A cadre of self-proclaimed pro-life evangelical leaders have come out of the shadows to endorse Joe Biden’s presidential bid.

The announcement will inevitably shock their conservative flocks who overwhelmingly consider contemporary Democrats on the wrong side of the abortion debate.

Per the Washington Examiner:

“We believe that on balance, Joe Biden’s policies are more consistent with the biblically shaped ethic of life than those of Donald Trump,” the group said in a statement. “Therefore, even as we continue to urge different policies on abortion, we urge evangelicals to elect Joe Biden as president.”

SEE ALSO: White House Hopeful Claims God Endorses Post-Birth Abortions

The group, which includes several pastors formerly involved in Republican politics, former Christianity Today chairman John Huffman, and Jerushah Duford, the granddaughter of conservative evangelical leader Billy Graham, emphasized that while they remain opposed to abortion, Democratic policy proposals, such as “accessible health services for all citizens, affordable childcare, a minimum wage that lifts workers out of poverty” will reduce the number of abortions.

The group as a whole emphasized that evangelical voters must pursue a “biblically balanced agenda” and not vote for Trump solely on the merits of his opposition to abortion.

The group’s decision came amid increased polarization over abortion, as both parties have taken harder stances on abortion. Trump has been heralded by anti-abortion activists as “the most pro-life president,” a title he claimed when he became the first president to address the largest annual anti-abortion rally, the March for Life, in January. Biden, on the other hand, has dropped his past moderation on abortion, notably last year reversing his support for the Hyde Amendment, a provision that bans federal funding for most abortions.

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  1. Cathos are dumbasses. Always have been, always will be. All Catho countries are in trouble because of that. You want proof?

    Here is their statement; “accessible health services for all citizens, affordable childcare, a minimum wage that lifts workers out of poverty”.

    How do you get that? Because Jesus is not going to distribute fish and bread out of nowhere. You get that with jobs and people working. You must start at the start not at the finish line.
    Dumbass Cathos.

    1. They are Evangelicals, nit Catholics Fabian. There’s a VERY big difference. Their endorsement, it’s true, is extremely foolish, but that’s because they clearly have read no further than the words of Biden’s so-called platform. The words he uses are pleasant, designed to be appealing to people who don’t think too deeply. The problem is, the words are cheap. They are written for the sole reason of attracting poorly educated and unintelligent voters. A little rumination will quickly disclose that words are all that comprise Biden’s platform, and that none of the “nice” ideas he proposes will ever, or even can ever, be put into effect. And it’s not a matter of votes in congress, or even constitutional barriers – and by the way, many of his ideas would require dissolving the constitution. It’s the simple practicality of cost. First, you tax corporations, as he proposes, and you throw the country into inflation. Those taxes don’t stop at the corporate front door. They are passed along in the form of price increases and lay-offs, relocation of corporate headquarters to cheaper, more tax favorable locales (have you never wondered why the Biden supported NAFTA agreement caused companies – and all their jobs – to move to China?) On top of that, you increase the minimum wage and you put small businesses right out of work. The larger ones will pass along the cost, so you, the taxpayer, will be paying the increase. Now, with your economy destroyed and unemployment back at record highs, how do you imagine he can afford to give everyone affordable healthcare, and childcare, and lift them out of poverty? He can’t. Even if he abandons his proposed income tax increase for the wealthy only (which too, is pie in the sky. It will be a tax across the board, without limitation) and smacks supper high taxes on everyone, he still can’t afford to offer those things. All that will do is drive the economy down further. Oh, and none of these take into account what will happen to the dollar when the economy begins to fail. The Chinese have been trying to replace it with their yuan as the international standard for decades. They risked waging war against the entire world by designing and releasing the coronavirus against them in order to achieve that. If it weren’t for Trumps quick responses they’d have succeeded. (How do I justify a statement like that? Well, think. designing a weaponized virus that only kills one or two in a thousand is hardly worthwhile, unless your intent is to close economies down and destroy currencies, not people. They WANTED our economy to fail, in order to nudge the dollar off its pedestal.) But, it’s no wonder they are so supportive of Biden. His policies will do their work for them. And if the dollar fails as the international standard? What difference does that make? Oh, my dear friend, if you think 1929 was rough, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet! Hang onto your sears for that ride, because with our country’s current level of national debt, your dollar will be worth only a fraction of a cent. You’ll need wheelbarrows full of dollars to buy one loaf of bread. Except there won’t be loaves of bread available to be purchased. We’ll be back in the stone age trying to scrabble to keep ourselves alive at all. And if you don’t think it can happen here, you are kidding yourself.
      That’s just the short, simplified story. But I’d suggest we all start praying really hard right now, that Trump makes a speedy recovery. And I’d suggest short sighted evangelicals join the prayer with us. We are ALL in VERY DEEP trouble, if Biden gets into the White House…

