Weakening Election Laws
Following the Democrats’ massive defeat of their extreme H.R. 1 proposal to make it easier to cheat in elections, Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer of New York vowed to explore “every last one of our options,” including the spending bill.

Nancy needs to retire n go back to communist California n live out her days she scares ya just to look at the evil maam
Yes she does she is an evil booze hag that has no place in our government working for your government isn’t a career it was never meant to be people like her make me sick
I used to be a big union supporter even though unions had screwed me over a few times. My dad had been president of a big local union but he has passed and he is turning over in his grave for the terrible choices union have made in todays world, hell even in yesterdays world. Anybody supporting this ridicoulous bill which is full of corruption should be hung now. pathetic
Spend, spend, spend. That’s the Democrats motto. We are in so deep that it will take generations to balance the budget. The danger is that as soon as the US is totally broke, China will move in and take control. America will be up for grabs and will sell to the cheapest bidder. Thanks, Democrats!!
Let the illegals live at Nasty Pelovski’s house and defecate on her lawns; and let Nasty pay for all these Trojan Horse bills. She is as rich as King Midas anyway on all her corrupt, ill-gotten gains. Let Chucky Scummer pay for the rest if any is left. And as for Ruffian Warlock, I’ve no idea what gibbering goblins voted this orc-face into office.
The Cuban uprising sure messed the Left’s narrative didn’t it?!! MAMA!!!
The Left is a threat to human dignity and American values.(example: late- term abortion!)
Just more power drunk communist democrat cult party members lining the pockets, with taxpayer money, by giving it to their relatives!
Update Internet systems , Update Grid, Update Hwys, roads, RR tracks, sewars, Telecomm, energy dev alone ONLY & expand STEM & Voc/Tech Ed
I don’t flip pages and wish you would stop that format.