Expensify’s CEO David Barrett emailed 10 million customers last week, urging them to vote for Joe Biden for president.

“Anything less than a vote for Biden is a vote against democracy,” Barrett proclaimed.

Now a pro-Trump coalition, “Raise Up Trump Political Action Committee,” is firing back, saying the activist executive violated federal election law with his “unreported, improper Independent Expenditure supporting Joe Biden.”

Per NewsDirect:

“Expensify and it’s CEO have every right to engage in political speech, but they don’t have the right to duck FEC reporting requirements,” explained Raise Up Counsel Dan Backer. “The 24-hour deadline to report their independent expenditure has long passed, and no filing from Expensify.”

In addition to failing to report its independent expenditure to the FEC within 24 hours— or at all—the complaint also points out that FEC-required disclaimers – that all political speakers must use – were omitted from Barrett’s email.

“President Trump’s Administration rescued a stagnant economy, created more jobs than ever before, lowered taxes, and created real opportunities for Americans to pursue their dreams by placing us on the right path. The recovery is already underway. To stop it now would be both foolish and dangerous,” Eric Zwigart the visionary founder of Raise Up stated. “We all have the right to Free Speech and ability to advocate for our beliefs – but we must act within the parameters of Federal Election laws.”

Zwigart continued. “Further, A Biden-Harris Administration poses significant risks to businesses, employees, and the overall economy. The costs of running a business in these uncertain times, combined with the political left’s pursuit of job killing regulations and extreme taxation will crush the bottom line and the American spirit if Democrats are successful – Expensify knows this despite the messages they sent ignoring FEC requirements.”


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