Fight Back Against President Obama [ACT NOW]

President Trump’s re-election campaign has filed a libel lawsuit against CNN for “false and defamatory” statements about Russian collusion in this year’s presidential election.

The complaint, obtained by Fox News, accuses CNN of knowingly publishing false information to hurt Trump’s electoral chances and mislead millions of viewers. (Fox News)

The complaint said that CNN was well aware the statements were false “because there was an extensive record of statements from the Campaign and the administration expressly disavowing any intention to seek Russian assistance” but promoted the claim anyway.

The complaint said that Trump’s legal team sent CNN a request to retract and apologize last month but CNN executives refused. The Trump campaign now seeks “millions of dollars” through litigation.

“The Campaign therefore was left with no alternative but to file this lawsuit to: publicly establish the truth, properly inform CNN’s readers and audience (and the rest of the world) of the true facts, and seek appropriate remedies for the harm caused by CNN’s false reporting and failure to retract and apologize for it,” the complaint said.

CNN did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

You may read the lawsuit here.

Fight Back Against President Obama [ACT NOW]

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    1. LOL, I’m pretty sure Ted Turner already has the copyright on the TNN but I agree he will own them.

    2. Question: In light of Covid-19, who is not going to vote for Trump because they didn’t get to go to a Trump Rally? Probably nobody, but it seems that’s WHY this virus was trumped up to be so bad. I say, let’s have rallies on the internet. We all sign in. Trump talks and carries on. We reply following twitter, or better still, Trump makes an associated website where we can type comments and not be censored by Twitter. I say it’s doable!

  1. I do not remember another time in my 72-year life that the president of the US sued a news network. But we live in a new day, where national propaganda sites like CNN and MSNBC desseminate political disinformation on behalf of Democrats. Trump’s accomplishments are either ignored or distorted, while his opponents’ flaws are ignored or covered up.
    The MSM enjoys wide privileges because they *supposedly* provide factual reporting of the good and the bad for all political leaders. That is no longer the case. Until there are meaningful consequences, the bad behavior will continue.
    So let the campaign sue the disinformation hawkers, and the false narrative disseminators. It may ease the pent up passions of the violent-prone of the Left before the long hot summer of 2020.

    1. Why can’t the MSM be sued for campaign fraud? They are clearly biased in favor of dims, so their publicity should be considered advertising for the DNC, and thus fall under the realm of campaign finance laws? They do not give equal opportunity for Republicans to respond to this blatant propaganda directly benefiting the dims. They should have to report their “news” as ads for the DNC.

    2. Thank you my sentiments are absolutely the same. As President Trump said in his Townhall, “ They attack me and I do my best. But when they continue to lie. I have no choice but to respond.”

  2. So Sad you can’t trust the news now days, this is insane. Are they lying about the Corona-virus too ?

    1. Yes they are. Statistically speaking, you’re more likely to be hit by lightning than die from the corona virus.

      1. Uncle Dave, That’s what they said about the Spanish Flu all those years ago! They tried to play it down, lie about it, and you know what happened with it!
        Careful, we could see your obituary:
        Uncle Dave
        Rest In Peace
        “Died from COVID-19 lightning”

        1. Don’t worry, baby. I’m healthy and fit. I may get ill, but it’s not fatal for the vast majority. The media loves to scare people. I’ve survived the bird flu, sars, Ebola, the ozone hole, y2k, global cooling/ warming, “peak oil”, acid rain, … etc: etc: I’ll be OK.

          1. Uncle Dave, reading your post made me think I wrote it until I went back and read your name again

      2. Today the risk is low, but the risk grows with each new case. There is no vaccine currently nor in the near future. There is great potential for serious economic consequence. Once contained, and it will be, there are critical questions that must be answered and appropriate actions taken.

    2. Of course, when Nixon was in office we were threatened with the new ice age, then global warming, now another virus.

      1. I was in High School in California when the “climate change” experts predicted the “coming ice age”. According to the scientists when I was in High School, by this moment in time the earth would be covered with ice. There would be no farmable land. Everyone would have starved to death or frozen.

        Hmm? Apparently, that never happened. And just like the COVID19 epidemic, this won’t happen, either.

        Just so you know, I visited a Virology Lab web presence to find out what the US Virology teams thought about COVID19.

        It is an ordinary coronavirus, just like Rhinovirus (the virus that causes the common cold is a coronavirus).
        It is a less lethal virus than Avian (bird) flu. It is less likely to become a permanent infection than Herpes Simplex (which is also a coronavirus).
        It is less contagious than Hepatitis A or Hepatitis B. (Both of which are coronaviruses)
        It is less lethal and less damaging than Hepatitis C or Hepatitis D. (Same as above; they are both coronaviruses)
        It is a related virus from the same Chinese Defense Department Virology Lab that brought you the SARS virus a couple years ago. The SARS virus produced symptoms so quickly that it couldn’t spread without being noticed. COVID19 is an improved version of SARS that has a longer incubation period, so it can spread before people know they have it.

        The virologist on the website I was reading have already analyzed COVID19. It uses the exact same attachment method as SARS. It uses the exact same “scripts” to dissolve the cell membrane that SARS uses. Their team is using their previous methods to develop a SARS vaccine to develop the COVID19 vaccine. If President Trump does his usual thing with short-circuiting the FDA’s preposterous verification trials, we should have a working vaccine before the election.

      1. Bingo John, you are absolutely right, it today’s America it seems the truth is so precious that it must be protected with a bodyguard of lies!!!

  3. When the military is in charge of a virology lab, there is only one way to look at it .THAT IS A DELIBERATE ACT. the only saving thing is it got loose in THEIR country first..

