Photo by Gage Skidmore

Two Years of Taxpayer-Funded Community College

Biden wants Americans to pay $109 billion for “two years of free community college” for American citizens and illegal immigrant “DREAMers.”

Gage Skidmore via Flickr


  1. Biden is a CATHOLIC TRAITOR. All the things he wants are for CATHOLIC FAILURES. hey, the ILLEGAL ALIEN CATHOLIC INVADERS get a lot of help too!

    1. Just as biden is a servant of Satan; so too, are all those that support the abominations of evolution, homosexuality, same-sex marriages, abortion, the rejection of God’s WORD, and many more of the democratic agendas… 
      God Almighty may be a loving Father, but He is also a God of Justice, and should they not repent of their  sins, He will get His vengeance on those that transgress His Laws, if not in this life, then for sure in the life to come.

  2. We were warned!! Tax and spend Democrats. Eventually we will all be working to provide funds for the Democrats to create a population that is solely dependent on government for their livelihood. One standard for all while our politicians continue to live in multi million dollar mansions.

  3. Senile Democrap, sleepy Joe Biden’s latest wealth redistribution plan
    to freeloaders! It’s to be paid for by hard working US taxpayers!


      1. GOODBYE fancy everything, food ,clothes , nice houses, cars, Ipads because they will be working for Commie Joe Chinese buddies out of China as slave labor. I can’t believe this kids are this stupid and their school teachers too.

  4. When the bill comes due he will blame white folks for the failure of these programs to change any problems. Single workers will foot the bill.

  5. This reads like a Bernie Sanders / AOC wish list.
    By the time that cretin Biden is done, the USA will be completely done for.
    To think people think I’m crazy for stocking up on long-term storage foods. In the not-too-distant future, those who don’t do so will be awfully hungry in DNC America.

  6. It’s all a matter of time until our principal Foreign Enemy’s final strike occurs.

    Our hopelessly divided Nation cannot survive. History documents, well, what will occur. God’s disappointment in US is the trigger.

  7. We do not have the money to pay for this stuff. Something for nothing will ruin the country.

    1. We can depend on three things form Biden and the democrats; more government control, more spending and higher taxes.

      1. Susan, you forgot to add – DEATH – as one of DemoRAT’S real desire for most Americans or should I say for all Americans who do not follow his intention of destroying America. He is without a doubt a TRAITOR not only to our Country but for the Faith he claims to be so devout about. May the Devil (his real master) take him before he totally destroys this country and the world with it.

  8. There is no such thing as a free lunch. There is always a price to pay. And a Biden plan always has poor to bad results.

  9. ByeDen and the demonicRat party are nazi’s. They are puppets if funder Geo $0r0$ whose goal is a 1 world social-ist controlled Government. He also funds those in the illegally invading caravans. Arrest and Prosecute them and those politicians permitting this activity.

  10. WOW!! 100% that has NOTHING to do with infrastructure!! NOT A DAMN ONE OF THOSE NINE ITEMS!!!

  11. I feel that Biden (NOT MY PRESIDENT) Is trying to break America. We American can’t stand for his crazy ideas. This is AMERICA ,and he is there to put all AMERICANS FIRST. love our country or LEAVE IT. AND THAT GOES FOR THE ACTING PRESIDENT.WHAT A JERK I MEAN JOKE.

  12. He’s a total joke 🤣, this man is going to sink AMERICA so far into debt, he must be stopped.

  13. There are far far more than 9 wastes of tax dollars in that FARCE Pedo Joe calls a plan. From what I have seen 90% of that FARCE is like Obozo’s stimulus payoff for the votes he bought. Less than a third is for ACTUAL INFRASTRUCTURE. The rest is to pay for votes and buy votes in 2022.

  14. I have my taxes done by a highly reputable CPA, the Divider and Chief ll can shove this idea where the sun don’t shine.

  15. Comrade Biden needs to move to China or Russia where his views are more acceptable. We don’t want to become a Socialist State; if that’s what Comrade Biden and the liberal demorats want, they can either go to Russia or China and knock themselves out!

    Whomever dreams these goofy ideas up should go with Comrade Biden, Comrade Schumer, Comrade Pelosi, Comrade Sanders, Comrade Watters, Comrade AOC, et al. We really don’t want their ilk to continue the destruction of the U.S.A.!

  16. I am creating an honest wage from home 1900 Dollars/week , that is wonderful, below a year gone i used to be unemployed during an atrocious economy. I convey God on a daily basis. I used to be endowed with these directions and currently it’s my duty to pay it forward and share it with everybody,
    Here is where I started……….►  Workshiring.Com

  17. Involuntary Indoctrination of our children to the socialist beliefs that establish an oligarchy and the “Masses of the people” as separate and unequal entities in America is the goal of this cradle to the grave communistic plot. Nothing is free folks and most of our politicians are paid off by lobbyists to spout this bombast of “Great Society” and great help to the people. The last time this ugliness was extant we got almost 60,000 duty free boxes coming back from Southeast Asia and 250,000 wounded under LBJ instead of their “utopia”. They are undermining the principles established by our Constitution and Bill of Rights and have over the past sixty years eliminated our heavy and light industry thru Decentralization that led to the 1980 depression. Then Clinton signed Nafta into effect and steel mills, coal mines, refineries, and satellite industries in brassworks, pipe manufacture, valves and electric motors and pumps disappeared leading in his first year of presidency to 750,000 manufacturing jobs gone away along with the middle class. These last moves by DICTATE from Biden lead me to say ” Et Tu, Biden!” Maybe Congress can quell these radical changes but I think that it is unlikely they will stand in his way.

  18. When do we learn that nothing is free. Joe wants to dictate everything from his position as “commisar of the USA”. Already in the first hundred days over forty dictats! He wont educate, he will indoctrinate us with Bernie Sanders behind the curtain. Floating almost six trillion of spendthrift legislation with the wage earner picking up the tab. It is BS to say that his increased taxes on the rich will fund his (Rather Bernie’s) socialist “ten year plan”. The business owners and rich will pare back expansion and hedge offshore their present accounts and holdings and more business and manufacturing is going to cheap overseas labor while the American people will wade in a swamp of phony promises and competition with the vast M2 fiat money he will print up. He–, trading stamps will be worth more than the greenback dollar!

  19. Regulate tax preparers? IRS won’t even say their advice is accurate. If IRS discovers errors, they will let you know if you underpaid. If you overpaid, I doubt if they will tell you about it–you are responsible for figuring your own tax.

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