Photo by Gage Skidmore

President Biden has now taken the unprecedented move of calling for the resignation of Governor Andrew Cuomo after a report from the New York Attorney General’s Officer found that Cuomo had engaged in repeated instances of sexual harassment against women and also likely broke state and federal laws in the process.

While Biden refused to comment on whether Cuomo should be impeached and removed he didn’t rule it out either, saying that events should proceed ‘one thing at a time.’

The shock announcement from Biden is the capstone of what appears to be a move by almost the entire Democrat party to force Cuomo to resign.


  1. “President Biden has now taken the unprecedented move of calling for the resignation of Governor Andrew Cuomo…”
    translation—-I (those pulling his strings) have to say something so this is as far as I will go. He is a democrat so I cannot condemn him any stronger like I would a Republican or any other political party.

    1. Yes, MEANINGLESS. SICKuomo is Dead Meat regardless of Scumbag Joe joining in.
      Now if he would stand up and SAY that Hunter should be Locked Up and forced to RESIGN from our Society…. THAT’D be SOMEthing.
      Not in a Million years…. but a guy can Dream, can’t he?!

    2. After groping Tara Reid retard joe has no moral authority here. And the many other victims of joe. He probably bribed the kids to rub his legs while he was a lifeguard. If he really was one

  2. Guess Biden has a spot for Cuomo with rest of his band of misfits. in his cabinet why would the DOJ drop criminal against the democrat Governors?

    1. There is NO man in the office. It is staff in office who determine direction and “policy”. Joe Biden is ultimate puppet. Do as I say – Yes Ma’am/Sir.

  3. Well OK, he will leave (maybe), but only after he puts those poor people under him in prison with vaccine passports. It is either be murdered or injured with the poison poke or you are a second class citizen with no rights. Don’t let him do it people of NY. Better take to the streets and say NO WAY! Once they take your freedom, it is unlikely you will ever get it back.

  4. Let’s ask the guy that has no weight in the decision making. That is like asking Newsome if Cuomo should resign.. OMG this is such NOT NEWS!

  5. Of course, Cuomo should resign or be removed from office. But this is pretty rich coming from Biden who has his own sexual harassment issues with women and even little girls…and in Biden’s case he has done at least some of it for all the world to see.

  6. So if Cuomo doesn’t resign (likely that he won’t) he’ll be defying Biden. That will diminish Biden even further. Some days it’s a circus, some days it’s just a nightmare.

  7. Americans should NOT get too excited about this statement. This does NOT mean that brain dead Joe has turned anything like pro American, but that the virtue signalling Democrat Party cannot stand having a sex-molester like Cuomo in the headlines so much. It tarnishes their carefully crafted image in the MSM. The Democrats may be totally crooked, but they DO care greatly about their image in the media broadcasts.


  9. That’s the problem with democrat Politian’s….they all think they are above the law…laws are only meant for the common people in America and not for them!!!!

  10. OFF with his head!
    Do any of these women have any proof, any evidence? Any eyewitnesses?
    I wouldn’t be surprised if at least one of the accusations is true, perhaps all of them, BUT a bare accusation is not proof.

  11. Biden is a pervert. He has no room to talk about anyone when it comes to sexual harassment .

  12. Big deal! There are many of us demanding BIDEN resign. If they were smart, little Joe, Kommie Harris, and Pigloser would pack up and leave now, before Almighty God steps in and lowers the boom on them. According to what I’m hearing, that some prophets are saying about them, they are about to find out what the wrath of God really means. Either the prophets are speaking the truth, OR the U.S. is under a terrible judgment from God right now, and I don’t believe God is quite done with our nation yet. I get the feeling that the Commie Dems and RINOs are going to regret removing any and all reference and belief of God from the Dem party, during Hillary’s big convention. And It might be sooner than they think, because God probably wasn’t too happy about that.

  13. Come on man, Joe you are guilty of doing the same things Cuomo is being forced to resign over. Of course you have the liberal media covering for you so you can afford to sound righteous

  14. The alleged president, Sniffy O’Fondles, and his Comrade Spread Eagle Hairyas are a pair of jokes. There is so much “buyers remorse, they don’t have much support from the dummycrats.

  15. Would you please Stop putting that Morons Photograph at the head of every article pertaining to him ? Its Not like we dont know what the Idiot looks like and we all have 27 dart boards with his picture on it

  16. Normally, if I heard someone say Cuomo should resign, then I would agree with that person. However, it THIS case it is Biden calling for Cuomo’s resignation. And whatever Biden is for, I am AGAINST. If Biden and the other democrats want Cuomo to resign, then that means there is something FISHY going on! Maybe they plan to replace Cuomo with someone WORSE! Therefore, I say to Cuomo: Do NOT resign.

    Cuomo may be a horrible person, but the democrats have something even WORSE in mind by getting him to resign.

  17. Just when are we, the American people, going to stop listening, and putting up with the outright fabrications, stories an lies from the DC politicians. Both parties lie or make up a story and generally there is not much truth in DC, or state and local governments for that matter, maybe not a big a lie but it is still an untruth or partial truth twisted into a lie.

  18. Likely, Fake President Biden will say tomorrow that he never said for King Cuomo to resign.
    Somebody will say………but sir, we have video proof that you said that. Biden will say…….that’s not what I meant and you know it. PERIOD.
    The liberal media will ignore the whole thing.

  19. Yikes! Madam AG had better make sure her bed sheets don’t know how to tie themselves into nooses. There’s a lot of Arkanciditis going around lately.

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