Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America via Wikimedia Commons

Each year, the Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom” ranks countries based on their friendliness toward free-market principles. Even as most nations maintain their economic freedom, the United States is falling behind, the index indicates.

The Daily Wire reports:

According to the conservative think tank, most global economies have remained “moderately free” since last year’s report. At the same time, the 2021 index shows that the United States recorded “its worst score and ranking ever, a result of out-of-control spending and a loss of confidence by Americans in the even-handed rule of law.”

With a score of 74.8, the United States earned the 20th slot among the 178 countries that Heritage considered. The score assigned to the United States decreased by 1.8 points from 2020, causing it to slide from 17th place. Currently, the United States trails Canada and Chile as the third highest-ranked nation in the Americas. 

“The major obstacles to greater economic freedom in the United States continue to be excessive government spending, unsustainable levels of debt, and intrusive regulation of the health care and financial sectors,” reads the United States’ profile

The United States carries relatively high rankings for categories such as business freedom, property rights, and labor freedom. However, the United States’ ranking for fiscal health significantly lags global averages. 

This is just the latest indication of Joe Biden’s America and the havoc his anti-free-market principles have put upon the economy. The average world fiscal health score is 74.2. The United States has a score of 34.9, which is a drop of 19.4 points in a single year.


    1. He is doing exactly what he is told. They want to reduce the US to a 3rd world country and it is working.

      1. with crooked joe at the helm we won’t even be a country when him an his cohorts get done we’ll be owned by china after they they pay him off

  1. The march toward third world status is on the pace that Bidum and his progressive knuckleheads have designed. What a pity we, the home of the free and the brave, are no longer free and most are no longer brave – just pathetic sheeple!

  2. Why is it that when the USA is doing remarkably well in at home and internationally, etc., under a Republican administration, people (or is it fraud) vote for a Democrat administration which always, always, always, makes laws detrimental to our country and people?

    1. It’s because the vast majority of Americans are stupid and uneducated about what truly made America the greatest country in the world. 3rd world countries don’t want to be 3rd world countries. They’re all too stupid to realize the ‘I’ syndrome is what put them there.

      They have taken the on one true God out of our government and our society and He’s fed up with it. This is all foretold in the Bible. It’s going to get ALOT worse I’m afraid. Then the liberals will wake up one day and wonder how it got the way it is and it will be WAYYYY too late!

      The only thing keeping the final judgment from happening is God-fearing Christians still present on the earth. We’ll be gone one day and no one wants to be here thru that.

      Truth is a lot of so-called conservatives aren’t really God-fearing.

  3. I hope like hell him an Harris get impeached he’s right there with Clinton an the 3 president after him are the worst ones to take the seat

  4. If Biden thinks nukes and fighter aircraft are necessarily the difference between being able to resist tyranny, then why in 20 years couldn’t we disarm/defeat the Taliban? If you have a machine gun and I have a single shot rifle, I should just give up my rifle and rights because I don’t have exactly what you have? Sheer stupidity.

  5. I will vote for the next real freedom fighter who has a plan to actually shrink the federal govt. I.e.. Abolish the Fed dept of indoctrination. We can do this by amending the constitution. Executive orders are important but weak. Money is the root of all evil. To actually drain the swamp we must take the money away from them!

  6. The modern democrats are communist now. When will the liberals wake up and realize that this is not their grandpa’s democrat party? I fear that our country cannot take much more of this intentional destruction.

  7. We knew this before election. His and HoHa “leadership” is total disaster and we only 6 months to it. How far they and DemRats House of cards will go in 18 months. Venezuela and Cuba maybe better of then we are.

  8. Stagflation, stagflation, whotta he– of a nation. I’m weak in the brain and light in the wallet as the prospect of the Carter years return with Neville Bidenlain. He– let’s give away something to match the Panama Canal and collect all the guns. Bidumb says that to fight the government we would need F-15’s and nukes. Did he mean Ar15’S AND DUKES? Who knows what evil lurks in the minds of POTUS? Da shadowSanders thinks he does.


    1. If Jill has any brain residue at all, her life must be a living HELL. To watch as her turkey husband is the laughing stock of the international arena, drooling and murmuring incoherent non sequiturs and word salad; AND all our sworn enemies are arming themselves with delight.

  10. The US economy we had during Trump’s Administration showed us what is possible. Our economy’s performance since Biden took office is one more example of the inevitable result of socialism.

  11. The liberals do not know anything about what is going on because they watch CNN and other NWO owned indoctrination media. Plus, liberals minds are on more important things like trying to decide from day to day which gender they are.

  12. Centralized economic planning like practiced under Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin starts out slowly like under FDR, and then it keeps getting bigger until it turns into a giant elephant in the room. I suggest reading F.A. Hayek’s “The Road to Serfdom”, which is an excellent book on political philosophy written in the day (30’s & 40’s) when Fascism or Socialism were becoming very popular in the world. The sovereign will of the voting people of America helped to create this type of government and its power.

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