      1. What Satanic group are they from?.. God will judge them like I’m sure he will those “In Name Only” Christians who supported Hitler!

          1. Sincerely wrong…Christianity is based on the sanctity of life…from conception. To endorse anyone on the DNC platform therefore would be anti Christianno matter how one tries to “cut it”…

      2. Biden and all like him in the dem leadership is deceivers and some people no matter WHO is easy fooled. Wait until Satan gets here. He is the deceiver of deceivers. The system is getting set up for Satan and he will be the first one here playing like he is JESUS. One world order. We are in the fig tree generation. Watch Shepherds Chapel on TV everyday. Trump 2020 for 4 more years maybe he will get to delay it that long at least. Ears to hear and Eyes to see. Pray for Trump. All christians are christians no matter what denomination. Some of them are fooled too.

        1. Anyone who believes abortion is birth control is nuts. It isn’t a contraceptive. Maybe practice a little self discipline or safe sex.

      3. They aren’t actually pro-life or Evangelicals, either. They’re leftists. You know them by their fruits, not by what they claim to be.

    2. You don’t have a clue to what you are talking about.. You my friend must be the dumbass here. check your facts before you put your mouth in gear.

    3. I take it you’re not a Christian considering your hatred of Catholic Christians.

      Also, the statement you quote didn’t originate in other countries. Were you unable to understand the article?

      One more point. Most the evangelicals mentioned are Protestants. It’s just too bad they endorse a party that accepts abortion for any reason, rejects punishment for crimes, favors illegal immigration, accepts perversity and reject morality, accepts eugenics, acquiesces to black supremacism, believes in fiscal irresponsibility, hates Israel and the Jews while accepting the Islamic worship of Satan, encourages violent rioting, helps the aggressively indigent, and believes in racism. But do you understand that?

  2. The article didn’t say how much did John Huffman and Jerushah Duford got for their souls?
    30 pieces of silver perhaps?

  3. I claimed him to be most pro life president along with 50million other Americans. I think they are liberal evangelicals?

    1. They’re not Christians. Period. They are liberal activists hiding behind the Bible and making a mockery of the faith. They do not represent me nor most Christians. No true Christian would ever endorse a candidate who advocates child sacrifice..uuhhhh…I mean abortion.

    1. Funny how Biden is so out of step with the Catholic teachings that he’s not allowed to receive communion but there are “evangelicals” who are following him.

  4. Are they kidding? How dumb are they knowing Biden is a puppet of the Marxists and they will control their ability to practice their religion. Marxism cannot exist if religion exists. Read the facts to see that abortions fall into a very large group of life style and not poverty. Black men will not stop impregnating as many young girls as thy can and leaving them. The stupidity of providing an income to everyone shows their economic stupidity. Give them a bum’s rush out the door with their nonsense thinking!

  5. Please folks, let’s keep this civil and without profanity. That being said……..

    If the “conservative pastors” support Biden they are in direct conflict with God’s word regarding abortion! They are in a complete fog if they believe the policies of Biden/Harris will reduce abortion!

  6. Killing is killing. Trying to justify killing by claiming life doesn’t begin at conception but only after birth is a ridiculous argument. God condones killing in certain circumstances such as send the most evil among us for his judgement or defending the innocent but he pretty much said no murdering when he gave the commandment “You shall not kill” which was incorrectly interpreted. The actual commandment is “You shall not murder”. While Trump may not have a lot of class or tact, he genuinely cares about the country and its citizens as a whole. Liberalism have infected the churches too now it appears.

