Photo by Gage Skidmore

‘Climate Change’

According to CNN, “The largest portion of the framework focuses on climate and would include the largest legislative investment in combating climate change in US history, according to the White House. White House officials say the framework Biden is set to lay out will put the US track to Biden’s Paris Agreement goal: a 50-52% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions below 2005 levels by the end of the decade.” Investments included in the package include hundreds of billions to “combat” a supposed “climate crisis.”

By Anders Hellberg – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,


  1. Only gullible fools believe in climate change.( The climate has changed all by itself for millions of years!) We do not need Obama care, and illegals are entitled to NOTHING! (except to be returned to where ever they ILLEGALLY came from!)

      1. Native Americans came to America from Asian in the area of Siberia. They all descend from a single gene pool. DNA has proven that “American Indians” are also immigrants. In our world today, most of us originally came from another part of the world. Carmela, don’t be so smug.

      2. Oh puleeeze! You should be grateful for the European “invasion” back in the 1500’s or you would still be living in a tepee with a bonfire for heat!!!

  2. Why is it that when ever President Trump wanted something done, passed or putting up a border wall to protect the AMERICAN CITIZENS, and the #DEMODUMBASSESS did everything they could to stop them and now #SLEEZYSLIMYJOE wants basically the same thing President Trump wanted and the #DEMODUMBASSESS either don’t understand or they are just plain stupid because the Republicans aren’t doing much to agree to this new stimulus package.

  3. If I heard it right, there’s still 10% of the bill yet to be written and yet Pelosi is trying to get a vote taken on it. Another “You have to vote for it to see what’s in it” scam. Can you imagine what would be put into the bill if it is passed before it’s finished being written?

  4. These Democrats (Terminology used very Loosely) are reminiscent of about 30 Bumper cars, driven by Drunken individuals at an “Amusement Park” with no Directional Guidance!

  5. Are they going to “outlaw the use of our American nuclear weapons because launching them will cause massive climate change”??? They are all “crazy, insane and just plain nuts to do just that and will beg nuclear powers like China and Russia not to attack us with them or conquer us as a free people. with out them to defend us”!!! Wiht CHEATER Joe Biden, we could become one of China or Russia’s satellite Comunist countries with him as our Communist leader!!! This is the crazy world we live in today!!!!

    1. global warming is just another globalist scam to make globalists even more powerful and more wealthy and more evil .

    2. Joe may believe he will become a leader if China or Russia takes over but do you really think China or Russia would allow him to remain in power theyre much smarter than that.

  6. Climate change spending is the biggest pork spending. Nature cannot be changed, unless they go out and plant millions of trees and allow all animals to thrive. So I call it BS!

  7. I don’t have to read all the way through this. It’s a bunch of clap trap advocating the biggest transfer of wealth in our history!

  8. Do you even know what “pork” means? these are all defensible (highly defensible) policies designed to improve the way actual people live. Obviously you think they are self-evidently ridiculous, but you are wrong.

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