Joe Biden press conference August 20, 2021. Screen shot via C-SPAN YouTube

Sean Spicer, Fmr. Press Secretary to President Donald J. Trump

Spicer also received a threatening letter from Biden demanding he resigns from the Naval Academy board or be fired. Spicer said in response: 


      1. No Experience Needed, No Boss Over iil Your FMD Shoulder… Say Goodbye To Your Old Job! Limited Number Of Spots Open…… 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗷𝗼𝗯𝘀𝟰𝟳.𝘁𝗸

    1. No Experience Needed, No Boss Over iil Your FV Shoulder… Say Goodbye To Your Old Job! Limited Number Of Spots Open…… 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗷𝗼𝗯𝘀𝟰𝟳.𝘁𝗸

  1. Obama loved firing our best military leaders and keeping the garbage, like Milley. Now Biden follows up with the same cancel cultue steps on those the hated Orange Man appointed to Military Boards. Actually, I think Obama and Biden are tied for worst president ever.

    1. This was doctored up on a satire that was done on Obama a few years ago. I think it can be more accurate if it were true.

      Texas A&M Study Calls Biden 5th Best President in American History.

      Good research work by a fine institution.

      Biden rated 5th best President in our History.

      From a total of 46 US Presidents, Biden has been rated the 5th best
      according to a study completed at Texas A&M University. The Public
      Relations Office at A&M released this Statement: “After only less than a year in
      office, Americans have rated President Biden the 5th best President in U.S.

      These are the results according to Texas A&M:

      1. Reagan and Lincoln tied for first
      2. Trump, Washington, Jefferson and fourteen others tied for second
      3. Eisenhower, T. Roosevelt and Twenty-one others tied for third
      4. Carter and Obama tied for fourth
      5. Biden was fifth.

  2. Why hasn’t the whole present administration been tried and impeached? In my humble opinion all of them are traitors to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

  3. It is 9/11. The two most successful gun and ammo salesmen ever, are Obama, and now Prez Joe. Why? Because no one trusts a government who does not trust the electorate. This country became great by hard work, and incremental improvement. It I’ll be destroyed by the people trying to level the socioeconomic field, by passing irrational laws, and giving away money no one earned. I hope we do not have a civil war. The tech giants are sure cavaliers war will not happen because they can monitor everything you do, say, read, own. You will just vanish from existence if you put up a fuss.

  4. No other opinions allowed says joe the traitor, Defending the Indefensible by breaking long established US laws is not the will of the average American citizen, democrats, will look back on that decision with regret forever, the war will continue on now, since we re-equiped them with weapons of war, victory, a place to call their own, financial incentives to continue on, thank you joe biden for your lack of wisdom, just to look good on 9/11, history will remember the bidens because of the way we left, and the Americans and Allies we left behind

  5. Anything that was touched by trump is considered toxic and poison. Surprised he hasn’t had all the toilets replaced in the family residence

  6. What goes around comes around joe biden, you have yet to be impeached but its coming no matter how many Trump people you attack or fire. Defending the Indefensible by breaking long established US laws is not the will of the average American citizen, democrats, will look back on that decision with regret forever, the war will continue on now, since we re-equiped them with weapons of war, victory, a place to call their own, financial incentives to continue on, thank you joe biden for your lack of wisdom, just to look good on 9/11, history will remember the bidens because of the way we left, and the Americans and Allies we left behind

  7. ENOUGH WITH THE BS!!! aus tin &mil ley need to be charged and convicted of TREASON under the UCMJ!!! PUNISHABLE by DEATH!!! Also, dictator bi den and down!!! If we don’t stop this, we will have a civil war #2, and it will be bloody, it will be long, but it will happen!!! I really hope not, but that’s where we are headed!!! We have a totally inept COMMUNIST REGIME, headed by bi den!!! I know people say he’s not running things, I believe that oba ma, and rice are calling the shots, regardless bi den is in charge, period!!!

  8. This so called president is obviously not interested in anything that smacks of cooperation. He is only interested in revenge and total domination. He constantly shows his true colors as a detriment to the American way of cooperation for the good of the country. He represents everything that Americans have fought and died for to keep America free and representative of the people he has sworn to honor. He clearly represents the opposite of the values in which Americans believe. How utterly sad for our nation. Our great country is stronger then he thinks. He will lose!! He will always be remembered as the most dangerous leader in the history of our country.

  9. This guy is a slow learner……just because he says 3+2 = 9 doesn’t make it so!!! Because he is trying to erase all of Trumps great people and accomplishments does not erase our memory
    of how great we were doing before he showed up!! History will judge this guy as a complete
    failure in everything he meddles in!!! Trump did not even take a salary for all he did for us….
    but this guy takes one for all these screw ups and WORK he has never done!!! Elementary school
    kids could make better decisions then he has made……heaven help up us if we ever experience
    anything like 9-11 again with him at the helm…….just saying……wish it were not true…but…

  10. The Biden family are millionaires, and have been because of their business contracts with Russia, China, Ukraine, and middle America?

  11. Kudos to these folks who are standing up to Biden in him trying to get them out!!! I’d love to see Biden knocked down a peg or two — he certainly deserves it since he has NO right to be in the office he is NOT really running!

  12. This just proves how stupid Biden and his advisors are. The American attitude is to stand up for the underdog. But then again, I have yet to see or hear of anything the Biden Admin has done that can be considered as smart or intelligent.

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