By The White House - P20210201CW-0166, Public Domain,

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki is now under fire after attempting to blunt outrage over the Biden Administrations killing of an entire family of innocent civilians in Afghanistan by citing Biden’s history of grief.

As Fox News reports:

White House press secretary Jen Psaki was hammered Monday following her decision to invoke President Joe Biden’s personal losses and grief while responding to a question on the botched drone strike in Afghanistan.

“As a human being, as a president, and as somebody who has overseen loss in a variety of scenarios, both as a leader and personally, his reaction is it’s a tragedy, and every loss is a tragedy, and he supports the effort to move this forward as quickly as possible and to have a thorough investigation,” Psaki said to a reporter after being asked what Biden’s reaction was upon hearing of the failed strike.

The strike, intended to target ISIS-K terrorists following last month’s terror attack that killed 13 U.S. service members in Kabul, instead killed seven children, among other innocent victims.

Is Biden’s constant reference to his son’s death from cancer a cheap attempt to distract from genuine criticism? Let us know what you think in the comments below.


  1. I watched that press” conference AND the red haired witch said nothing again as usual.She repeatedly says, “the President thinks yada, yada”, but let’s face it, the President CAN’T think which is “why” he runs away from questions. If she “knows” what he thinks, then she’s just as clueless as he is!

        1. i am sure Lisa has a job. I am sure she performs in front of her computer camera in her bedroom both on her back and on her hands and knees. I hear that pays pretty good.

          1. No Experience Needed, No Boss Over il Your j Shoulder… Say Goodbye To Your Old Job! Limited Number Of Spots Open… 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒌47𝑯𝒊𝒕.𝑪𝑭

          2. No Experience Needed, No Boss Over l Your XX Shoulder… Say Goodbye To Your Old Job! Limited Number Of Spots Open… 𝗖𝗮𝘀𝗵𝗔𝗽𝗽𝟮𝟰𝟳.𝘁𝗸

    1. No Experience Needed, No Boss Over iil Your Shoulder… Say Goodbye To Your Old Job! Limited Number Of Spots Open… 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐣𝐨𝐛𝐬𝟒𝟕.𝐭𝐤

    2. globalists don’t allow globalist puppet, chester biden to think, globalists write notes and messages on a teleprompter and send messages through his ear piece .

    3. Surely you understand the role of a president’s press secretary. It’s not to justify decisions from a legal or constitutional standpoint, but rather state the president’s position, even if if’s vapid, unconstitutional, and dangerous. Or in Biden’s case, to state the position of his leftist handlers.

      By the way, didn’t the leftists Democrats say much the same as you just did about the real president, President Trump, when he was in office? And didn’t they call his press secretaries disparaging names?

      Aren’t we better than them? Not that you’re off track – far from it. But be nice – as possible. 😉

      1. Recce1 — It is WAY past time to be nice !!!!! The democrap are corrupt illegitimate scum and “taking the high road” or “not stooping to their level” or “aren’t we better than them” will get you nothing and nowhere with these scum. You see what being nice has gotten the repubs and Conservatives — LOSERS !!!! You fight fire with bigger fire NOT cowering in a corner and being “nice” !!!!

    4. Biden is CATHOLIC. Remove brain, insert dogma and never think again. Look south of the USA. A billion non thinkers that all want to live in the USA.

      1. That remark was one of a not knowing person. The catholic religion came from God not man It takes a thinking person to accept it. And please read ALL of Moses when God gave him instructions to build an altar If you don’t have an altar in your church. __ you’re in the wrong church!

  2. So is Byedin jerking off at the fact that he killed someone elses’ family to justify the deaths in his own family, while destroying the USA at record speed?

  3. The red headed reject is another turd that needs to be flushed. It’s becoming apparent that she is every bit as incompetent as Biden and that’s beyond pathetic.

    1. No, sorry but I absolutely disagree with you. She knows exactly what she’s saying. She’s been told how to lie, and she’s practiced trying to do it to the best of her ability. She knows it’s dishonest, but she’s decided to receive a paycheck in return for lying to the nation. She should be held accountable for all her tripe. She’s worse than Biden. She ranks with his “handlers.”

