Photo by Gage Skidmore

Rep. Stephanie Murphy, (D-FL)

Murphy, who wanted an immediate vote on the infrastructure bill, told the New York Times last week that the way Biden is governing “doesn’t reflect the skills I know he must have from his years as a legislator.”   

It was so great to run into Vice President @JoeBiden tonight – a proven fighter for families. We’re going to miss you #UncleJoe! #FL07. Via Wikimedia Commons.


  1. It seems like commiecrats are figuring him out. Next time they will be more careful who to help steal an election

    1. Dan –

      Yes, Dan. But the main thing is, how do we, the people, prevent another election from being stolen? Everyone, including Nancy Pelosi, knows that if an election IS stolen, it will be done by the Democrat Party – not the Republicans. It is always impossible to get truth from politicians, but we simply HAVE to get truth from elections, else the US is as dead as the Roman Empire.

        1. My sentiments exactly! HONEST, FAIR, TRUTH,LEGAL are words that should never be included in a sentence with the Word Democrat unless it is preceded with NOT

        2. But now they are starting to allow illegals who live here only 30 days vote. It looks like it’s going to be voted an approved
          by the NYC Council I believe it is next week.

      1. Dont worry, President trump is a stable genius 🙂 He has already put in place Blockchain Voting System You cannot cheat on it. This time Military were tallying up teh Official Votes behind the scenes and are catching all the crooks out! The fake Biden has been removed

      2. Jamey both parties had their dirty hands in the stolen election colluding with China. We will NEVER have a fair election until we get brave patriots in their states to pull down the election. The fraud was in every state. Many heroic AG’s have filed a complaint with the Supreme Court. Now we wait to see if they accept it.c

      3. No mail in ballots with a reasonable request (like out of the state or country)
        Voter ID must be shown to cast ALL ballots, including mail in
        One day voting only – no voting for weeks on end
        No same day registration – there must be clear cut deadlines and if you miss it you don’t vote
        SERIOUS penalties and possibly criminal charges for vote fraud
        And it all starts with voter registration – which you should have to PROVE you are a US citizen to register – no “let me sign and you believe me”!
        Voter roles must be cleaned up. There is no reason you have 500,000 people registered in Wisconsin or Michigan that are over 100 years old!
        ENGLISH ONLY ballots – if you don’t speak English, then you should not be a citizen, and therefore should not be voting!

  2. Of course they are. The ultimate thing on the minds of politicians is getting re elected. If they continue to follow commie joe, their chances are between slim and none. – and that would be all right with me.

    1. Uuuuh, THEY’RE DEMOCRATS and Trump isn’t Likable.
      Yes, I KNOW we need him back… OR someone just as Good that’s more universal in Appeal.

      1. The reason President Trump did a fantastic job is he loves this country and understands economic dos and don’t. When Liberals say tax the rich, tax the corporations shows the world how ignorant they are about economics. That goes back to biting the hand that feeds you. Pretty soon there are no more hands to bite. Ignorant Democrats! In Bernies case pure communist

        1. You are 100% correct. Too many people do not know basic economics. When you punish the job creators, you punish the job seekers.

        2. All of you are right about Mr. Trump. We were SO lucky finally to have a businessman instead of empty suits with honeyed tongues and stuffed shirts oozing false promises. At the end of the day it all comes down to the reckoning: how big is the bill, what services on the bill added genuine value, how will the bill be paid and WHO will pay it. Economic Realpolitik.

      2. Let’s discuss the things we can change and accept the things we can not. Millions of people LOVE PRESIDENT TRUMP. YOU WILL SEE HOW MANY IN THE NEXT FEW YEARS

  3. They are eating their own, what a wonderful sight to see. they can’t stand each other, and are turning on each other, get the popcorn. U just can’t fix stupid. Ask hidenbiden.

  4. Maybe if the communist democrat pedophile cult party would just kick the communists and terrorist sympathizers out of their party they would become democrats again!

  5. Difficult to support a traitor – the American people are not stupid. The ruling, elite class do not have a higher IQ.

  6. Tee-hee-hee!!! The joke’s on you Dumokrats , the head joker is in the WH where you little jokers put him to destroy the USA as we know it. You deserve to be ridiculed to the ends of the earth.

  7. That is just too bad ! You idiot Democraps were all on board with the Obama/Rice/Ellison / Biden regime so, you will go “ Down with the ship” ! The rats are going to drowned with the Fake DICKtator Biden ! You will also be prosecuted and GOTMO with you too !

  8. Bailing on Biden…if they were battling then why did they pass the Communist Socialist Regulatroy infrastructure bill…tha is only imposed to

  9. At least FOUR of these goons have ‘the face of a FOOL.’ No wonder they signed with Chao Bai Deng in the first place.

  10. You Democrats KNEW who Joe was when you elected him! Now we see the crocodile tears when Americans don’t like the Communist agenda. Yet, I don’t see any of these Congress people bringing impeachment charges against Dementia Joe! Don’t get fooled again!

  11. You see that hole? Rats come out of that hole. Look! Here comes one now. You take it. I’ve got plenty.

    from the Three Stooges visit the Insane Asylum.

  12. The mess at the border was no surprise for BRAIN ROT BIDEN it was all by far as everything else goes BRAIN ROT hasn’t got a clue !

  13. You know that things have gone from bad to worst-case scenario,…. when this number of demonRATs begin to Abandon the sinking ship “Commissar cho bai din”,…. as for beat-off odourke he isn’t listening,…. nobody wants him as anything, not even dog catcher,….he fails to see the Evil being done by his comrades in arms , the tax and spend pahhhhhhhty,…. as for the 2A we know that beat-off o dourke has no juice to Initiate the plans he portrays,…. but we DO know that his plans are NOT the American peoples plans ,…. we do NOT want Portland style politics here or beat-off o’dourke in office,…. end of story.

  14. The problem is, they are ticked because their communist agenda isn’t moving faster. None of them care about the country! Their policies will destroy the US.

  15. It’s going to be a grand guilly comes 2022, Hooray. Now we have to figure out what we are going to do, because we cannot let them steal another Election.

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