What’s next?

A 2005 bipartisan report chaired by former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker III concluded “absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.”
Fifteen years later, no one on the left wants to admit this truth. Instead, the Trump Justice Department finds itself in a race against time to ensure the integrity of our elections with concerns over the increased vulnerability mailing ballots poses or the possibility that a foreign country could print tens of thousands of hard to detect counterfeit ballots — to name a couple.
Here are three of the most troubling recent cases of mail-in voter fraud and incompetence.
Military Ballots Discarded

Luzerne County District Attorney Stefanie Salavantis asked the DOJ and FBI to open an investigation into discarded military ballots this week in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. All the ballots found opened were cast for President Trump. In response, the Justice Department is demanding full compliance from the Luzerne County Bureau of Elections to ensure an “accurate election count.” Still, there’s no guarantee these ballots will be counted in the general election.
Trump won Luzerne County by 20 points in 2016. Before that, it hadn’t gone for a Republican presidential nominee since 1988.
Drive-by Mail

The U.S. Postal Service has launched an investigation after three trays of mail, including an unknown number of absentee bails, were found discarded in a roadside ditch in Greenville, Wisconsin. (Daily Wire)
“According to the Outagamie County Sheriff’s Office, three trays of mail were discovered shortly before 8 a.m. Monday in a ditch along State 96 at Outagamie county CB in Greenville,” the Post-Crescent reported. “The mail was on its way to the post office and the sheriff’s office turned it over to the postal inspector. The mail was mixed and did contain ‘several’ absentee ballots.”
The Postal Service will not disclose how many absentee ballots were recovered.
Then-candidate Donald Trump won Outagamie County by the largest margin in a presidential election since Ronald Reagan’s 1984 landslide.
The Democrats’ Bonnie and Clyde

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced 134 felony charges Thursday against four political operatives over an alleged organized mail-in ballot fraud scheme in a 2018 Democratic primary. The suspects include a couple, Gregg County Commissioner Shannon Brown and his wife, Marlena Jackson.
Fox News has more:
“To increase the pool of ballots needed to swing the race in Brown’s favor, the group targeted young, able-bodied voters to cast ballots by mail by fraudulently claiming the voters were ‘disabled,’ in most cases without the voters’ knowledge or consent,” Paxton’s office alleged.
Of the total charges, 97 felony counts were leveled against Jackson, 30 of them for alleged election fraud.
Many of the charges accuse her of fraudulently marking applications for other people, claiming they were eligible for mail-in ballots due to disabilities when they were not disabled.
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it is pretty disgusting That Americans can’t have fair & honest elections, all the dishonest games & disgraceful lies made up because Hillary lost the election is just not acceptable i feel all who partook in the nasty charade need to be removed out of City & State government, nobody should be getting paid for being spitefully dishonest allowing people to steal from the USA & the American people this is not why American people vote for their elected officials , nobody should by lying about who they are, using fictitious names, nor should they have a criminal record. Every elected official needs to be an American citizen. enough is enough . Americans are not slaves for nobody our taxes are way too high in every city & State.
The saddest part is KNOWING WHAT STATES WILL BE THE MOST DISHONEST! I say CONTEST IT NOW! Never saw it on it on the news but here in CA several truck loads have been dumped in fields at night! Not postal trucks they say. OK where and how did they get all this mail????????? The rats have had this all planned. WE will NEVER have an HONEST VOTE with rats doing ALL THEIR DIRTY DEEDS! WE cannot vote in person per NEWSCUM, SOOOOOO the fraud is on, Take a good look at all the evil losers here in CA. And illegals, harvesting, paying folks on the street to sign and they will fill it in. Mail to animals and folks who have passed or moved, yep not only in CA! FRAUD FRAUD! PIGGLY gives her blessing……………..
Where in California did someone find dumped ballots
I Know this Report is Real “in two separate locations in Glendale surveillance video captured the dumping of mail bags that contained Ballots”
I found a CBS article covering this. Use DuckDuckGo.com and search for Glendale California ballots found in field, and the article pops up first. It’s happening and our voting system is compromised.
The fraud in CA comes from people voting who aren’t US citizens and also from ballot harvesting in the homeless community.
It is not even election time and already we have voter Fraud. Mail in votes should not be allowed. Who will trust the elections to much FRAUD, You need to vote in person and have picture ID in order to vote.
I agree, its been that way for years! Rats can not stand NOT being in control. Sooooo pick out the worst 2 losers and make sure all the tricks and fraud, plus riots is a go! KINDA GOT OUT OF HAND, RATS! MAY all who are guilty of this BS rot in HELL!
This is the only country that people vote by mail. Time to stop that, vote in person with Id.