  4. King clown must go, Time to put a man back in the White House, not sure what we have now, but he is no President, current resident lacks coherent policies both domestic foreign, lacks any leadership attributes, does not have any principal, lacks honesty for sure, definitely lacks truthfilness, most of all lacks ability to fully comprehend most situtation, refuses to accept counsel , suffers Inabilty to communicate on world diplomacy, worst national security matters. Joe must go. This issue to govern is only going to get worse, where is the medical sign off this person is fit to serve mentally? The executive branch is in crisis getting worse each day it’s allowed to continue.

    1. The problem removing this inept individual is the alternative. From inept to idiot with a subsequent imbecile as VP.

  5. Joe Biden should be referred to as “The Grim Reaper”. He is the death bringer to honest, hard working people, to dedicated military, to sensible society, to many layers of the economy, to scientific and logical common sense, to everything that humans have worked for, discovered and relied on for centuries, to basic, logical right and wrong. He needs to be publicly exposed for all the vengeance he has supported as pathetic and vicious payback for his own miserable life.

  6. I’m SICK AND TIRED of hearing about DICTATOR bid ens dead son!! Too freaking bad. he DID NOT die a hero, and it had NOTHING to do with combat as the dictator wants you to believe!!! How DARE that red headed commie psa ki, compare that BS with bid en murdering an entire family, 7 children!!! The dictator is out of his mind, and he MUST BE STOPPED before he gets MORE AMERICANS KILLED!!! THE TALLY OF HIS DEATHS IS 23, that includes the 13 soldiers he killed, which NO ONE EVEN TALKS ABOUT ANYMORE, THAT ALONE IS A SIN!!! THIS JERK IS THE WORST THING TO HAPPEN IN AMERICAN POLITICS!!! AND I BLAME MSM FOR BURYING THE REAL STORIES, THEY HAVE TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE, THEY OUTRIGHT LIE, AND IF NOT, THEY LIE BY OMISSION, THEY SHOULD ALL BE SUED FOR MEDIA MALPRACTICE!!!

    1. The DICTATOR needs to do something with the DRUG ADDICT hunter!!!! He’s a CRIMINAL and the time is PAST DUE for this one to go to PRISON, AND FOR A LONG TIME!!!

  7. Maybe if Hunter takes a nose dive 6′ under due to drug use, maybe it will hit Biden immediately… The death of his other son was too long ago, especially for someone that can’t remember anything from yesterday…

  8. Until America turns back to obeying God and His laws, it looks like the curse of the lying, thieving, Biden/Harris administration will probably continue
    destroying our nation. Evidently, not enough people get it yet, that Almighty God’s patience is running out, watching all the abortionists and gays thumbing their noses at Him. 2 Chronicles 7:14 applies here.

    1. Precisely. If ANY of Us were God, WE’D rain down some wrath, too. WHY would God smile on Us? An EVER GROWING percentage of us reject Him more and disobey Him in the most vile ways Every day.

  9. So who hasn’t experienced profound loss? Every time he/she evokes his personal losses, he/she minimizes and belittles all others as if his losses are the greatest of all. This among everything else is the epitome of hubris.

  10. I have personal buried two of my children and biddey does not give a rats ass about that
    I do not wish that on anyone but biddey is a deplorable immoral stupid slimy piece of crap and should be destroyed

  11. Everything Democraps Incompetent in Chief Biden and his lying mouthpiece Psaki; crazy Nancy Pelosi; and wimpy Chucky Schumer touch turns to donkey used oats!

  12. Let me circle back to you on that said red. This moron is running interference for the other moron. What does O’Bidens kid dying of cancer have to do with murdering an ally and seven children. How about abandoning Americans and allies to the Taliban. The yellow man is a demented freak.

