Cell phone via Unsplash.


Sony was ranked as the 10th most-popular U.S. brand.

sony youtube انشات سنة 2013 علي العرب سات والهوتبيرد ثم اغلقت واكملت فتح القناة علي يوتيوب وكانت تملك مشاهدات كبيرة تصل الي ثلاث ملايين مشاهدة(وبدات التطوير عام 2015 وتم فتح اربع قنوات منها (للمصارعة واسمها (sony wwe )واخري للمسلسلات واسمها(sony global) واخري للاغاني الشاملة واسمها(sony.tv)واخري للرياضة العالمية واسمها (sony extra) وسيعودون قريبا علي اربع اقمار صناعية وسيبثون 6 قنوات جديدة (علي الهوتبيرد و استراوالعرب سات ويوتلسات ومعلومات عن فتحها علي نايل سات وسيتم بث القنوات سنة 2018 او 2019.


  1. I see……..what number was Chick-fil-a? Certaibly they served more customers than Honda or Toyota. There’s no way Honda and Toyota combined sold more cars than Chick-fil-a sold meals.

  2. What criteria are you using to determine woke companies? Some of the ones on your list are among the most woke in America, like Amazon.

  3. I Didn’t see too many U.S. names, and HEB was a bit Surprising ( pretty much a Texas Thing Growing into a Southwest thing ) They do have the best groceries and produce around, and Their wine Rack is phenomenal, even for a guy who doesn’t drink wine, Local and Semi local meat and produce at reasonable prices, good people, whats NOT to love ?,

  4. Woke Schmoke !!! I’m sick of that stupid right-wing buzzword !!! It’s now meaningless and is automatically applied to anyone with even moderately liberal views .

  5. Woke Schmoke ! I’m sick of this stupid conservative buzzword . It’s being used so loosely and indiscriminately by the biased conservative media it no longer has any meaning . It’s nothing but an excuse to attack, demonize and lie about anyone with even moderately liberal views .

  6. ARBY’S is woke. Their motto? WE HAVE THE CHEATS!
    I saw a commercial for fish and chips.
    The deal breaker was a separate charge for the fries.
    That’s like buying tires with no air.

  7. Woke Schmoke ! I’m sick of that stupid loaded conservative buzzword ! The right in America has been using this term so loosely and indiscriminately it no longer has any meaning . It’s just an excuse to attack and demonize anyone who expresses even moderately liberal opinions . Ugh .

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