Impeacher Rep. Katko is a longtime anti-Trumper, proving this by voting to hold Mr. Bannon in contempt.
Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Transportation Security, John Katko grills a panel of witnesses including U.S. Customs and Border Protection Office of Field Operations Executive Assistant Commissioner John Wagner on the potential security risks involved in the resumption of commercial aviation to and from Cuba. (CBP Photo by Glenn Fawcett). Via Wikimedia Commons.
They are NOT ‘republicans’ they are CATHOLIC traitors. The R party is now controlled by the CATHOLIC TRAITORS. The D party is now controlled by the CATHOLIC TRAITORS. (This is a third party of Catholics, and they are a third of all of congress and senate)
From the research I have done (lots), I have found not one successful “C” nation.
Now, in the USA, for the past 30 years there has been a concerted effort to install the Catholics in govt (In the past 20 years they have gotten the SCOTUS judges to be Catholic. This says a lot. In the past 30 years they have gotten 30 percent of the congress and senate to be “C” (only 20 percent of general population is Catholic).When the US was formed (1776 or thereabouts, 1.5 percent were Catholic. They are flooding away from the places they trash and come to the US to trash it. (You are free to verify my statistics.). And now for the past 5 years the congress and senate are in a big heat to legalize the 50 million illegal alien VATICAN “C” invaders. I think this is sufficient to be alarmed.
Vote every “C” out and save the nation.
Watch the CATHOLIC “C” dance! Sidestep, divert, change the subject,then insult!
The reason is that they have not even one argument on the question: Give me a nice long list of ONE successful Catholic nation. You have a hundred to pick from just south of the USA… I am waiting!
ONLY AN IDIOT would use such words. The truth hurts doesn’t it? You must belong to the club of the Socialist Democ rat party. You go and hid under a rock with crazy Joe Biden.
you are One Sick Puppy,…. NO CLASS, NO CHARACTER, NO STYLE,…. I May Not be Catolic,…. in fact I’m Native,…. But I do Know What the first amendment means,…. And with Your Comments,….we should actually address you with Zeig hiel mine douche -Meister
Look south and see a hundred nations, all Catholic, and not one success. Once a nation is killed by the VATICAN oppressors there is no recovery possible.
What does being Catholic have to do with being a Native? One is a religion, the other is a race. There are natives that are Catholic. Personally, I wouldn’t choose to be Catholic, and I’m not defending Catholic hypocrites, but confusing a religion with a race is just wrong.
You can’t lump all Catholics in one group. Just because some evil people claim to be Catholic doesn’t mean all Catholics are evil. Hitler did that with Jews and he wasn’t fond of any religions.
how about taking the “C” out of the equation and replace with a “D” and an “M” (Democrat/Muslim). Then our country will have a fair shake at redemption for all the wrongs bestowed upon us.
They all ought to be stricken from the Republican Party. There are nothing but turn coat pigs. Anybody that would go against Trump and join the likes of Biden’s corrupt bastards are not on the side of good and making America good again. They are Communist Pigs.
The turn coat pigs are all CATHOLIC. Biden is CATHOLIC. Pelosi is CATHOLIC. Do you see the pattern? Catholic and traitor cannot be separated from each other.
ok, if you are a republican and you are to be appointed by a democratic leftist, you should really have an idea that you have leftist ideas and maybe check into a mental health facility or just buy the lie you ran on and switch to the democratic leftist side of the Congress.
history shows that when an elected representative of the people doesn’t do the will of the people, they are unseated. it is unfortunate that by the time terms are up, the deals are done, the people grow smart, and notice. this last 5 years has awakened the American spirit that had slid into mediocrity. this policy that has crept into society is reflected in these rinos. they cross into the cancel culture that is so fad in politically uneducated citizens. no one likes a turn-coat.
I am definitely on Bannon’s side. This so-called commission is a major joke perpetrated mainly by brainless anti-American Pelosi just to humiliate Trump. She thinks she can get at him through others so he won’t consider running in 2024. What she doesn’t get is that she will be rocking on her front porch behind the wall surrounding his Frisco house which was paid for by tax payers!!
