barnyz via Flickr

A new Gallup poll is now showing that Americans progressively shifted their preferences away from Democrats and toward Republicans over the course of 2021.

As The Hill reports:

In the first quarter of last year, 49 percent of Americans said they identified as a Democrat or a lean-Democrat independent, while 40 percent said they were Republicans or lean-Republican independents, pollsters found. This marked the largest lead Democrats had over the GOP since 2012, when the left led the right by nine points, the survey giant noted.

The percentage of Americans who identified as Democrats or lean-Democratic independents remained steady at 49 percent in the second quarter while more Americans said they were Republicans or lean-Republican independents, increasing from 40 percent to 43 percent.

Democrats saw a drop of 4 percentage points in the third quarter, falling to 45 percent, while Republicans continued to increase their base, gaining 1 more percentage point to bring them to 44 percent.

By the fourth quarter of last year, more Americans said they identified with the right compared to the left, 47 percent to 42 percent.

The numbers provide a look at the US electorate as it gears up for the 2022 midterm elections.


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      1. So you must suck Dick and swallow like your friend did your friend tell you that she always charging me 25 cents

  1. It’s all because of the great governor protecting his constituents. This can be done throughout the country if all governors cared about theirs and not themselves. I can attest to this. I live in California.

    1. You can’t be talking about the idiot governor of the people’s republic of California. Only a moron would stand up for that asshole.

      1. Had a chance to remove him from office and it was rejected by a 70-30 margin, (if I remember the numbers right). What does that tell you about us Commirfornians?

  2. Anyone that would vote for a Democrat there is a 99.9% chance they are a pedophile and have more that likely molested their children
    or other people’s,Democrats arementally ill species

  3. LISTEN UP….GOD is Against the DEMOCRATS. THEIR WAYS are NOT HIS WAYS. JESUS Said…..A TREE is KNOWN by the FRUIT it PRODUCES. From SamuraiQueen. 😄😄😄😇😇😇

    1. Unless of course the BLUE Meanie robots stuff the ballot boxes with triplicate ballots and the votes from the cemeteries.

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