  7. Their reasons for endorsing Biden are accessible health services for all citizens, affordable childcare, a minimum wage that lifts workers out of poverty that will reduce the number of abortions. Are these fools kidding? About 95% of abortions are done for birth control and birth control because the bimbos don’t want to take responsibility for being a parent, very few being for economic reasons. Regarding health services, we had a much more affordable health system before Obama & Biden meaning government got involved. And if they ever get full blown socialized medical care going health services are going to diminish due to long lines and limited care.Look no further than Canada where the average wait for non emergency but needed care is up to 15 months in some provinces. The Brits often go to 3rd world countries like Thailand, India and Egypt to get their care and wealthy Brits have built their own exclusive hospitals to bypass England’s HHS. I know an emigrant from Sweden whose eye prescription is close to his father’s still in Sweden and buys them here because his father’s “free” health care limits how often he may get glasses. Furthermore the socialized medicine and higher minimum wages proposed by Democrats including Biden will lead to much higher taxes, somebody has to pay for all that “free” healthcare, and increased prices for everything to pay for the higher minimum wages. And remember, the increased minimum wage will lead to other workers making above minimum to demand raises equivalent to the 100% raise minimum wage workers will get leading to even higher inflation. Then eventually when the dust settles, the $15/hr minimum wage in that new economy will be no more valuable than the current minimum wage.
    No, these fools are typical of the left that pervades the clergy these days and are the reason so many people are leaving religious denominations for local non denomination churches.

    1. True
      As far as health care for all, I thought Obamacare was going to take care of that, It was supposed to mandate ALL should have a health INSURANCE policy. Notice I said Insurance policy which is different than HEALTH CARE. With the number of people piled into the health care system for care, did the number of DOCTORS increase. Many retired or just stopped taking new patients. Also did anyone pushing the Obamacare policies speak about the ” out of pocket expenses ( deductions ) that would have to be met, BEFORE your policy kicked in. NO ONE ever mentioned those things. And ” free health care ” ? Who’s going to set the dollar amounts for various procedures? Some bureaucrats sitting behind a deck in Washington? Does anyone think doctors will accept rates set by those bureaucrats or do you think many will just quit their practice?
      Nothing is “FREE” & any & all of the costs associated with “Free things ” will be paid for by EVERYONE .

      1. My Health Care went from $60 a month to $600 a month before I went on Medicare..Really Affordable, Right? The Only Good Democrat is a Democrat NOT IN OFFICE!

  8. And you call yourselves Christians. BULL!! Read up what your Grandpa preached. Then get right with JESUS! You are judged by the company you keep and granddaughter you are hanging around some bad people or they are. Get a life instead of taking one.

  9. Their faith, without the unambiguous and public work of recognition of overtly, pro-life anti-Roe-v-Wade candidates, is as dead as the babies they fail to protect!

  10. Jesus, who arose from his grave would be turning over in his grave after finding out who they endorsed. They put the “Judas” on Trump!!!

  11. It seems in their own way they’re endorsing the murder of hundreds of thousands of preborn babies by action more than words. The Bible clearly warns against that. Plus, the other listed reasons for supporting Biden fall apart when you look at all the issues and potential replacement policies. We’d already have a solid and cheaper replacement for Obamacare if Democrats had not blocked repeal of it and supported a much better healthcare bill. I could go on and on about lack of support for the nuclear family, endorsement of LGTBQ policies, strong military, free market economics, prolife stance, etc. What Trump has done is much more important than how he says it.

      Faith without works is nil. They are actively working against what faith they claim to have. The Graham’s have a bad nut.

  12. “self proclaimed pro-life evangelical leaders..” Leaders of WHO?, leaders of WHAT?
    Leading blind lemmings right off the cliff!

  13. Evangelicals only in name! If an individual today votes for Biden and the democrats, they are voting for the continuation and increase of the slaughter of babies(murder), the approval of the destruction of the nuclear family(Biblical mandate-Man & woman and children with the Man as the head), the approval of LGBT+, the approval of all anti-God biblical & moral principles being taught, the approval of everything anti-God(especially in our courts), and on and on I can go. If one votes Joe Biden, they are NOT evangelical! Period!

