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The Chinese-born COVID-19 virus originated in a Wuhan, China lab, according to reports. Its leak of the virus has created a global pandemic. 


  1. I must ask, are China’s greatest crimes against humanity any worst then the crimes of the United States? In the last fifty years this government of the people, by the people, and for the people have slaughtered approx. seventy million of the most innocent of all life in the wombs of their mothers.
    Many were burned alive in the womb by a saline solution, many had their limbs literally ripped from their little bodies, many had their skulls crushed, and many had their little bodies pulled almost all the way out of the womb except for just a few inches of their skulls and a doctor jammed a pair of forceps into the back of the baby skull to kill it.
    But wait, let us go back from nearly the beginning of this nation’s history. Every treaty this government made with the native Indians were broken by this government, and they killed tens of thousands while driving them out of their land. They even infected blankets with smallpox hoping to wipe out entire tribes of men, women and children. They promised free healthcare to 600 single Black men in Albama, and later in Guam 6000 if they would only volunteer for medical study, not telling them that it was a syphilis study… Many actually contracted the syphilis disease and later infected their wives and children causing the death of many…
    Shall I also write about the tens or hundreds of thousands which were in slavery, and the death of many of them.
    Then there were the wars that killed millions all the while making many millionaires who manufactured the weapons to kill others, and let’s not forget the embargoes place on nations that caused the death of millions by salvation in the last one hundred years or more…

    Yes, the United States has saved a lot of lives over the years, but does that erase the bad which she has done? The man who stands before the judge for his crime of murder, does the judge take in account of the good things he has done in his life? No!

    1. Yup. You nailed it. Now we have Brandon letting criminals and terrorists into the country scott-free on the south border, resulting in quite a few murders by them, and untold amounts of drugs coming in. But, this has been going on by all peoples in all countries since the beginning of time when Cain killed Abel. We all must be conscious of humanity’s tendency toward violence and injustice and seek peace.

    2. Yes, China’s crimes are worse than ours, and we should and must speak out against their human rights abuses. If we don’t speak out now, we will soon be unable to speak out.

    3. All humanity is on equal footing in need of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. But as we see today and throughout history, many arrogantly and tragically choose to reject God and serve the adversary.

      10 As it is written:
      11 There is no one righteous, not even one;
          there is no one who understands;
          there is no one who seeks God.
      12 All have turned away,
          they have together become worthless;
      there is no one who does good,
          not even one.
      13 Their throats are open graves;
          their tongues practice deceit.
      The poison of vipers is on their lips.
      14 Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness.
      15 Their feet are swift to shed blood;
      16 ruin and misery mark their ways,
      17 and the way of peace they do not know.
      18 There is no fear of God before their eyes.

    4. China has aborted even more babies than the U.S. Also the Cultural Revolution. Our human rights record is not great, but China’s is worse. Repentance and revival are badly needed everywhere.

    5. The 70 million murdered in America were not by the government, but by their mothers. Quite a difference in my opinion.

    6. There is one big difference. The worst crimes committed by the U.S. were done over a century ago. We improved. The crimes China commits are happening right now. The US abolished slavery in 1865. Islam and China practice it today. I should also remind you that it was not that long ago that for millions of people, make that tens of millions of people, the most beautiful words they ever heard were, ” The Americans are coming.”

    7. I agree with your comments about abortion, but not much of anything else. It wasn’t “our” government that was responsible for all of those wrongs you mentioned. It was the government of those times. I never owned a slave, never abused an American Indian or anyone else, never broke any treaties, never started any wars, and I refuse to feel guilty or responsible for any of that. There has always been evil in the world, and I guess there always will be. Like so many people these days, you seem to think, or imply, that America is a horrible place. Yes, we could be better, and continuing to “drain the swamp” and build the wall would be a big step forward.

      1. All true Dwight. But people won’t let it go. I too have done no wrong to blacks and I’m also from American Indian ancestors. And I know the stories from the people that I’m directly descended from. Google the Monacan tribe. But that’s in the past and no one owes us an apology. The Indians had it worse than blacks.

