United States Department of Energy via Wikimedia Commons

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT)

Murphy, Connecticut’s junior United States Senator, appeared gravely concerned that the strike would derail the hopelessly naive Obama-Biden Iran nuclear deal.


  1. These democracts since they care more about Iran they all need to be moving and working over there. Seems to me Iran is controlling this party and giving them a lot of money to look the other way of america and favor them. Democracts as a whole need to come crashing down like the titanic it’s a dead party.

      1. The Vatican has turned away from the Bible, just to get more money. What happened to Leviticus, not condoning sexual perversion.
        This will aid in world war….

    1. I wish all those Damocraps were in Iran and went with the explosion! The world would be a better place without them!

  2. who in hell cares what the maggot lying pos brennan thinks he has been on his knees to long time for assohola tun him over

  3. Just another wake up call for all the Useful Idiots who allowed cheating and put some of them back in office. If you think for even one minute that these people are going to do anything that really benefits the average American you better think again. You have ignored their arrogance, hypocrisy, lying, cheating, depriving you of your human rights, and a host of other unethical and immoral acts and yet you still stand with them. Perhaps its time to reevaluate your own moral and ethical standards.

  4. Hasn’t the U.S. CIA been in the business of “illegal lethal dealing” with our adversaries for more than 60 years now? What proof does anyone have that Iran ever shuddered its nuclear weapon development programmed? Who can deny that Iran has sponsored more terrorism against Israel (our close ally) than any other nation in the Middle East?

  5. Gud ole’ John Brennan — former HEAD of our CIA. I wonder how many notches he carved on his six shooter while running the “Agency” ???

  6. The demonicRATS sold their souls to the highest bidders long ago. No loyalty to the Country that gave them so much! I’m sure the people living in Iran are thankful and they love President Trump as do the people of Hong Kong and Venezuela as do freedom lovers World Wide

  7. It looks like the Democrats praises our enemies and condemns our government for destroying our enemies. Is this the legacy of the Democrat party? If so then the Democrat party needs to be dissolved. Maybe all political parties should be dissolved and a better system be put in place. Maybe choose individual candidates on their merits and policies.

    1. A little “boost” from Patriots and the 2nd Amendment to bring back the Constitutional rule of law before they, the Demoncrapicshariarinos, toss the Republic…

  8. no surprise!!!! that little girl needs to be sent back to her country that she loves so much!!! WHY is she in my country if she hates it so much? She loves our money!!!!! And brennan, he should be dangling!!!

  9. Israel was condemned for its destruction of the Syrian Nuclear Reactor. By some leading “Democratic” spokespeople, whatever Israel does for its protection is criminal. Time has shown that Israel’s risky actions have benefited the world in addition to Israel. That Democrats are stuck in lala land is not at all surprising. I recall Ben Rhodes secreting out in his underwear classified documents from the US Archives. This is a felony. And this felon is condemning Israel?

    That the former head of the CIA would condemn Israel for its alleged actions is the height of chutzpah.

    Although it has been charged with playing a critical role on behalf of America, in point of fact, it has far outreached its alleged boundaries and sadly has lost its bearings, if it ever had bearings to lose, which is highly doubtful in light of its history of political shenanigans and assassinations, not all of which Americans are privy to or were in America’s best interests.

    For the reader, who may not know, the CIA is a Black Ops Operation. It is answerable to No One. It does its own thing, whether for the good or for the bad. It is in its own world. For someone who allegedly was the head of the CIA to condemn Israel is far worse than the proverbial “pot calling the kettle black”. I would say that is also true of the other Democratic hypocrites who condemn this murder.

    Israel bought time for the world from the extraordinarily dangerous prospect of the leading sponsor of terrorism as well as the world’s leading terrorist organization having a nuclear bomb. The prospect of them having nuclear weapons is unfathomably evil. That the nations of the world, let alone the idiots in America, do not understand reality is tragic for the world. That anyone with a head has the thought that the UN will be effective in preventing what they believe is inevitable, shows that the UN did not learn the lesson of the League of Nations.

    It is very sad that the Iranian People, who are terrific people, are hostage to their own leaders and were not encouraged by Obama, is a terrible shame, but in the end, they will undoubtedly pay the price for their toleration of intolerance.

  10. They have no need to worry. If Biden becomes the Presidential figurehead he will apologize and give them a ton of our money to continue their nuclear program.

  11. Silver Wolf
    Brennan is by far he worst person to speak out! He’s a muslim & muslim sympathizer and should be in prison for treason!!!

  12. If killing the key nuclear scientist slows Irans continued move to get nuclear weapons, I’m glad it happened. Because Irans religious leaders think Allah is guiding them to launch an atomic bomb on Israel. They will never come to a peace table, and continue to export terrorism.
    Eventually (after an actual nuclear attack by Iran) serious nations will have to destroy their ability to make more nuclear weapons.
    The liberals will cry and sit on their hands…
    Maybe we should find out if Iran is funding antifa, anarchists here in America…but (like the FBI and their narrissitic biased lying to obtain a FISA WARRANT, OR Bidens Ukraine corruption to protect his son…the media will once again shout “THERE IS NO EVIDENCE”
    IT ALSO should make Americans wonder who is controlling our media??? China and /or Iran?
    There will be no evidence until we are fighting in the streets….WHAT? WAIT? We’re already fighting in the streets.

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