Last photograph taken of president Herbert Hoover shaking hands with president John F. Kennedy, taken before both presidents' deaths. Via Wikimedia Commons.

Warren G. Harding (1921-1923)

MoneyWise writes, “Warren G. Harding’s administration was wrought with scandals. The Teapot Dome was one of many — involving bribes, oil companies and the first imprisonment of a presidential cabinet member. Many of his friends in office were also corrupt, using their power unscrupulously for personal gain. And while Harding may not have been involved with all the corruption directly, he was far from a stand-up guy.”

President Warren G. Harding with his wife and father. Via Wikimedia Commons.


  1. Obama is flat out the worst. Followed by Bill Clinton. Author of the Clinton global initiative and leading to Obama handing America to socialism

  2. Seem to be some lacking like Presidents Biden and Obama! Most corrupt, unfit and incompetent in US history!! Only their Democrats and get a pass!!

  3. All these men combined are still far far better than Pedo Joe. In FACT they are better than Slick Willie and Obozo as well. These three are the worst by far making those on this list seem great. This list was made by many who are part of the Problem in American schools the teach what they claim is history and not what actual history is. They left off LBJ as well as Carter. They ignored by choice the worst of the Worst by not putting Carter and the other three they left off namely Pedo Joe the absolute worst ever fllowed by Obozo the most CRIMINAL and Slick Willie the SLEAZIEST.

  4. Americans will never once rated a bad public servant , that will always stick with you foe the rest of you life. & the public servant will never be liked , destroying public trust nobody should done. if it happens , you are all washed up.

  5. It must be a list of the worst presidents in ancient history. The current Resident* makes the ones on the list look like Abe Lincoln.

  6. Old Quid Pro Quo corrupt China owned lying thieving Demented deranged whimpishly weak Joe Biden easily wins the #1 Title for worst president of all time.

  7. Every American able & disable is watching of every profession, Seniors American citizens, of every color ethnicity, our military, of every elected official who takes the Oath of office when they get elected honestly to any branch of office receiving a American salary or paycheck

  8. The list is politically correct in that all those mentioned are dead. The list includes Johnson, who was impeached but failed to mention U. S. Grant. I think racists such as L. B. Johnson and, to a lesser extent, Kennedy belong on the list. Current generation miscreants such as Carter, Clinton and Obama should also be considered!!

  9. F J Bidet (VAT I can) should be on the list…Catholics have ‘god before country’ which really means ‘ VATICAN before the USA”. This is treason.
    Have you ever heard of a successful CATHOLIC “C” nation?
    Have you ever heard of a CATHOLIC “C” nation that was not corrupt?
    Have you ever heard of a CATHOLIC “C” nation that had an infrastructure?
    Colorado is a CATHOLIC “C” controlled state. So is FL CA NM AZ IL OR ND NY!
    The CATHOLIC have run the USA for 75 years. Vote for ANY CATHOLIC
    C and you vote for a traitor and destruction of the USA…

  10. This is the most incompetent, inept, destructive, corrupt, cheating thieves and divisive administration in the history of our Country. That should resign in mass and beg Donald J. Trump back to save our republic.

  11. In my opinion, Obama is by far the worse or the worse president, a real snake in the grass… Obama destroyed all advancements for better race relations then all other presidents in my seventy-three years… And it is Obama who is controlling Liar Biden.

  12. Carter, Clinton, Obama and Joe Biden should be added as four of the worst presidents of all times. Clinton allowed his lying wife to rule while he sexually harassed young women. Obama started the hate campaign and divided our Country. Biden is nothing but a greedy man who bribed a foreign country and receives money, through his criminal son, from China. Each of these men betrayed America.

  13. Yawn…. this list means nothing.
    American “historians”?????
    Are they any more competent and trustworthy than our American scientific community??????
    American “historians” should just worry about rewriting American history. That’s what’s important in this country now.

  14. Where on this list is the President responsible for the deaths of 600,000 to 650,000 Americans. The President that suspended habeas corpus, had the State legislature of Maryland locked up before it could vote to secede, blockaded Southern Ports(an act of war), shuttered newspapers and had editors locked up, supported the devastating acts of Sherman on his march to the sea(raping, pillaging, destroying property and farms), refused to meet with a delegation from South Carolina three times to try for a peaceful resolution of the Union troops controlling Fort Sumpter, the origin of the Income Tax, and more. Why is this President not on this list?

  15. Joe is the worst president in my lifetime, he outdoes all previous presidents including all mentioned here, even outdoes J. Carter, another sick man.

  16. this administration has 2 other people helping him run his administration how sad, that this administration has no value of human beings lives, justice to be done to wrong doers, honesty, dignity, honor, Truth pasts present . but only when it comes o his relatives . But God will prevail over all of it, the truth will prevail of all the ones who have robbed Americas of anything, past. present at any point in time

  17. In my lifetime for worst Presidents of the USA are Biden first, Obama second, Carter third, Johnson fourth, Clinton fifth!

  18. The very fact that this list does not include Andrew Jackson or Woodrow Wilson, yet does include Harding makes the entire thing a JOKE!

  19. Yet another bogus list. Or, at least cut short. FDR, Woodrow Wilson, Carter, Obama, and Biden were short changed when their names were omitted.

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