I have known some very Godly Catholics in my Christian walk but this is government. A good majority of left leaning politicians claim Catholicism. The Catholic church was founded in collaboration with the old Judaism style beliefs that requires a priest to absolve you of your sins. The priesthood however ended with the one true high priest offering Hisself as a final sacrifice. Christ our Lord. In Catholicism, however, this constant absolution still persists. That’s why it has always been a favorite of high powered individuals. They commit a sin and get absolved of it. Catholicism also invites all comers to the table. You, me, Islam, witches, warlocks, the list goes on. Don’t believe me? Visit your local convent and look around. Spooky! We left Catholic European rule to create a better way. Gods Way. The end times suggests a one world order of an apostate Church. Just sayin. Maybe Alfie has a point. You never know. Nasty Nancy Pelosi says she’s Catholic.
I hope Cheney enjoys the fleeting fruits of her labors cause she has crossed the threshold to become unsalvageable waste to the US citizen and should be required to carry a green-card like all democraps.
The C also are the biggest pedophiles and children trafficking in the US. Stop all money going to C charity’s. This person they have in the Vatican is one evil person. Never have I seen a pope betrayed all the C especially on abortions, and sending illegals all over the world. Send all the illegals back.
I am Catholic and would put my conservative, pro-American bona fides up against anyone. That said, I am very disappointed in many of my fellow Catholics for their support of the left whose policies violate practically every commandment and principle espoused by the church. I don’t trust the current Pope who has wandered far out of his lane with respect to his comments on the environment and politics and I scoff at and deplore the likes of Pelosi, Biden, and other CINO politicians who should be excommunicated due to their apostasy, but American bishops are too weak and politicized to take a stand .
It is really quite sad that the Republicans cannot stand united the way the Democrats do. No wonder we keep losing. Time to get rid of those turncoats!!
They are NOT ‘republicans’ they are CATHOLIC traitors. The R party is now controlled by the CATHOLIC TRAITORS. The D party is now controlled by the CATHOLIC TRAITORS. (This is a third party of Catholics, and they are a third of all of congress and senate)
From the research I have done (lots), I have found not one successful “C” nation.
Now, in the USA, for the past 30 years there has been a concerted effort to install the Catholics in govt (In the past 20 years they have gotten the SCOTUS judges to be Catholic. This says a lot. In the past 30 years they have gotten 30 percent of the congress and senate to be “C” (only 20 percent of general population is Catholic).When the US was formed (1776 or thereabouts, 1.5 percent were Catholic. They are flooding away from the places they trash and come to the US to trash it. (You are free to verify my statistics.). And now for the past 5 years the congress and senate are in a big heat to legalize the 50 million illegal alien VATICAN “C” invaders. I think this is sufficient to be alarmed.
Vote every “C” out and save the nation.
FU Alfie……..go find a rock to climb under
Disruptive and divisive. Let’s make it a boulder..
Watch the CATHOLIC “C” dance! Sidestep, divert, change the subject,then insult!
The reason is that they have not even one argument on the question: Give me a nice long list of ONE successful Catholic nation. You have a hundred to pick from just south of the USA… I am waiting!
ONLY AN IDIOT would use such words. The truth hurts doesn’t it? You must belong to the club of the Socialist Democ rat party. You go and hid under a rock with crazy Joe Biden.
Your ignorance is only exceeded by your stupidity! How do you climb under a rock?
you are One Sick Puppy,…. NO CLASS, NO CHARACTER, NO STYLE,…. I May Not be Catolic,…. in fact I’m Native,…. But I do Know What the first amendment means,…. And with Your Comments,….we should actually address you with Zeig hiel mine douche -Meister
Look south and see a hundred nations, all Catholic, and not one success. Once a nation is killed by the VATICAN oppressors there is no recovery possible.
What does being Catholic have to do with being a Native? One is a religion, the other is a race. There are natives that are Catholic. Personally, I wouldn’t choose to be Catholic, and I’m not defending Catholic hypocrites, but confusing a religion with a race is just wrong.
You can’t lump all Catholics in one group. Just because some evil people claim to be Catholic doesn’t mean all Catholics are evil. Hitler did that with Jews and he wasn’t fond of any religions.
I am seeing the same thing
Are you sure it’s really Catholics, and not Freemasons?
Take a good, long look at politicians, and see just how many are wearing Masonic rings.
how about taking the “C” out of the equation and replace with a “D” and an “M” (Democrat/Muslim). Then our country will have a fair shake at redemption for all the wrongs bestowed upon us.
They are scumbag rinos. We must vote them out for sure.
scumbag, rino and CATHOLIC are all the same.