  13. Bull Shite, I lost my wife after she suffered for 5 years and my brother just a month later,
    Yes it hurts like hell but I am functioning and doing what is required of me. If this POS is
    President then he needs to put on his Big o Pants and pull his head out or his demented
    ass and grow up. All he, or Circle Back are doing is playing pity party to avoid actually
    pretending he is President (Which he isn’t and never will be)

  14. That was not expected and under the dire circumstances, it would have been difficult to stop the bombing. However, by trump ignoring the dangerous virus, he killed thousands of Americans.

  15. That is the horrible character of these Democrats. They simply have a distort morality. If Biden felt any pain for this tragedy, he should rightly resign, but everyone in his administration, are cold-hearted incompetents.

  16. Understand this we are sick of biden using his tragediea as a political tool. A truly humble treustworthy man would not use it everytime there is a question of his judgement

  17. Blow smoke up someone else’s att.
    Were your crappy family blow to smithereens by you and a hellfire missile?
    Perhaps Hillary assisted..


  19. Oh come on man! Firstly, Biden was responsible for the accident involving his first wife, and baby well as hunters one wife and baby (He never forgave his father for that) He and Jill were carrying on whilst both were still married and first wife found out. So to advance in the Freemasons, he had to kill. As for his grief for Beau, I thought he said if he was President he would have the cure for cancer>? How many children died at his hands in spirit cooking, Andrechrome and pedophilia?

  20. This is the SECOND time Biden (CATHOLIC traitor) has abandoned a nation!
    The first nation he abandoned was the USA! Biden (CATHOLIC traitor ) deserted the USA on his first day of ‘re second second ign’ to the ILLEGAL ALIEN CATHOLIC INVADERS from the south! Now we have over a million ILLEGAL ALIEN CATHOLIC INVADERS scattered around the USA in less than six months after his ‘reign’.
    The only difference between Muslim and CATHOLIC is the continent they destroy. They destroy their own nation, then move to the next. They bring all the failure, ignorance, poverty, crime, corruption, and demand that their ‘culture’ be honored.
    Now he abandoned Afghanistan and so the same story continues!
    Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and the USA will look the same as everything south of the USA. Ignorant, poverty ridden, no infrastructure, crime ridden, corrupt to the core is what CATHOLIC traitors bring to the USA.

  21. Is Joe the only one to lose a child. Psaki Pelosi Harris Chuck Mad Max AOC etc.Wonder I have nightmares. Oh Kerry CNN

  22. Her job in this illegitimate administration is to make excuses,repeat lies,make ignorant statements and to look like a total fool trying to cover-up the insanity,lunacy,incompetence,ineptness of the clown who is “temporarily” occupying our Oval Office. I’ll give her credit — she does her job of looking like the village idiot very well.

  23. I don’t know how Psaki gets out of bed every morning with the lies she tells daily! She is nothing more than a cover up talking piece for Biden.

  24. these open faced lies are beyond sickening, don’t these people know how HATED they are now??? Biden the F…..Liar, Psaki the B….!, Pelosi the Crook, Heels up Harris the W….., how much more are we willing to take and listen to while they take our money and security???

  25. Harry Truman had a sign on his desk “The buck stops here” meaning he took the responsibility for what he did. He also said “If you can’t stand the heat in the kitchen you had better get out”. Biden should heed these sage words of a former president!

  26. I care as much about raghead joe’s son dying as he does about this country. When my father will killed in WWII that was a tragedy along with thousands of others. The way I look at his son dying its one less biden to fleece the citizens of America.

  27. Psaki trying to justify the killing of an innocent family offered her own family to ISIS or other like minded Civic Organization’s as reparations.

  28. As mentally deficient and incompetent as Basement Joe may be, we STILL have to get Harris, Pelosi and Clinton out of the chain of succession before we 25th him. Oh, btw, don’t be surprised if the Clinton Crime Family has a hand in removing Harris and Pelosi. Don’t you just know that HILL & BILLY still believe that she is the rightful POTUS.

  29. idiots upon idiots.. biden can’t wipe his own ass. biden continually lies, but that is no different from his past…he is a total waste of air along with the heads of govt agencies, politician probably all of them), heads of many schools, media big tech and of course these super rich that are funding all of this… start with the money the super rich

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