Thomas Hawk via Flickr

What’s Happening?

Protestors have occupied a Humboldt neighborhood of residential homes and small restaurants, setting up camp and erecting physical barricades with debris and rock piles, to keep law enforcement from entering a single home on Mississippi Avenue after the family who resided there was ordered to be evicted in early September.


  1. Shut up all the bad guys! So sick of this mess! Thank god even tho this is the best country to grow up in! Those
    are words my mother always said because she grew up in Germany ,met my dad, came here and went on! So there is still hope. Of course I came with her….glad I’m here ….

  2. There is a simple solution to this problem. Bulldozers and tanks to protect the bulldozers. Wipe the protesters out of plow them under. Either solves the problem.

  3. All those protesters vandalizing property, committing assault need to be arrested and jailed for a long time. They must not “win.”

  4. So all of this was because a person who was not supposed to be driving did so anyway and killed someone. The family home was lost to unpaid, related debt. Let’s all get mad and do more stupid stuff, because well, they’re stupid. Over and over and over again.

  5. One criminal son who they should have left in jail. He caused the death of others. He has a habit of breaking the law. He was stupid enough to represent the family and use the worthless argument of SOVERIGN CITIZEN. And now the family WILL be on the street. This is what you get when you refuse to be civilized.

  6. Wheeler is a gutless panty waist Democrat who played politics the entire time. ALL of the protestors should have be jailed and charged and spend at least 6 months in jail.
    So wheeler is the ONLY LOSER.

  7. They will get theirs….. there are many, many indictments that will be issued for these Antifia and the leaders all the way to the top ! That means YOU George Soros ! You are going to Prison for fostering the criminal activity. The FEDS have followed the money ! You will be very happy at GITMO COMRADE Soros !

  8. They said in another article that the family that owned this house owned others. So instead of owing everyone for legal fees for their corrupt relatives than they can maybe sell one of the homes they own and pay their bills.

  9. Isn’t this the same politician who said words to the effect that there was nothing to see here while these terrorists burned down Portland, destroyed peoples’ businesses, including Black-Owned businesses and other Ethnic business owner – from every color of the rainbow? I guess the wind blows this way and that.

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