Senate Democrats via Wikimedia Commons

Sen. Bernie Sanders

Sanders, a proud socialist, has a net favorability rating of 3%, with 41% saying they think of him unfavorably, while 44% favor him.

Michael Vadon / CC BY-SA (


  1. 15I heard about and I’ve made such great money. It’s really user friendly and I’m just so happy that I found out about it. The potential with this is endless. 
    Here’s what I do… 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟎𝟏.𝐓𝐤

      1. Not this VT voter, the dude is deranged! But there are a lot of out of state transplants here now who like him. If you weren’t born in VT ….GET OUT!!!!

  2. Except for President Trump and Governor DeSantis all the people were either Democraps or FAKE Republicans. The only way that those on the list except for President Trump and Governor DeSantis could get anything above a ZERO positive rating was they only asked their families. The reason President Trump and Governor DeSantis got low numbers is they used more Democraps tha. ACTUAL Republicans.

    1. Fake ‘r’ is CATHOLIC.. The turtle is CATHOLIC. Pelosi is CATHOLIC. F J Bidet is CATHOLIC. A hundred nations, a thousand years and exactly 100% FAILURE. Look south for proof. Vote accordingly.

  3. The turtle is CATHOLIC. Pelosi is CATHOLIC. F J Bidet is CATHOLIC. A hundred nations, a thousand years and exactly 100% FAILURE. Look south for proof. Vote accordingly.

    1. and alf or alfie whatever you call yourself this week you are obviously NOT an American or you would know we each have the right of worship and Affiliation that WE choose,…. not who Some nutbag called “alf” has to opine on the matter,…. not being a catholic it has truly no bearing on me But I do get tired of your full time communist rant Comrade alfie,…. and I do NOT call you comrade in the “Friend sense “

  4. The poles were obviously done by democrats because they were very kind tom them. I read where dopey Joe positive rating is 38% or less!!

  5. This is BS! No way that Bernie Sanders is more popular than Donald Trump or Ron DiSantis. This poll must have been taken on mostly Ivy League and West Coast Universities

  6. The 3 village idiots in this picture make me want to puke. Don’t know which one I dislike the most. It’s a race to the bottom

  7. IMHO… If we could get rid of G. Soros and all of his connections and puppets, most of our problems would be solved almost immediately.
    Treason is the main Charge against all of them!

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