Photo edit of Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson. Credit: Alexander J. Williams III/Pop Acta.
Photo edit of Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson. Credit: Alexander J. Williams III/Pop Acta.

Breaking Update

Valuetainment CEO Offers $100M to Tucker Carlson for 5-Year Contract

Valuetainment CEO, Patrick Bet-David, made a public offer to Tucker Carlson to join forces with his company and help shape the future of media. The offer includes a $100 million 5-year contract and equity stake in the company. Additionally, the statement “What Else? We are all ears,” likely suggests that Valuetainment is open to meeting or negotiating any further contractual demands from Carlson regarding ownership of media necessary for him to join the entertainment platform.

Carlson has not publicly responded to the offer as he is currently under contract with Fox News. Other media outlets such as Newsmax, News Nation, and OANN have also reportedly expressed interest in partnering with Carlson.

Valuetainment is a digital media company that provides video podcasts and courses for entrepreneurs. The company’s offer to Carlson has sparked curiosity about his future endeavors, as he has garnered a significant following nationwide.

Previous Updates

Tucker Carlson Hints at Future Plans After Leaving Fox News

After being ousted from Fox News, former host Tucker Carlson released a statement suggesting he has no plans of stepping out of media. Carlson expressed that the country has many genuinely nice people, but most of the debates shown on television are irrelevant and meaningless, with no discussions about big issues like war, civil liberties, emerging science, demographic change, corporate power, and natural resources. He noted that discussions about such topics are not permitted in American media and that both political parties and their donors collude to shut down any conversation about it, making the U.S. look like a “one-party state.”

Carlson believes that our current orthodoxies won’t last and that people in charge are afraid and resorting to force. However, he emphasized that when honest people say what’s true, they become powerful, and true things prevail. He expressed hope that there are still some places where Americans can hear the truth.

Big Topics Are Not Being Discussed on Television News

Carlson highlighted that while there are genuinely nice people in the country, most of the debates shown on television are irrelevant and meaningless. He expressed disappointment that important topics like war, civil liberties, emerging science, demographic change, corporate power, and natural resources are not being discussed.

He noted that both political parties and their donors have reached a consensus on what benefits them, colluding to shut down any conversation about important issues. He believes that suppressing these topics in television news makes the U.S. appear like a “one-party state.”

Honesty and Truth Prevail

According to Carlson, the iron law of the universe is that true things prevail. He emphasized that when honest people say what’s true, calmly and without embarrassment, they become powerful, and the liars who’ve been trying to silence them shrink and become weaker. Carlson expressed hope that as long as people can hear the truth, there is hope for a better future.

The Future

While Carlson’s statement does not explicitly state what his future plans are, he hinted that he plans to continue working in media, covering topics that are not usually discussed on television news. Carlson expressed hope that Americans can still hear the truth from some places, and that our current orthodoxies won’t last, and things will change for the better. He signed off by saying, “See you soon.”


  1. We need someone to put Tucker back on the air.We can’t afford for his voice to be silenced,by the commies,trying to shut him up.He is our voice of reality, and not the propaganda, and bs we here from the hidenbiden administration.

  2. Since he’s still an employee of Fox, this may be premature. Until then, everything is just click bait noise.

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