Messed up voting “tricks” intentional do a coupla of things the democrats want
1. Create a nice cloud of confusion
2. Create a nice aire of distrust
3. Pave the way to federal control, aka “resolve” the other two manufactured issues (as usual).
Once the feds get a hold of it, your republic will no longer exist. It will go the way of Rome
I switched to the Republican party back when Raegan ran and won. I seen then the democrats party was going bad. Now its 20 times worse. Anti GOD and marxist commies are coming out of the democrats now. Lie-cheat-steal and you name it and they do it. I voted Raegan and I voted Trump the last time and I’m going to vote in person for Trump again. I agree on picture ID Too. Can’t trust the dem leaders anymore for sure. Kennedy would hide his face in shame the way the dems are doing now. Freedom Trump 2020
I voted for Trump and asked for a receipt and was told no. What ‘s to stop them from throwing my ballot in the trash after I leave !!!
I feed mine in a voting machine after I vote. I just hope they treat my vote with proper respect. I don’t think they cheat where I vote. Most people around in this state voted trump last time and he won. Trump 2020
With a Dem in charge of voting, suspect fraud. Wonder if that is how it starts… Elect (fraudulently) a Dem to hold the Office of County Recorder. A Dem should never be allowed to hold that much power over our ballots. A vote for a Dem to hold that Office, guarantees….fraud.
They don’t need to trash your vote. Just flip the vote with the Dominion Machines. Thousand upon thousands of votes were flipped.
Can’t trust the rino repubs either. They would rather lose to the demonRats fraud machine than fight for POTUS. Phony bastards.
Now if Foreign element did print a million ballots they would not have the necessary required Serial numbers or persons names associated with the ballots to even come close to making them legal. Now absentee ballots are different from private voting, your name is associated with the ballot, so it can be easily checked if you have already voted, and catch you if you decided to vote later again. There is no way to totally eliminate some vote violations, but it is a lot closer controlled than this article tries to indicate. Now why is it with 3 states who have had mail voting for more than 20 years there is no fraud found, every ballot has to match the number sent to the person, not just randomly counted without checking.
But how do we know that the vote counter pays attention to those facts? He may be getting paid to over look that little fact.The one who votes doesn’t decide the out come, the vote counter does
TROLL ALERT, he uses different names BUT spews the same BS! NO question what party is with ??????
An elderly blind woman in Houston never got her requested absentee ballot. So, she had a neighbor take her to the polls to vote in person. Guess what? SOMEONE HAD ALREADY VOTED FOR HER!!! Fraud is rampant in Democrat-congtrolled areas. I know — I’m from Chicago.
I drove my Dem elderly neighbor to vote. Same thing happened. She had already voted. She mentioned a guy had come over to talk about voting. Guess he voted for her.
CAUTION: DO NOT give any voting information on line or phone, If you did NOT ask for an absentee ballot and get one, destroy it, SHRED, there is a difference between mail in and absentee, absentee you must ask for and it’s sent from local registars office, mail in can be printed by anybody , DO NOT give your ballot to anyone at your door, If voting absentee, either take to local office or hand it in to a poll worker, PLEASE take precaution, this is the worse it’s ever been.
otay roberta, keep on eating your globalist pills and maybe one day something will sprout and you can stop to “imagine” robert .
Absentee ballots are different from mail in ballots.Absentee will have checks and balances while mail in ballots will not.
Remember, the USPS is UNION,,and we KNOW who UNIONS support,,,even if it Destroys the country and drives Jobs off Shore,,,like with Obama and Clinton
In 2000 Democrats in Florida didn’t want the absentee ballots from members of the military deployed overseas counted because they didn’t have dates stamped on envelopes. The military mail system, APO and FPO, do not date stamp mail.
We have seen voter fraud in every one of the early elections, so far, and the dumbocraps, are like crickets, their karma will come back to haunt them.
i am a senior citizen and i will not be involved with nancys criminal action , i will vote in person
Good luck, I tried calling to see where I could vote in person , NO CAN DO IN CA!
Military ballots have never been rightfully counted…Those received have been placed in storage and after the election they are dumped i.e.trashed…Ask yourself this…Have you ever seen any statistics on how many military ballots were cast in any election?…Now you know…Neither Democrats or Republicans give a crap about military ballots…They are a waste of time…Why count em…That being said this question needs to be answered by Congress…Why are military votes not being counted?…You can expect a lame answer or a cover up of the truth…Knowing how corrupt the election system in this country has become…It’s no wonder people don’t go to the polls to vote…they are skeptical their vote will not be fairly counted or trashed…so why vote?
Do you want to live with no food, no electricity and no money? Can’t even afford to buy a dozen eggs? Like in Venezuela with its “democratic socialism?” If you want to live like that, then go vote — for Biden/Harris!!!!
globalist puppet $oro$, puppet libby snow flakes imagine that globalists will only make AMERICANS live with no food, no electricity and no money while the globalist puppet $oro$, puppet libby snow flakes receive all . . . . .
Nobody in their right mind would vote for Biden/Harris
I seen on TV where them poor people was eating out of trash cans In Venezuela. They would shoot them if they rebelled. Pitiful.
—and you thinnk it will or could not happen here? Have you seen th ereports on how organized these “peaceful” demonstrators are? They use the peaceful demonstrators as a shield agains the police and then hurl projectiles on the police from behind the shield. Don’t call them “peacful” but call them accomplices
Now go finish mailing your 1,000 mail in ballots for globalist $oro$ puppet, chester the molester biden .
