Niccolò Caranti via Wikimedia Commons

Rep. Maxine Waters

mark6mauno via Wikimedia Commons

On the surface, Rep. Maxine Waters’ endorsement of Gascón makes little sense for a Democrat of the Congresswoman’s stature.

Both Waters and Lacey are black women, and Lacey is both the first woman and African American to be elected DA in America’s most populous county.

However, Maxine Waters has also claimed that the Crips and Bloods “in the hood” have more integrity than President Donald Trump.

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Michael Brigham has written for American Action News since the summer of 2019. His areas of expertise include foreign affairs, government, and politics, but regardless of the subject matter, he has a nose and an insatiable appetite for news. In his free time, he enjoys reading nonfiction, watching a mix of comedies and true crime documentaries, and spending time away from the swamp hiking in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains.


  1. This is California. North of San Diego it doesn’t matter. They would elect Hitler if Soros wanted them to do so. No ability to think up there. They just march along to the socialist drums. They will end up in desperation.

    1. And it don’t matter in san diego , if you really think about it. About the ONLY true conservative area/county in californication is Kern County, of which I am a semi-proud resident. WE STILL HAVE CONSERVATIVE PEOPLE REPRESENTING THE PEOPLE!

    2. Cannot wait to see all the dems vacuum between their ears implode when Trump wins the 2020 POTUS election & dem biden, harris own created demise is reality !

    3. Not really true, it’s only the elite coastal region that is far left socialist. You go inland and it’s as red as it can get. The problem is Dimocrats have gerrymandered the state so that no conservative can win except in very small areas.

    4. Silicone valley comes to mind! Look what is got going with Face Book, Twitter and all the others. Its not as if they aren’t all filthy rich, ITS THE POWER! Sorass either wants complete control of us or crush is down! I can NEVER figure out WHY his citizenship is NOT VOIDED and kicked out of OUR COUNTRY! WE have far too many trouble makers as it is! I detest that $$$$$ seems to be a way to get and take what ever you want and no protest! And another THOUGHT $$$$$ should NEVER BUY ANY POSITION IN OUR GOVERNMENT!

  2. George Soros needs to be arrested. His citizenship
    revoked and deported..
    He has planted prosecutors throughout the
    country that do his bidding..and desert the oath
    They take to uphold the law.

      1. What I fail to understand is that Soros gained his wealth from turning over/squealing on fellow Jews to the Nazis in exchange for seizing their property. And the U.S Jews just keep praising him and dancing to the liberals’ tunes. The Israelis are so much more in tune with reality than the U.S. Jews will ever be.

    1. George Soros, along with his entire clan should be given the same treatment he helped give his people in the gas chambers and furnaces !!!!

    1. If Jackie Lacey is doing her job and she is not pushing socialist policies , like George soros pick George Gascon, than one is better than the other.

  3. Why is Soro’$ still walking free in our country? Oh yeah… he lives around the corner from the Clintons and Obama!

    1. That a darn good question. And the answer is that he’s still walking around free in this country because of all of the un-Americans and socialist Commie dirt bags promoting this un-American. I’m so looking forward to Trumps victory and for him kicking out dirty bags like Soros out of our country.

  4. Unbelievable that so many libtards in the U.S.A. have a democrat stench of dictators falling into a bo, hilary cesspool ! Treason commands execution !

  5. There can be charges filed on the DA’s if their not abiding by federal, state, and local laws. You just have to have the right officials to make the charges againist them. It is a lot of the peoples fault for not voting in the right governors, mayors, and legistlators. The police get blamed for things they do; but they are only enforcing the laws the legistlators write. Out with Soros. It will happen but when. Trump 2020 We need more Eliot Ness types around to take care of a lot of this too.

  6. Interesting commentary on George Soros and his bitter WWII encounter:

    Early in the occupation, Mr Soros worked as a courier for the local Jewish council, which Nazis set up in many occupied countries – using Jews to identify and keep tabs on other Jews.

