The National Guard via Wikimedia Commons

Lawmakers Lost Their Minds

GOP House Leader Kevin McCarthy called out Democrat leaders for answers with a tweet, “Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Schumer—why are American troops who are tasked with keeping security at the Capitol being forced to sleep in a parking lot?”


  1. Democrats loathe our Military Men and Women. That’s been obvious for more years than I care to count. Democrats are in the driver’s seat, so I’m not surprised by this at all. Sure, they’ll issue apologies, but they’ll turn around and crap on our Military at every opportunity.

    1. No , They never will. They think military men and women are dog’s to be kicked around and eat and sleep on the floor !

    2. Im a Democrat, served in the Army and think you’re full of dung….Dems love our country and soldiers, who do you think makes up half of the military….Dems are protecting your right to speak your mind, no matter how wrong you may be…..!!!

      1. You must be a democrat which was part of JFK’s democrat party… unlike the new socialist: communists one !!!
        Are you saying that this “new brand” love our country, are protecting our rights to speak, they love our soldiers?????

        Thank you for your service sir, but have you lived on a different planet lately ????

      2. i served in the marine corps vietnam 24 months wounded once. tet survivor. i am a proud republican. i bled for this country killed for this country. and dude. the democrats care less about you. they started the civil war, ww1, ww2, korea, vietnam and had the chance to take out osama way before iraq but didnt so they are responsible for the iraqi war continuimng. do some fact finding

    3. remember the democrats got us into the Civil War ww1 ww2 korea vietnam and are keeping us in afghanistan and are using the guard to assault U.S. Citizens. dont believe ,me look it up. its disgusting they are a bunch of war mongers

  2. where is the head of the NG on this?? Why aren’t they on planes headed home?? It is
    simply outrageous–but the Trump came to their rescue—per usual–a man who
    loves the soldiers—where is he when we need him? I really miss him!!

    1. I heard today that Trump put them up in his hotel in DC. I don’t know if it is true but it sure sounds like what he would do.

  3. We need to get a handle on the CANCEL CULTURE and turn it around. There were 75 Million of us that voted for Trump or His Policies, now they call us deplorable again , like we are beneath them. We Need to ban together and turn this around on the Cancel Culture. BOYCOTT all those companies, news organizations, High Tech Companies that think they can control us.. Hit them in the Pocket Book and stop there McCarthyism.

  4. Pelosi and Schumer simply showing their disdainful attitude to our troops. The elitists have now taken control and the next step is to form their own military guards. Anyone want to bet it will be muslim soldiers armed with the machine guns Pelosi demanded and was denied? Hope this gets posted.

  5. The BS I saw on TV with Biden,s wife giving cookies. to the troops made me sick It was just a photo op. Once again that use this phoney oped to make people think they care

  6. So much for uniting the nation, forcing our own National Guard to sleeping on cold floors with nothing , that’s exactly the opposite of uniting our country by treating our armed services member this way , Coudos to you bottom feeders, your all a disgrace to this country every last demonrat! And this is why Americans and yes moderate Democrats feel about you 2022 is right around the corner!

  7. Most of congress could care less about our troops,, or the people they are supposed to protect. The USA citizens. That paltry of candy bars taken to them by Dr. Jill was and added insult.

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  9. When in effect Congress and the demoncrats act this way it shows they are run by a regime of bigotry, biased hate. If history is a marker when the Senate of Rome disrespected the legions of Rome the Empire of Rome started to fall apart. The power of any nation is not just economy and the greed of a few but in fact their military. This seems to have not registered in the Biden regime.

  10. President Trump gave them Trump Tower DC to reside in until move to home bases
    I blame these for troops in parking garage:
    DC Mayor, VA Gov, NG Commander, DC Police
    No Chain of command seen NO field authorization given

  11. Well, Biden is showing the world who he really is. Nobody should be surprised. Just imagine if this happened on Trump watch, it would be on the news 24X7.

  12. Congress should understand that what goes around, comes around. The military is no exception. You start destroying morale and pretty soon you won’t have a military. There are many examples of this around the world, we’re not exempt.

  13. Unbelievable But this is just the start of treatment that can be expected from Biden and crew Please keep eyes open

  14. When Trump found out they were sleeping in the parking garage he put them up in his hotel along with the police.

  15. They didn’t hesitate to secure their services when they they thought they were going to be attacked at the inauguration. We have better things to do. This just falsely inflated their importance.

  16. Face it folks, Politicians in the main have proved they only care for themselves never been abut America and the Citizens.
    All that will change when NESARA/GESARA truly kicks in . Pelosi and Schumer and the rest of the deep state want to control teh World

  17. Our soldiers sleeping on a cold cement floor while on active service for the country is atrocious, who is responsible for this travesty ?

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