Mr.Election & Ali Zifan via Wikimedia Commons

North Carolina

While North Carolina Republicans trail in the aggregate count, they have improved their position more than Democrats when comparing this year’s percentages to 2016.

2020 Total Early Votes: 3,058,579
2016 Total Early Votes: 1,870,414

2020 % Democratic: 49.7%
2020 % Republican: 44.0%
2020 % Unaffiliated: 6.2%

2016 % Democratic: 54.2%
2016 % Republican: 41.7%
2016 % Unaffiliated: 4.1%

Current Advantage: Democratic
Gaining Most from 2016: Republican


    1. Lived in Lansdale for 4 years.
      The democrat cancer in Philly has spread out to Bucks County, Montgomery County, Chester County, etc. Rare in recent times for blue collar, old school union PA democrats, coupled with the overly educated liberal white people who live their protected lives in Bucks & Montgomery to vote republican for anything. 2016 was like a once in a lifetime event for PA. As rare as a SE Pennsylvanian NOT spending their summer vacation at “The Shore” in Jersey.

  1. I live in Douglas County Oregon. It is a red county! All mail in ballots. People are in lines at the county clerks office, hand delivering their ballots. They don’t trust drop boxes, they don’t trust mail. A clerk carefully specks each ballot. I’m surprised at you map showing light blue for our county. Could that be right?

    1. Wish Lane would turn Red. Feckless brainwashed fools. Or, how could anyone in Portland area vote blue is beyond me.
      Soros backed DA and Gov destroying Oregon and California and Washington and……

  2. Pick out the blue cancer cells on the map and you’ll locate another ghetto American city.
    The cancer of Boston has overtaken all New England.
    The lesson here is the more populated this country becomes, the more the blue cancer cells spread out across America and the more dysfunctional, corrupt and crime ridden it becomes…. it’s a dream come true for the socialist party .

    1. Because of illegals or illegal voting. The blue backers are like the plagues of old. Everywhere it lands, it has decimated the area

    2. Oh I agree. I live outside of Boston. Can’t understand when people see Biden An he says do many STUPID things that they still want him as president. Can’t see him dealing with high profile leaders an he does C’Mon Man to them. Where are their heads. People, I don’t care if you don’t like Presidents Trump personality. You have to like this country enough to vote for him an keep this country headed in the right direction Biden will destroy this country. No edit. He don’t. Harris will cause 6 months of Biden in office they will say he is unfit andump him an Harris will be president. The person who got so little votes in primary she dropped out.

  3. Despite CA being Blue, we do have Red voters, sample Bev Hills & Huntington Beach rallies this year alone. We do Vote Red

  4. The map is impressive but the large cities tend to carry the states and as we all know, the large cities are strongly Democrat. There needs to be much more door-to-door campaigning in the cities to try to overcome that deficit.

  5. I want to see ID Voting a law in this nation of liar’s and thieves that call them selves Democrat’s. Some are also Republican’s who think they can get away with following Democrat’s. I Stand With President TRUMP, Country, and most of all GOD! This use to be a very strong God’s Nation. That’s what brought in Obama, God was removed and it opened a door for the evil that has been trying to take down America.

  6. how do they know these number no early votes have been counted yet. will be wonderful if true lets not count our chicks OR VOTE before it actually happens

  7. I never had a doubt my state of Idaho was red. Fled from the state of Puget Sound [aka Washington State] as all the rest of the state can be red [and had] and it goes blue due to the population in/around the Puget Sound.

  8. NY has been destroyed by the blue! Deliberately letting criminals take over! Time to make America greater! We need to Win this!!!!

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