Speaker Office of Nancy Pelosi via Wikimedia Commons

You don’t have to be crazy to be liberal, but it helps.

That’s according to a new study that finds white liberals are more likely than conservatives or moderates to report a clinical diagnosis of mental illness.

“Sixty-two percent of Whites who classify themselves as ‘very liberal’ or ‘liberal’ have been told by a doctor they have a mental health condition, as compared to 26% of conservatives and 20% of moderates, The Washington Times’ Kelly Sadler writes, citing a Pew Research Center survey.

“Young White people who identified as ‘very liberal’ were almost one and a half times more likely to report mental health problems than those who considered themselves ‘liberal,’” Sadler writes.

The study also found over half of liberal white women report being diagnosed with a mental illness.

The study was published in 2020, but came to public attention in April after a posted about it on Twitter.


While the disparity in mental illness diagnoses is attributed by some to liberals’ increased openness to seeking mental health treatment, some note there could be a natural correlation, as liberals are shown to be likely to believe false claims about conspiracies, police brutality and COVID death rates.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AmericanActionNews.com

Michael Brigham has written for American Action News since the summer of 2019. His areas of expertise include foreign affairs, government, and politics, but regardless of the subject matter, he has a nose and an insatiable appetite for news. In his free time, he enjoys reading nonfiction, watching a mix of comedies and true crime documentaries, and spending time away from the swamp hiking in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains.


  1. Leftisim is Mental disease big time, see Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders, BLM, Antifa, Castro

    1. Biden is somehow missing from this list. He’s as good an example as the others, having been one for decades.

  2. Um … not surprising that much of the information presented is easily shown to be false. Especially ” as liberals are shown to be likely to believe false claims about conspiracies, police brutality and COVID death rates.” https://www.psypost.org/2020/11/conservatives-propensity-toward-conspiracy-thinking-can-be-explained-by-a-distrust-in-officials-and-paranoid-thinking-58459

    1. That’s just what I was going to say, but don’t forget the feminists; which of course also are mostly included in the same category, i.e. liberals! ”Gender is only a social construct” ! No it isn’t, biologically there are only two genders, male and female.Period. But perhaps the woke liberals in the USA can ”reform” the educational system in America and ban/censor the hard sciences like mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology in favour of the social ”sciences” like sociology, anthropolygy, women studies and so on. So that American children and teenagers can fall much farther behind children in some western european countries like for instance Finland and the other Scandinavian countries than what currently is the case! That would certainly help to contribute the certain collapse of America!

  3. Biden is neither conservative or liberal….he is whatever he needs to be for his own self serving situation…he’s basically a “flunky”….his best asset is that he can be used willingly for whatever purpose is needed….he’s no threat to those who are doing the manipulating because he’s not smart enough to have his own thoughts and they play him and make him think he’s actually “one of them” …..which if they needed to…they would throw him to the wolves in a heartbeat…which in a way they have by putting him in as president……but he’s managed to make a career out of this role so he’s very good at being “a good ol’ boy”….aka “flunky”…..and those who can’t see through this…aka. Liberals….definitely have a screw loose somewhere….

  4. Right. Time to add Trump Derangement Syndrome to the D.S.M. for sure. Good Old Rush (God rest him) used to postulate that liberalism is a mental disorder.

  5. Ann Coulter wrote a book several years ago titled “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder”.

    1. @typicalwhiteguy: No, it wasn’t Ann Coulter who wrote that book. Let’s give credit where credit is due: It was the great Michael Savage who wrote the book titled “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder”.

  6. And MENTAL ILLNESS is running/ruining this country now….WHY are we putting up with this…???

  7. I agree. Look who leads the mob. Georgie Soros. Instead of using his money to improve the works, he uses it to try to destroy it. Remind you of Adolph Hitler.except he uses money instead of guns. He has great puppets like Pelosi,Biden,and the our great imitation President,Joey Biden. May they all spend eternity in Hell with him. They can try yo win Satan over to their side and help kill more babies. Hopefully God will take Soros soon and put him out of hia and our misery.

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