  14. I am appalled at this group and their reasoning. In my opinion, there is no excuse for supporting a party who supports abortion. I do believe there are circumstances where an abortion is necessary. But the democrats support Planned Parenthood, which does thousands of abortions upon request. Abortion is the murder of a baby for someone else’s bad decision making. How on earth these so-called evangelicals can support this is beyond me. I know Billy Graham must be turning in his grave.

  15. Let’s vote for Satan because he isn’t as bad as the orange-man. The difference between ignorance and stupidity is knowledge and understanding. People need to understand that stupid is forever. Welcome to forever Democrats.

  16. Those hucksters are who I refer to as “The Jackals of Jesus, who Profane His Name”. All they really care about is stuffing their bank accounts with the money they scam from their flocks.
    Can anyone find anything in the New Testament where it describes Jesus asking for money for even ONE of his sermons? I didn’t think so. But, those cretins constantly howl the equivalent of “Praise the Lord and pass me your paycheck!”
    As far as abortion goes, Jesus covered that as well. In a rebuke to someone, he said “It is better for one to have a millstone tied about his neck, and be tossed into the sea, rather than to offend (harm) these little ones”.
    I predict a very warm future for abortion supporters.

  17. If these ‘Christians’ actually looked at the Democrat Party as a whole, there is no way they could endorse Biden/Harris and have a conscience. I pray God will open their eyes sooner rather than later.

  18. They are very stupid voting for stupidity, the Democrat Plan will sink this Land in the most atrocious hunger , poverty and destruction ever seen in this Country , these evangelicals sold their souls to Lucifer . If Biden is elected this Country will pay a big price , Americans will be crying tears of blood , look all the States ran by Democrats and see the disgrace are living most of the people there , Keep voting democrats and in two or three decades USA will be a third world Country shocked in endless wars , you don’t know stupid what is socialism, communism, these same evangelicals tomorrow will be crying, whining like donkeys about liberty and freedom.
    One vote for Biden it’s a Vote for Stupidity, Dou you really beleive that is a Biden Plan ? Biden will destroy the SOCIAL SECURITY AND MEDICAID , THANK GOD TRUMP HAS LOWED THE PRICE FOR DRUGS FOR EVERYONE IN PREEXISTING CONDITION, AND THE HEALTH CARE PLAN OF TRUMP WILL BE THE BEST EVER IN THIS BEAUTIFUL LAND , You are stupids , foolish cockroaches repent of your sins , Biden can’t fixes his own brain , how can he leads USA ?
    He can’t coordinate his mind with his own mouth , how can he deals with other Nations ?
    He is suffering dementia, he refused a drug test before the debate , didn’t you see any anomalies in his behavior lacking in his Rallies? you want a brainless animal leading our Country with stimulant drugs . I sick and tired of these people called themselves evangelicals professing faith in God , but denying the same God and his sacred commandments

  19. IF you are truly a Christian that is a Bible believing believer I do not see how you can choose to vote for a man/party that has no problem murdering babies before and after birth. I’m sorry I don’t care whose granddaughter you are, you are lost.

  20. All I can say is these so-called Evangelicals are going to have to face God. How can they support Biden when his party wants to vote God out of their platform, they want to kill babies, and they do not seem to care that boys and girls are being targets of pedophiles. Newsome of CA has signed a law, rule, whatever that a little child can be molested as long as the person is not over 1o ;years older and guess what another fire breaks out. I say that is judgment. God is not pleased with us when we blatantly sin. And I am ashamed that the granddaughter of Billy Graham has taken such a stand. .I wonder if her grandpa would be proud of her. It goes back to the fact that not eveyone who says “Lord, Lord” is going to enter into the kingdom of heaven, according to Matthew 7. Some so called Christians are going to be shocked when God says “depart from me, I never knew you”. Makes me want to be so careful that my walk with the Lord is close, very close.

  21. Their HYPOCRITES. They say their still against abortion BUT will indorse a person who’s supposed the Democratic party leader, who’s party will fight tooth & nail to keep abortion legal.

    That’s like saying you condemn a bank robber who steals money but gave you 1/2 of it, but you won’t give it back because , well you know it’s yours now

  22. Makes absolutely no sense especially for live birth abortion which is blatant murder. They wouldn’t kill a new born puppy though will they?