    1. not only that, look how long it took to find out about it, months and months. Try to figure out HOW many people left the country infected during that time and continued life as usual going to the stores, ball games, bingo, having friends and family over. Its surprising that the numbers arent higher than they are.
      I wonder if those affected or their families from the ones that didnt survive can sue China?

    2. It doesn’t take much of a stretch to understand that it was a “germ warfare lab and virus they got away from them” > I am pretty sure that it’s intended purpose was to sicken more than to kill. An Army is more hindered with sick people to treat than dead people to bury. What I am having trouble getting my head around is what is an American company doing by building this laboratory for the Chinese? It seems my countrymen have grown so money hungry that, like a prostitute, they will do any and everything for money. God help us, we must either change back or perish!!!

  4. Hopefully Trump will win and CNN will be bankrupt. That would leave a message to the other Fake News networks that they put out what they can prove is true or put out nothing. I can remember when you could trust what you read as being true. Not anymore.

  5. When speaking withing the confines of the House of Representatives members can say just about anything that they want and not be held liable, but outside of that protected area, they are bound by the same laws as the rest of us. Adam Schiff stated in front of TV cameras that he had HARD EVIDENCE that PROVED that the President Colluded with Russia. I would actually pay money to see his skinny butt dragged into court and sued for Liable and forces to present this Hard Evidence.

    1. His evidence was actually that Hilliary and Biden had colluded not Trump, but as anything that the Dems do wrong the reps get blamed for..

    2. The secret to tell when a democrat is lying “Watch his lips, if they are moving, he is lying”…

  6. On another subject, Sorry, but I am busting a gut and I have to vent! When is the media going to be held accountable for their contemptable reporting? The media caused the market to dump, by misreporting, omitting, and flat out lying about the coronavirus. The CDC says don’t panic. Chances of virus blowing up in the US are very low. Only FOX reported this. Wall street says they can’t figure out what’s happening with the markets, but it’s plain to me. The media/Dems, want the markets to crash, the economy to crash and want to hurt millions of retirees, just so they can get Trump out of office! Pure unadulterated evil! Think I’m wrong? Only bad news is reported like how many died. Never mentioned how many recovered. How old were the deceased? Not a word! Most are elderly and not in the work force. Crowded subways in major cities everyday. No reports of illnesses there, but did the media tell us? SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE ABOUT THIS UNRESTRAINED EVIL THE MEDIA IS WRECKING ON AMERICA!!! and for those who believe this crock of diarrhea, haven’t you had enough proof that the media is corrupt? Calm down already!

    1. The only way to stop fake and false reporting is to sue the hell out of them at every turn. Load them up with legal fees.

      the Catholic kid Sanderman is a good example.

  7. Put me on the Jury. We would not be talking MILLIONS, but BILLIONS in reparations.
    In fact I would make sure that the total amount is so high that CNN would not survive at all, or that Trump would wind up effectively owning control of that media.
    There is no excuse for allowing CNN to exist after this, at least as we know it today.
    The Shareholders DESERVE to lose their investments for failing to control the company within legal and rational boundaries.

  8. President Trump should sue all the stations and reporters and people in office if possible for slander of his name and lies they tell. If he wins he should donate the money to the WALL and PRO LIFE. That would sure make them UNHAPPY to see their money going towards what they DO NOT WANT.

  9. Gotta love it when a plan comes together…the nearly $1B that Micro Doomberg pi$$ed away to the Fake News Misleadia outlets to think he was elected dictator of American Samoa will end up going into the pockets of Trump, Sandmann, etc., etc.

    1. This website needs to add an Icon for “thumbs up”. Then we could agree without typing..Ypu see, I think you deserve at least 10 thumbs up for this one.


  10. Does anyone believe that maybe God is angry, because of all the hatred of the people of America? How very sad that Americans spew vile hatred of their fellow man. Our Representatives, hahahahaha, who we put in office, slanders those of us who do not wear the same cloak of political persuasion, as they do. They will kiss the asses of those who wear blue, and shit on the ones who wear red. And this is my country that was founded on Christianity? They take care of their own, and shit on us who are different. Chuck and Nancy are allowed to represent you? FIRE THEM! Before they completely destroy OUR America.

  11. I am also elderly, 75, Viet Nam veteran and I just cannot believe that these so-called “News” outfits are allowed to lie everyday and spread fake news and accuse PRESIDENT TRUMP of arbitrary actions that they have made up our of whole cloth. They did this “Mueller Inquisition” accusing PRESIDENT TRUMP and his campaign of colluding with Russia, when it was the Democrats who had done just that with this Hillary Clinton and DNC paid for “Trump Dossier”, filled with Russian sponsored diatribes, along with help from Christopher Steel, as well as Ukrainian officials for the sole purpose of destroying Trump,s candidacy. They lied about the “Impeachment Scam” also and PRESIDENT TRUMP was acquitted of both charges/investigations. This is nothing but a traitorous coup d,etat foisted on PRESIDENT TRUMP and the Government of the United States by the Democrat Party, using lie after lie supported by two propaganda cable channels masquerading as legitimate news organizations, who have conducted a three year character assassination, with no factual basis in fact to destroy the re-elections chances of PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP. They need to lose their “press” credentials as well as any legal immunity they may have as legitimate press enjoys.

  12. This will make the Second time Fake news CNN has been sued, The Catholic Boys was NOT guilty and CNN was Sued and lost millions . CNN Got What they deserve. Pay UP CNN, Anderson Sucks . TRUMP 20/20

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