They all ought to be stricken from the Republican Party. There are nothing but turn coat pigs. Anybody that would go against Trump and join the likes of Biden’s corrupt bastards are not on the side of good and making America good again. They are Communist Pigs.
The turn coat pigs are all CATHOLIC. Biden is CATHOLIC. Pelosi is CATHOLIC. Do you see the pattern? Catholic and traitor cannot be separated from each other.
Can any of these Catholic politicians get Communion? Biden was turned down by the Vatican the last time he petitioned presumably, for killing babies.
please spell check before sending
ok, if you are a republican and you are to be appointed by a democratic leftist, you should really have an idea that you have leftist ideas and maybe check into a mental health facility or just buy the lie you ran on and switch to the democratic leftist side of the Congress.
Rhinos kick th
No One is Above the Law, but some people take acception to that.
GITMO for these SLEEZY, ScumBucket RINO-assed C0CKSuckers…
No flipping wonder this nation is weak. Wolves in sheep’s clothing. Better known as RAT’S. They need to be taken out.
Well now you know which scared little weasel rinos to vote out of office.
Now you know which scared little weasel rinos to vote out.
history shows that when an elected representative of the people doesn’t do the will of the people, they are unseated. it is unfortunate that by the time terms are up, the deals are done, the people grow smart, and notice. this last 5 years has awakened the American spirit that had slid into mediocrity. this policy that has crept into society is reflected in these rinos. they cross into the cancel culture that is so fad in politically uneducated citizens. no one likes a turn-coat.
The RINO Team as always
I am definitely on Bannon’s side. This so-called commission is a major joke perpetrated mainly by brainless anti-American Pelosi just to humiliate Trump. She thinks she can get at him through others so he won’t consider running in 2024. What she doesn’t get is that she will be rocking on her front porch behind the wall surrounding his Frisco house which was paid for by tax payers!!
I have known some very Godly Catholics in my Christian walk but this is government. A good majority of left leaning politicians claim Catholicism. The Catholic church was founded in collaboration with the old Judaism style beliefs that requires a priest to absolve you of your sins. The priesthood however ended with the one true high priest offering Hisself as a final sacrifice. Christ our Lord. In Catholicism, however, this constant absolution still persists. That’s why it has always been a favorite of high powered individuals. They commit a sin and get absolved of it. Catholicism also invites all comers to the table. You, me, Islam, witches, warlocks, the list goes on. Don’t believe me? Visit your local convent and look around. Spooky! We left Catholic European rule to create a better way. Gods Way. The end times suggests a one world order of an apostate Church. Just sayin. Maybe Alfie has a point. You never know. Nasty Nancy Pelosi says she’s Catholic.
No surprise, most are the usual suspects.
Yep. It’s time for all RINOs to update their resumes for their new jobs after the mid-term elections.
I hope Cheney enjoys the fleeting fruits of her labors cause she has crossed the threshold to become unsalvageable waste to the US citizen and should be required to carry a green-card like all democraps.
No Surprise here. After the November 2020 election fraud. The Pennsylvania citizens are not represented in the State.
FUK Chaney
Seriously….waiting for approval????
Maybe I should sign on as “alfie”….then I could say as much as I want and whatever goofy things I want….
These are not real Republicans, We must see that they are not elected again PERIOD!!!!!
The C also are the biggest pedophiles and children trafficking in the US. Stop all money going to C charity’s. This person they have in the Vatican is one evil person. Never have I seen a pope betrayed all the C especially on abortions, and sending illegals all over the world. Send all the illegals back.
I am Catholic and would put my conservative, pro-American bona fides up against anyone. That said, I am very disappointed in many of my fellow Catholics for their support of the left whose policies violate practically every commandment and principle espoused by the church. I don’t trust the current Pope who has wandered far out of his lane with respect to his comments on the environment and politics and I scoff at and deplore the likes of Pelosi, Biden, and other CINO politicians who should be excommunicated due to their apostasy, but American bishops are too weak and politicized to take a stand .
It is really quite sad that the Republicans cannot stand united the way the Democrats do. No wonder we keep losing. Time to get rid of those turncoats!!
It is a sad situation that the Republicans cannot unite the way the Dems do. We would be more on the winning side!
tell the dirtbag to go hunting with her father
Let’s Go Brandon and the horse (nanci pillooser) you rode in on!
I am waiting for you to convict the black boy cop for killing the unarmed woman you lousy slimy mfing bastards