As Biden says. Come On Man
If these three small cases are all you can come up with, it seems to be very feeble evidence for widespread voter fraud.
Don-U misunderstand. Most of us have other duties that we tend to most of the day. There may be only three examples that one can come up with at any given time. Digging and coming up with sources, additional exaples, and thelike is a very time intensive task. If a “nobody” like the poster can come up with three incidents, all it means is that those are the cases the poster remembers at the time he/she posted. The slogan “Vote early and vote often” did not just spring up. Chicago has been the poster child for the accuracy of this slogan. So, if you care to point out instances or statistics about NON FRAUD elections, please do so.
This kind of fraud is almost impossible to catch. What if ballots were shredded not dumped? Burned and not thrown in a field? They only catch the 1% stupid ones. With live ballots having no name or tracking data, there is NO WAY to catch fraud unless it is seen. So if these 3 cases are the 3 idiots this week, then the 1000 others got away with it….and what if it is 500 and not 20 in the next case? When elections come down to 100s or even a few 1000 votes, throwing out a few 1000 can make a HUGE difference
I can give you another in Dall an illegals girl friend told the offical he wasillegal nut could he vote. the Democratic offical said yes bring him in and he voted. How many others did this ==especially in areas wher they have drivers licence
In NM they have been “harvesting” ballots for years at different nursing homes. I know of one case of a voter’s name being purged from the rolls because she disagreed with the local politico, her cousin! How many more people have had this happen? They don’t fuss out of outright fear! There’s been elections in NM where hundreds of ballots showed up “all of a sudden” and OF COURSE, they were for the Democrat!! There’s far too many corrupt judges in this state also.
Whatever happened to the post office motto, “Through rain, snow, sleet and hail I will perform my postal duties.” I don’t know it, just of it. But I do know that nowhere in the motto is an exception that states except if President Trump is running for re-election. There are no free and legal elections any more. They are all corrupt! The people will never know by mail-in ballot.
I don’t trust any people working at the voting sites, One ballot is to many to be discarded in America, the demon crats will do anything for power we the people cannot allow the demon crats to steel this election, here in orange county, southern California you can still vote in person ,as I’m disabled and vote by mail in the past.not this time I will wheel in with my wheelchair and ask questions and observe, I just don’t understand how anyone could vote for demon crats after all they have done to President Trump, and what they haven’t done for America
Trump 2020
If Joe Biden Wins the Election because of Fraudulent Mail In Ballots (Not Absentee Ballots) He will and should be Considered a Usurper! I Hope if that Happens the Righteous Patriots Rise Up and Remove Him and the Rest of the Lying, Cheating Democrats from Power!
You’re talking “Major Revolution”.
There have been numerous reports of proven Mail in fraud across the country. It is so obvious that Mail in fraud is very damaging to our election process. The Democratic Party and the media ignores it and so won’t report it which is deserving the public. Back around 20 or so years ago Pelosi, Schumer and others condemned Mail in voting because in there words it makes it to easy to cheat the system.
Democrats don’t want to admit to anything. That’s their big problem. Because if they actually did admit to issues like voter fraud, they might be taken seriously, and then would have to accept the public’s opinion of these abnormalities. For them though, it’s best not to engage; that way you never have to be taken seriously for anything you say, do, or support.
If it weren’t for vote fraud, no Demon-crat could ever win any election.
Pelosi is destroying our government with her desperate bid for the presidency. It’s time to stop her and her goons. They are making claims without proof, hoping to put ideas in the heads of Americans. She doesn’t realize that we are intelligent people and can see right through her schemes and crooked plans. What do we have to do to remove her from our government?
This sort of voter fraud is so serious to American freedom (right after abortion, homosexuality, and false gods) that it must be dealt with severely! We have definite laws covering voter fraud – as mentioned, felonies – and these people should receive sentences up to capital punishment so that no one will ever think of risking this threat to all Americans again.
And we must seek out and prosecute the big-billionaire Democrats trying to destroy our republic. If our elected government can’t or won’t do this, WE THE PEOPLE must act!
In WV there was voting papers changed, of course Manchin lied about it, said it didn’t happen, then in same sentence he admitted it did. He said was only 5 papers, i researched and found out it was actually 8. I sent in proof to our President Trump.
Distract , accuse ,allege,and use whatever means necessary to disparage AG Paxton by an organization with a disparaged reputation, as if they knew what they are doing,directed by the Democrat Party in a “Last Ditch Effort” to claim No harm No Foul with this Election from hell as Election Ballots are still turning up in Ditches with no explanation how they got there which is so unbelieveable because the USPS keeps such a “Tight Rein”on all their Employees and knows where they are at any given moment,by GPS and barcodes they place inside mailboxes that must be scanned to prove each employee is doing their job and not goofing off on the job !
So having said that it seems as though there should be an Investigation as to How and Who allowed that to Happen !
The USPS expects Americans to support this corrupt business ?
Where are the Postal inspectors ? They also corrupt?