By Elvert Barnes from Baltimore, Maryland, USA - 35a.QueerMarch.NYC.30June2019, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Congressional Democrats unveiled a radical new ‘Transgender Bill of Rights’ on Wednesday which seeks to grant legal favoritism to alternative sexual lifestyles.

As The Hill reports:

The proposal, dubbed the “Transgender Bill of Rights,” would codify the Supreme Court’s 2020 Bostock v. Clayton County decision that protects employees against discrimination for being gay or transgender.

he proposal would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to explicitly include protections for gender identity and sex characteristics, expand access to gender-affirming care and ban conversion therapy.

It would also require the attorney general to designate a liaison dedicated to overseeing enforcement of civil rights for transgender people and invest in community services to prevent anti-transgender violence.

The bill’s advocates cited the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down Roe vs. Wade as one of the reasons why the far-left bill was supposedly necessary.


  1. Since the Trans body is much stronger than the female body, this
    will completely destroy female sports. Why is this more important
    that female sports? Where are all the women in this movement????
    There is maybe one or two percent Trans, how about the other 98 or
    99% that are female? Where are all the people that have fought for
    womens rights. Have people in Washington lost their minds??????

  2. There is only one answer to dealing with liberal dem bloodsucking parasitical ticks.
    Talk and voting are not it!

  3. Democrats are as fruity and nutty as fruit cakes and dangerous as a Buffalo you agitate at Yellowstone. Only Almighty God can do something with them I pray and believe he will.

  4. Cross hormones, puberty blockers and surgery on healthy flesh are all MALPRACTICE on minores.

  5. Are there, really, enough of them to change an entire country!?
    I guess we’re going to start issuing a ‘Bill of Rights’ for every whining group.

  6. Are you getting it yet? There are people who are intentionally evil in the world. They are tools of the devil who you don’t believe exists when you agreed that God our Creator doesn’t exist.
    These people aren’t happy if they aren’t hurting someone. Normal people don’t seem able to grasp this – but you better, if you want humanity to continue. The devil’s plan has always been to destroy, eliminate, and cause as much chaos as possible – and we can see that succeeding when we are on our own.
    So, REPENT AMERICA and turn back to Christ our Savior. Put these people back into their dark and dirty closet!

  7. Anyone stupid enough to undergo gender reassignment and is no longer able to reproduce is probably doing the gene pool a favor!

  8. The DNC’s anthem should be changed to that Ozzy Osborne song “Crazy Train” because they’re definitely trying to derail themselves with insanity.

  9. Sure let’s give “Special Rights” to a group of Psychotics that make up less than 1% of the US population. Dimocrats really picked a perfect mascot in a Jackass.

  10. This absurd House bill is the tail wagging the dog! “Transgenders” constitute 0.04 percent of the US population and they are most likely psychologically ill!

  11. The days of Noah are back with the same vengeance that was felt back in Noah’s day! The consequences were not good for the perversion of that era neither will it be good for our present era! God doesn’t mess around with any form of perversion!

  12. There is nothing “sick ” about this . Fact : There is rampant bigotry against transgender people in America , and churches and the conservative media have been fanning the flames of mindless fear and hatred of trans people for a long time .
    Trans people are absolutely harmless . They mind their own business and mean no one any harm , certainly not children . But in recent years dozens of them have been brutally murdered by bigots with no regard for decency or the rights of others .
    And no children are being forced to have sex changes ! Don’t believe the lies of the conservative media ! Gay people are far more likely to be harmed and the victims of violence and even murder than to harm or kill anyone else .

  13. We need to go back to the simple concept that you’re a man or woman based on how you were born. If you don’t like it, change how you dress/look, but you are what you are. None of this transgender BS.

  14. these people are literally insane, totally nuts. why aren’t normal women protesting and raiseing hell like the idiotic morons are.

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