doubling every three weeks.
New Mexico
New Mexico has recorded 1,800+ cases and 55 deaths from the novel coronavirus. Per capita infection rates are as high as 498 per 100,000 in the northwestern corner of the state, where the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation resides.
Cases are also rising fastest there, doubling every 6.5 days.
The Oregon state government reports 1,900+ cases and 74 deaths from COVID-19. Per capita infection rates are relatively low, even in the state’s urban corridors. In rural areas, the total number of reported cases drops precipitously.
Overall, there is a low rate of change in reported cases. Multnomah County, Oregon’s most populated, is seeing cases double every 18 days, a record for the state.
Minnesota has seen 2,300+ confirmed coronavirus cases, claiming the lives of 100+ residents.
The per capita infection rate is low in the Twin Cities, while moderately high in Olmstead County, home to Rochester’s Mayo Clinic, and exceptionally high in low-populated Nobles County. Cases there are doubling every day.
Delaware has reported 2,500+ cases and 67 deaths attributable to COVID-19. The per capita infection rate is high in each of the geographically small state’s three counties. Depending on your location, cases are doubling from anywhere between 10-15 days, a reasonably low rate.
Oklahoma has also seen 2,500+ residents test positive for COVID-19, and 100+ people die from it. Per capita, the infection rate is the highest outside of the state’s urban areas. Washington and Greer counties are experiencing the highest rate, with Greer’s at nearly 1,000 per 100,000.
Iowa has recorded 2,900+ cases of the novel coronavirus and, so far, 75 deaths. Like most of the plain states, the per capita infection rate is highest in towns and counties home to expansive meatpacking facilities. Controversy erupted in Allamakee County, Iowa, home to one of America’s most successful kosher meat producers after an executive tested positive for COVID-19 following a trip from New York.
Yet it is Louisa County, which has experienced a per capita infection rate of 1,898 per 100,000, one of the highest in the country. To the west of 1-35 (long seen as the state’s dividing line), the infection rate is dramatically lower.
Cases in Louisa County are doubling every 6.5 days. But Bremer County is seeing a significantly faster growth rate, with cases doubling every 2.5 days.
Explore our interactive COVID-19 map below to learn about the latest updates from every state!
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CDC and Fauci and Birx and Pelosi and Schumer and all Democrats are in on the hoax shutdown of our country – now CDC is trying to get out of it but is he really going against his buddy the WHO Director from Hades who withheld all the vital information from us about corona virus ? – as well as fouling Fauci who wants us shut down for another two months?
The President should have paid attention to South Korea and some truthful news tried to tell us but were constantly overidden by detractions from Fauci and Birx – but the lead researcher of South Korea has another interview out and Woo-Joo Kim talks in-depth about the virus, its protein that is the core of the disease and must be eradicated and then the patient is immunized and 100% well, and he talks about relapse and reignition if it is not. – Neither Fauci nor Birx nor even the CDC director Fieldman himself has shown that kind of intelligence, and what they did have, their ‘data’ models, were rampantly deceitful from the very beginning.
And Noone, but Noone, is bothering to tell us how on earth that virus got introduced into those nursing homes – surely there are investigations going on?
Respectfully, you and I could be infected and show no signs, but if so we might infect the innocent people with weaker immune systems, that was why I followed as many of the rules as possible. China has a system were as uninfected get papers to travel freely and work, they get tested each morning before their shift. People here called called this a Nazi habit, but what if it were temporary. I do not fear fir myself, I am old, if I die I had a good moderate middle class life, but I fear for younger people and elderly.
The question I have is why Trump i against Georgia opening. Why not do what he said and let the states make their own decisions. As to the entire purpose of the shut down, EVEN THE ONES WHO DID IT claimed the purpose was to flatten the curve and prevent the hospitals from being overrun. So the FACTS are in. And we are not overrun EXCEPT NEW YORK. And I DO believe that what happened to New York was and is God’s judgement of a very evil segment of society. They are led by a communist and are just about as degenerate as can be imagined.
IF they were rational, they would repent and turn back to God. No, they turn to the government.
I agree–I couldn’t believe that Trump went against Georgia governor. Why? But you can’t just look at the front players– The Rockefeller Foundation was behind this pandemic, but most of all Bill Gates. He donates hundreds of millions to the CDC and the WHO so he can then dictate public policy. Gates owns huge amounts of stock in the pharmaceutical companies that will benefit from this, that is, the ones making the test kits and vaccines. There’s no way I’m getting a vaccine by the way. Deborah Birx is on the board of one of his megacorporations (she was appointed by Obama). Fauci should be sued for malpractice, and he is in Gates pocket. Gates also owns large amounts of stocks in NBC and other broadcast outlets. These outlets are not going to reveal about him, but instead spread his cover stories. But start looking into it. There are a lot of independent researchers exposing him. The CDC, WHO, Birx and Fauci are discredited. The corona virus is no more deadly than the seasonal flu. The numbers are in. Question is, what are we, the American people, going to do about it?
Just looked at part of the list. With the exception of Hawaii and the Yankee states, there truly was no need for a shut down in these states. I could care less about Hawaii and the Yankees.
Want proof? Ask someone to provide a comparison between the deaths from corona and from flu. The NEWS is careful NOT to mention this.
