Federal prosecutors in Houston dropped charges against a man accused of owning an outlawed bump stock after a retired ATF agent planned to testify the…
Despite speculation that President Trump may pardon members of his inner circle, his family, and even himself to avoid prosecution, a growing number of Republican…
Three weeks after I published my piece urging an overhaul of the Pentagon’s soft-on-China ‘Defense Policy Board’ (DPB), President Trump did just that. Quietly, on the…
The big three television networks didn't even bother to report the Russian origins probe's latest developments on Tuesday night's newscasts. Their omission follows Attorney General…
As Joe Biden begins his transition to a possible presidency, his pick for Secretary of State, Antony Blinken faces more scrutiny of his record. Earlier I…
Former U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has received a lot of blowback for recently co-authoring a piece in Foreign Affairs magazine titled “Defense in Depth,” where he argues for…
ANALYSIS - As America’s oldest presumptive “president-elect,” Joe Biden, 78, sets up his planned national security team. Many note that most are retreads of the…
Despite his aversion to politics, pro-Trump Fox News pundit Dan Bongino announced that he would seriously consider running for president in 2024 provided President Trump…
A small but growing number of Republican lawmakers have called on President Trump to either begin coordinating with reported President-elect Biden's transition or outright concede.…
Further reinforcing his administration’s successful realignment of U.S. policy against China, President Trump has reportedly just sent Navy Rear Admiral Michael Studeman, the top military intelligence…