    8. Are you saying that the United States of America is as bad or worse than is China right now at this time in history?

    9. Three weeks from now you will wish you had started today. Simply give it a shot on the accompanying site.

      GOOD LUCK…

    10. Three weeks from now you will wish you had started today. Simply give it a shot on the accompanying site.

      GOOD LUCK… 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐲𝐬𝟎𝟏.𝐓𝐤

    11. Watchman 48:I am a strongly against abortions and needless death of any human. However, the US, due mostly to democrat laws and beliefs are responsible for some 70 million deaths by abortion. While that is appalling, you have no idea of how many abortions or just outright infanticide deaths have taken place in Chinese prisons and forced labor camps. Like the information on the BIO Weapon, they unleased on all humanity, that is killing millions all over the globe, China will never admit to it or give you any detail of the numbers who die, or of the ones they have locked down at least 5 0 major cities all across China at this very moment. This was done so myopic Westerners would support their propaganda games, and to make themselves and the fools attending games there think “There is nothing to see here.”. We do know that within the past 50 years [your timeline], Chairman Mao, and his Red Purge slaughtered over 100 Million of his own people. Xi, perhaps in an attempt to show the CCP he can out do Mao, has rounded up all ethnic Uyghurs, and imprisoned them in slave labor camps. China does not tell the world how many die in those prison camps. They do not share the death count going on right at this moment in the 5 multimillion populated cities they have locked down to foster the lie that they are not affected by the virus. They would rather let people die unaided in those cities as they did in Wuhan. All political prisoners from Hong Kong, Tibet, and many small Pacific basin islands paved over by the CCP Belt and Road Imperial global march toward becoming the rival Superpower to the US. What is the human cost there? We have no data on how many died or were extorted by China because people were not looking at the human or cultural cost. They just wanted to make money and investors kept funding the CCP. They looked away from the global human misery, and who died due to ruthless practice of harvesting organs as a means to torture people, often while they are still alive, and often as part of the punishment for being a “dissident”. Some, lay on the gurney drugged, and incapacitated but awake as some of their internal organs are removed so they can see what happens when you do not agree with the CCP.
      I find your comparison of the US abortions, which are godless and criminal, the same as comparing the US placing Japanese in camps during WWII while Nazi Germany ran death camps and slave labor camps for te Jews and political Prisoner ” Dissidents” who dared to disagree with Hitler. All I can say, as bad as you think America is in your narrow perspective, I never have heard of any Japanese being burned in ovens, or experimented on by insane doctors, tortured or having their organs removed while still alive. Thus, while I agree abortion is wrong, please do not continue to foster this Self Flagellation of your Country over one issue that you have clearly not viewed from a broader perspective. Do not buy into the massive Chinese propaganda of them making themselves look neat and orderly to the world. The blood mess they make in the background to foster that image is horrific.

  2. Been doing so since 1949, AHC has a docustory on tyrants: Mao, Hitler, Mussolini, Gaddafi, Hussien etc

  3. Abortion is a national shame, and we should stand against it, but we still must shine the light of liberty on the abuse of human rights in China. If we fail to speak out, we will sooner or later lose our own right to speak out against anything, including abortion. It is wrong to ignore human rights abuse in China because we are not perfect ourselves.

  4. We are without a doubt, one of the most hypocritical nations on the planet It’s a good thing we got rid of that glass house, put those blinders on, trained the media to become our propaganda machine, and infected the entertainment industry to sell us on what a great country we are. There seems to be two sets of rules for just about everything we do. For the most part, Americans are peaceful, passionate, industrious, and charitable. The politicians have proven themselves to be corrupt, dishonest, self-serving, and have their own set of rules and/or laws that makes them untouchable. That’s what allows us to talk out of both sides of our mouth. So sorry for the “sugar coating”.

  5. The current heinous crime being committed is the genetic experimenting on billions of humans with the disgusting mRNA jabs. Your human DNA will NEVER again be the same.

  6. I can not believe that China thinks that the world would be fooled by what they showed on their broadcast at the opening of the Olympics! In reality they are devil possessed, and not angelic, as they displayed they were, in the opening exercises! I was repulsed watching their fabricated look-good presentation! The world is not stupid to believe what they heard and saw, if they know how China actually governs!

  7. The USA along with a plethora of G20 nation are aligning with China’s atrocity programs . No , not the great people of these nations but the heads of state along with transnational heads of corporations and numerous institutions ( education , judicial , economic , military etc ) that are complicit with the CCP policies by accepting their monetary bribes mounting to a chronology of infiltration tactics . Treasonous participants shall be dealt with in due course inclusive of a compromised media .

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