Liberals “Discover” Due Process!

Democrats were quick to jump on uncorroborated sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Now they are either quiet or dismissive of similar allegations against Joe Biden, made by Tara Reade, an aide who worked for Biden in the early 1990s.
Here are the Democrats who favor due process in Biden’s sexual assault case when they previously denied it to Kavanaugh and others.
Amy Klobuchar

Sen. Klobuchar (D-MN) defended the presumptive Democratic nominee for president claiming in an interview on MSNBC that the matter “has been investigated.”
Per Breitbart:
Klobuchar said, “He has said, and I agree with this, you’ve got to get to the bottom of every case and all allegations. I think the New York Times — I haven’t read all the stories. I read that one. Your viewers should read that. It was very thorough. They interviewed people. And I have done a lot of work on this. I actually led the effort to change the rules in the U.S. Senate so that it is easier to bring these cases forward and so that we have taxpayers not paying for bad conduct. I think this case has been investigated. I know the vice president as a major leader on domestic abuse, I worked with him on that. And I think that, again, the viewers should read the article. It was very thorough.”
The Minnesota senator is reportedly at the top of Biden’s vice president list.
Time’s Up

Attempting to get legal help and push back against online defamation for coming forward with her story, Reade contacted Time’s Up, an organization founded to bolster the #MeToo movement.
Hollywood celebrities created Time’s Up with the explicit intention of helping survivors of sexual assault tell their stories. Despite Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund spending $10 million toward funding cases, it declined to provide Reade with financial assistance.
Their argument? Because Biden is a federal candidate, assisting in a case against him would jeopardize their non-profit status.
Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren

After facing numerous obstacles, Reade told reporter Krystal Ball that she brought her story to Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren’s then-presidential campaigns.
In both instances, the campaigns brushed her aside.
Both senators aggressively advocated for impeaching Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
Wore black today in support of all survivors of sexual assault or abuse. We won’t let them be silenced or ignored. #BelieveSurvivors
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) September 24, 2018
Last year the Kavanaugh nomination was rammed through the Senate without a thorough examination of the allegations against him. Confirmation is not exoneration, and these newest revelations are disturbing. Like the man who appointed him, Kavanaugh should be impeached.
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) September 15, 2019
Symone Sanders

Joe Biden’s campaign manager excoriated Senate Republicans in 2018 for allegedly not taking the accusations against Kavanaugh seriously.
Here’s what Joe Biden’s campaign manager @SymoneDSanders used to say about the urgency of treating sexual assault allegations against powerful men seriously (when the powerful man in question was Brett Kavanaugh)
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 31, 2020
This time Sanders has been oddly quiet, despite two family members corroborating Reade’s accusation. In Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s case against Kavanaugh, no one could corroborate her story.
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Those in the media that want equal treatment and those in the House and Senate that want transparency should keep the pressure on Ms. Sanders. Keep pressing the issue with her
I hope this question will come up in the Presidential debates as it should
Klobuchar is nothing but a liar. That old pig wanted to hang Kavanaugh without any based on lies, no proof simply because he was conservative. Democrats are nothing but evil hypocrites and I hope Biden gets whats coming to him.
Very well stated. They are always “in the moment” and ignore they’re past indiscretions if it suits their needs.
Typical Libtard Hypocrisy, so why are we surprised. It’s written in the DemSocioCommicrat By-Laws that Sexual Allegations are never perpetrated by Democrats. Only Republicans and Conservatives are Perverts. The #metoo (pound me too?) movement only cares about Right Wing Sexual Assault Claims. Libtards get a free pass, collect $200 and Get Out Of Jail free card.
Can’t believe women if they accuse a member of the coonRAT party.
Why anybody would believe anything that a democrat says is amazing to me.
Why is it so surprising that liberal are this way they have been this way for ever the sob,s.
Do you think that God will accept such hypocrisy? Will He not judge and condemn them for their blatant sin. Here is the problem. Most of them claim to be Catholic and as such believe they can sin all day long and after they die, their family can and will pray them out of hell or purgatory. The problem is, “Do not be deceived. God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap……….”
Yes, the Catholic church is directly responsible for the wickedness we are having to endure.
I am a Republican, but Gerald Ladd and A D Roberts make me very uncomfortable with their similarities with the KKK.
How are they like the KKK?
Not the Catholic Church, but some in the Catholic Church….it is not true that we Catholics believe that we can sin all day long, and then our family can pray us out of purgatory. Once in hell, that is where you are for eternity. I agree with the rest of what you said.
It is the people in the Catholic like Pelosi that don’t follow the church’s teaching.
Keep in mind Democrats do not believe facts they only believe ‘Liberal facts’ which have no bases in reality. Hell is busily enlarging the gates for the large influx of Democrat Progressive
do very soon and looks like NY is leading the parade.
The last Democrat that was good to this country was John F kennedy. The liberal minds must have been blown when he said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”
The libertards have never recovered from that famous moment.
I wonder if that’s why some people think that LBJ (a really rotten liberal) had him killed.
It has the appearance that Amy Klobuchar
Is more concerned with making a name for
Herself than for doing the right thing and
Keeping her heart pure. There are many
People in the valley of decision that have
Already sold out to the devil, and they are
All about to find out why God, is called,
“Most High”, because He is fed up with all
This evil. It would be a real good time for
Multitudes in darkness on the left to jump
Ship before it is too late.
The definition of democrat should be “hypocrite!” That’s why I will never be one. And Amy K? She’s just another embarassment to my home state.
if it were not for their double standards, they would have no standards at all. Heard this many times, still rings true.