    1. Patty, there are no morals anymore. It used to be ‘sex in marriage’, now, it’s “if it feels good, do it”. My solution would be to carry that baby to term for adoption. BUT when that baby is born, you have a tubal ligation…PERIOD. There are too many ways to NOT become pregnant these days. Sex out of marriage is SELFISH. Yeah, I’m old, but at least I still have some self pride, responsibility and morals left!

  23. I always though Evangelical people where good God followers, I guess i was wrong . Abortion is wrong and God will make you pay . Evil has entered you Church and the Devil is at your Altar .

  24. John Chap 10 vs 10–Satan comes to steal,kill and destroy. Vote for biden and you vote for SATAN. God shall supply all your needs.Phillipians-chap 4: vs 19. Exodus-chap 20 vs 13 Vote against the Bible and you vote for SATAN Its your Choice. We will all stand before God by ourselves holding no ones hand so wake up people. The democrats are EVIL..

  25. Even the Elect are not above being fooled by Satan. And too bad people can’t realize that if Biden really was such a “nice” guy, that the Democrats would have never picked him!

  26. VP Biden has 47 years to make these ‘problems’ eliminated and failed! How can a person in the political swamp know how to fix a problem THEY created?! Why not let someone (Our Current President) who was able to do these things before the Wuhan Virus. Let a business man continue to get this country on track to solve a business problem! Not a person who has never legally made improvements for our needy people, just for his family thru influence from his position to foreign investors in his son’s business. Is that the way you want our next President to do the right things for our country?! I am a Christian, my Dad was a Minister, my Son is a Minister and Chaplain. I spent many years as a Minister of Music, teacher, Insurance agent and finally made a great living as a business owner.

  27. President Trump may not be a man of GOD. I believe he is GOD’S man today.Our President is Pro-Life, Pro Israel, and has encouraged churches to open up a lot sooner than most did.
    He may have an interesting past. Just remember, Jesus’s best friend during HIS ministry was a prostitute. Also remember the wise words of Jesus:
    You without sin, cast the first stone.
    Maybe the President should change his slogan. Here’s a suggestion:
    ” If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t Christian”

  28. Biden evangelicals must be the dumbest people God ever produced. The cadre of Marxist politicos propping up Joe Biden want to eradicate religion. How much good will that do for these idiotic evangelical preachers? Marxism is only good for politicians, who then have total control of government and soon total control of every aspect of their country. Eliminating religion is a mainstay of the current Democrat Party!

  29. Suffer not the little children to come unto me. Well, SO-CALLED evangelical people– When you stand before God Almighty on judgement day and the BOOK is opened on your life–YOU can always say it was a fetus-NOT a child. YOU will then hear –“Depart from ME thy maker of iniquity-for I know you NOT. The “Smoking Section” will be waiting.

    1. They will have to stand before a Holy God with their hands dripping with the blood of all the unborn they voted to abort . Explain that to the Lord on judgment day.
  30. These are the same people who because of their ‘Order of the Robe” were able to rape boys for DECADES, and they want to voice their support for Biden? They are a complete embarrassment to their Boss.

  31. It’s clear these so called evangelicals are from the 501c3 gang! They will be eliminated by God Himself for leading His flock in the wrong direction! God does not support the murdering of babies and if these so called evangelicals don’t repent, God is going to remove them!

  32. Sorry. These are neither evangelicals or Christians. Biden’s stand on killing babies in the womb or killing them shortly after they are born should preclude any born-again Christian from voting for him.

  33. I was once a Catholic, until I was actually saved! Catholics are far from true Christianity. Its more like a cult. Anyone claiming they are Christians yet support Democrats are wolves in sheep clothing. Run far from them as they are Satan’s tools!

  34. That others distance themselves from simple truths, for example, Pro-Israel, anti abortion, religious freedom, biblical marriage, etc. is certainly a backslidden thought process, but it is God’s job to decide. I would love both parties to have godly ideals and elections could be based on ideas not right vs. wrong. I could NEVER vote for anyone at any time who supports abortion.

  35. These people have lost their religious way; they have abandoned their religious values, principles. They have become politicians, rationalizing acceptance of a popular leftist view.

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