The flu KILLS MORE. So what is the shut down about? Certainly not stopping deaths. It is about KILLING THE ECONOMY.
Yes, this is about destroying Trump.
Moe I appreciate what you are saying. People now know what it takes to avoid getting infected by the virus. Everyone knows the level risk they are willing to take. The choice should be theirs and not Government’s. The odds of contracting covid-19 and dying from it is less than .1% if you are healthy and take reasonable precautions. For this the economy of the US and the personal livelihood of people are being destroyed. Most people would take 500k if they were paid that during the pandemic knowing that the chance of dying from it is .1%. The point is there is always risk versus reward. Many jobs have a greater risk of dying than that, but people take them because of the pay.
You’re on point .., don’t forget bill gates
Total agreement to all of this
.PEOPLE THINK WE CAN’T SEE THIS ..All of us are saying the same thing..GATES AND HIS AGENDA ON OVER POPULATION IN 90’S IS OUT IN OPEN….And the 2 with the President are in on all Gates was into, we really trust all of them and VACCINES???ahhh NO , AND chips No ..And as stated previously WHY IS IT HITTING SENIORS IN HOMES ???All plays into POPULATION CONTROL..????NO TRUST AMYMORE ..THE PRESIDENT WILL GET TO BOTTOM OF THIS ..I REALLY BELIEVE ..
What really scares me is the talk of enforced vaccinations. A person should be able to choose for themselves whether to trust nutrition and healthy lifestyle or a vaccine. And what always amazes me is this question: if most people go and get vaccinated, and thus are allegedly immune from the virus, why should my NOT being vaccinated bother them? They are supposedly protected, so if i get sick, what’s it to them?
I agree with ALL of you.
Bill Gates scares me.
Click bait is offensive, especially when a simple list would focus one on a home state.
Noone has explained California’s conundrum. From October of 2019 through January of 2020, the FAA shows an average of 7,000 inbound from China EVERY DAY. Holiday season, lots of parties, religious events, sports contests — with a highly contagious/voracious virus loosed among our many millions. We were oblivious to CV-19; those who felt ill were assumed to have a mild flu, and bounced back in a few days. Yes, as ever, the elderly and infirm paid the brunt of it; but nothing out of the ordinary. Big Don shut out China inbounds on 31JAN20, four months after the virus was spreading like wildfire over there. From then ’til now, California, Oregon, and Washington State have unusually few cases. Why? Because we had it and did not know it. Most of us now enjoy “Herd Immunity.” Stanford now says that 100,000 tests of Santa Clara County show that most have had CV-19. Turns out the thing is what Johns Hopkins deemed it, six weeks ago — like a mild flu, UNLESS you are over 75 years and/or already have serious issues, especially of the lungs. Notice the empty hospitals? Medical profession layoffs? Unused field hospitals and ships? Reveille, folks. We have been conned on a massive level. Life is real, life is earnest.
You really blew it with the reservation information in NM New Mexico.
All happening the perfect way to expose all these one world order people to the world, at large!
Would you trust your families future to these liars and corruption engaged elites?
Economic destruction is not without its cost in lives. It is hard to get a good number for the total COVID-19 cases without a test, since there are many unsymptomatic infected cases. We will eventually need to determine the tradeoff between economic losses of both lives and productivity, and lives lost to ARDS – the severe form of COVID-19. Fauci’s models only look at lives lost to infection. Trump wants to factor in lives ruined by shutdowns. I vote for Trump’s point of view.
Totally agree!!
If we to continue to stay put, it proved the point that we lowered the the number of people that got sick and or died. THE more we would come in contact with others, if we opened up as some want to do COVID- 19 will be spread as it did to those that paid no attention to the warnings that were given by the President and his group of experts. I only ask 2 questions:
1. Over night the President changed his tune and started pushing for this return to Normal
by opening everything back up and people to go back to work. THE VERY NEXT THE DAY
2. I ask that those that are demonstrating, since they are out and about, totally go back to
the old normal, NO MASK, NO 6 FOOT advisement of social distancing, go to a hot spot
and see first hand and take deep breaths, touch everything they can.
For #2, You know they won’t. For # 1 I have no answer, but I ask you is it a coincidence?
Joseph Randazzo, what kind of a jerk are you? Whatever reason people demonstrated, that’s their God Given American right to do! You’re saying they’re “sheeple,” similar to the “Leftist Sheeple” who follow the ideology of the Left, that, too, is your right of ‘Freedom of Speech’ – doesn’t make it right that you obviously wish these demonstrators harm – but it clearly proves ‘who you are’ and ‘who you follow’ . . and, in my book, makes you a jerk!
Why……WHY….hasn’t Nancy, Chuck, Maxi, Nadler, Schiftty, all there families, etc, gotten this virus????? Vaccinated long ago??? This was all suspicious from the beginning! Election year, economy, control, take over since they know there won’t be a win for them and by sinking Trump now in their minds would give them their win. I wondered from the start of this, the timing and certain people involved! I hope and pray this isn’t so, but too much has added up!
We do know that the number of DEATHS has been inflated as we have the reports of how the bureaucrats told them to report just about ALL deaths as being from corona even when the real cause was something else. WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS? In order to keep the country shut down as long as possible in order to HURT OUR ECONOMY. The swamp knows that the Economy was a huge plus for Trump. And they are trying to destroy it.
Hang Bill Gates!!