  7. For all those living in California, you need to vote for candidate Adam Early running against Adam S**T for brains Shiff This will start the thaw of the Liberal Ice berg that has held a grip on that state for way to long.

  8. Soros is an evil, evil, POS! Where does he have the nerve to try and change and destroy our Government? Who the hell does this POS think he is? We know that he’s a billionaire. I’d like to take his money and shove it down his throat. I hope he rots in hell and his soul never has a peaceful moment!! He is a vile monster, not even worthy of being called Human..😱

  9. Does not anyone with half a brain know that if you agree with George Soros then you are supporting the destruction of the USA? Soros has made it very plain indeed that he hates the USA and wants it destroyed. He wants full socialism or communism. He even helped to destroy his own fellow Jews. Wake up.

  10. Soros is trying to overthrow the US government. He has planted and paid DA’s across this country to put his plan into action. ARREST HIM NOW.

  11. Sounds like ALL Republicans should vote for him–unless there is someone else more outstanding. Can’t believe there are so many unthinking people—-but with our media the way it is, they may just be uninformed. Of course there probably aren’t enough Republicans or conservatives in the whole state to help him.

  12. The people of California deserve every bit of the beating they get every day of every year. After the mass migration, they will be the only ones left and will learn what a sorry lot they have become.

  13. Because I do not have a required number of points to draw ss , I, an American citizen, cannot draw ss. Unless the law is changed to include Citizens to draw it, even without enough credits, then NO !! non – citizens should be disqualified as well- unless they have been and are paying into the system

  14. What you have to understand is, democrats are the children of Satan unlike the children of God they have no choice and no freedom!

  15. God help us if the dems mail in voter fraud of millions of illegals and dead people and fraudulent ballots from China, exceeds the genuine votes of our real citizens.

    Their plan is to see how many they will need to exceed what the actual ballots have been counted. They have an ace up their sleeves, with millions of fraudulent ballots stored in a secret place. They will use them when they see just how many more they will actually need to produce to defeat our president. This is why they devised this plot, because they could not pull that rabbit out of the hat any other way but to flood with mail fraud in ballots, no signature verification, no name verification, no voter ID, and extend the deadline date two and three weeks out from November 3rd. What a plan, that convenient COVID was right on schedule.

    If Joe wins without those ballots, they won’t have to use them, they need to see how many more they will need to use. They have their bases covered. No signatures are verified, no IDs, no date deadlines, no names are verified, even the number of ballots are exceeding the number of citizens registered in our country who are qualified to vote. No problem, folks, don’t pay attention to the man behind the curtain. The citizens don’t care, and the demonRATs certainly don’t care, it’s just too silly to worry about. Who cares if our election is full of chaos and fraud? Just like with obama, in Florida 161% of votes taken, and no one is to bother that math tells us that over 100% is impossible in what is suppose to be a precise election. They don’t care if they are accused of fraud, all they have to do is lie about it, because all they have to do us accuse the innocent, and all in well with the demonRAT gods.

    And, if Trump is delcared a winner, all they have to do is pay the rioters to burn the country down, and they will use the FBI, the CIA, the DOJ, and the Pentagon to drag him out of office and charge HIM with THEIR fraud. They cannot afford to allow him another four years, because he is getting too close to exposing THEIR fraud, THEIR money laundering, and THEIR treason.

  16. I think all good democrats know who they should be voting for. It’s a matter of whether they can bring themselves to upset the Soros apple cart. Money talks, principles walk.

  17. There really should be a way to declare that Soros is an enemy of the country an a criminal and PUT HIM AND HIS FAMILY IN JAIL.

  18. georgie boy beaten by the ugly stick sorrros student of hitler knows first hand how it i done. i hope the female wins. we need a real form of justice not soros justice. he really wants control doing it on the sli but ultimately that is the end. beware……..georgie boy student of hitler is dangerous.

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