Fibonacci Blue from Minnesota, USA via Wikimedia Commons

History tells us that when Americans face a crisis, they come together leaving partisanship and the like behind. That was what happened after Pearl Harbor and, more recently, in the wake of the terrorist attack on New York’s World Trade Center and the Pentagon. It has not happened, however, in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic that has the country locked down and frustrated.

Progressive Democrats were quick to attack President Donald Trump when he banned travel to and from China as unnecessary. His ban was the first, but other countries quickly followed and he came in for even more flak when he banned commercial flights to and from Europe as the number of victims there exploded. At the time, the President was seen as over-reacting, but now many of the very same pundits and politicians who attacked him then for doing too much are arguing that he was lax in his appreciation of what was about to happen and was, therefore, doing too little early on and, as a result, should be held personally responsible for the crisis that followed.

Their partisan and ideological hatred of Donald Trump colors everything they say and has led them to oppose any and everything coming out of the White House and his Administration. There are exceptions, of course, the very liberal governors of California and New York both count themselves as sworn enemies of the President, but have both largely resisted the temptation to charge the Trump Administration with incompetence or a failure to deliver what they’ve asked for. To the contrary, both have publicly acknowledged that the President has done everything they’ve asked and given them the help they’ve so desperately needed to deal with the pandemic that has been especially damaging to their states.

But they are the exception. In most progressive quarters, politicians, reporters and pundits are anxious to blame the President both for inept leadership and for the death of those struck down by the virus. His advice, they claim, is always wrong, counterproductive and downright dangerous. When he suggested that a Malaria medicine that has been on the market for decades just might be helpful in easing the suffering and speeding the recovery of those infected by the virus. The President’s detractors immediately attacked him as a know-nothing and launched what amounted to a campaign to dissuade anyone from taking the pills. It turns out, however, that doctors in many other countries prescribe the pills because, well, they find that in many cases they do relieve the worst symptoms of those suffering from the virus.

This week, a Brooklyn Bar owner’s death from the Coronavirus is being blamed on the President and Fox News because the man went on a cruise relying on assurance from the President and Sean Hannity that he shouldn’t worry. The New York Times, upon discovering that the man was a Trump supporter, suggested that it was this which prompted the man to go on the cruise, contract the coronavirus and die.

The problem is that he was apparently infected not while on the cruise (no one else on that cruise caught it) and the supposedly flawed advice he got from Hannity was offered after he’s booked and left. Nonetheless, Trump haters like the Nation’s David Corn were almost ecstatic to find a death they thought they could pin on the President. Corn tweeted “It shows how Trump and Fox have killed Americans.”

It’s one thing to be wrong. It is quite another to search for ways or lie to blame a politician and rival commentator for “killing” victims of a disease for purely political reasons.

The Times has pulled off an amazing trifecta. It links a segment from Sean Hannity with someone’s death, when the broadcast occurred after the cruise started. It then made it seem as though Fox News and Hannity were making false claims — at the very same time that the New York Times and the reporter who wrote this piece were telling people not to worry. And it claims that Hannity was saying the virus was a hoax when he was saying nothing of the sort. 

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    1. They lie.
      God will judge for bearing false witness. Oh, that is right. They don’t believe in God. Too bad that God believes in them and expects them to OBEY His commandments.

  1. Frankly, I’m hoping and praying that the Dems will soon start the coming civil war. I can hardly wait to help kill every one of them.

  2. If dumbocraps want to kill themselves that’s fine by me. Just don’t try to take me with you. I will fiercely object.

  3. I just pray these democrat lovers wake up before Novemeber and realize they are being used to alter America to meet the needs of the politicians and not the needs of Americans.

    1. Having grown up in the party and leaving it when liberals started bastardizing it I have to say they don’t have the power to think for themselves and just follow the the indoctrination.

  4. Mo : agree a zillion x’s !!! That goes to my willful ignorance of my relatives , totally brain washed. Very sad when you see your
    own family thinks the most absurd ideology but not educated especially about socialist Democrat who wants to turn our country to a third rate world banana country. Sad to say that free money make people very lazy, expect tax payers to feed them and lost the real American dream, like self sustainable,
    rely on their own hard work of accomplishment.

    1. My daughter has not spoken to me or even checked on me in 1 month !!
      She is blaming everything on Trump and goes into a rage if I even say his name.
      Pretty SAD and hurtful for me. I never in my wildest dream thought she had so much Hate in her heart !!!!!! I will be voting Trump !!!!!!

      1. Very good Mary.Trump has done more for this country than all the presidents put together with 300 accomplishments. The media doesn’t
        report anything positive about him and he tells them that in his daily briefings. Trump has given people more money in their paychecks by lowering the FICA tax and he doubled the tax deductions everyone can take .He’s ended all the wars we were in and built up our military after Obama decimated it to pre-World War 11 status. He got us out of OPEC and we are drilling here now and are energy independent for the first time in 70 years causing prices to be lower at the pump.These are only some of the things he’s done.Your daughter is obviously a victim of the Fake News media.

  5. This is what DemonRATS do..DIVIDE..especially
    among minorities. At a time we should unite as
    President Trump wants their motto is to
    Conquer and Divide..this was taught by the
    biggest racist and divider of all times..
    The American hating Muslim Ibama. He set
    race relations back decades and did NOTHING
    for blacks..he was too busy bowing to foreign
    countries..apologizing for America..and bringing
    in the likes of Omar..and others.

  6. Three years ago Trump proposed a Travel Ban between China, the Mid East, and other Countries, The Democrats & Pelosi obstructed, Trump wanted the WALL , Pelosi and Democrats obstructed. Trump pushed for American first, Democrats & Pelosi obstructed.
    What part of “we would be better off had they NOT obstructed for the last three years?

  7. If Trump and any conservative commentator (i.e., Sean Hannity/Fox) will always get negative reviews from liberal leftists who have no handle on anything. If it wasn’t for Trump, our nation would have faced the same results as the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic which killed 675,000 Americans, a time when the Dems were politically in charge. They failed to do anything and over 500 million people were infected worldwide. There is another Pandemic we are seeing in our nation, it is a partisan pandemic that only infects liberals and dems, it has spread throughout our nation – it is known as Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) and is far more dangerous to the U.S. than COVID-19. Unfortunately, it is apparently uncurable. David Corn is infected with it, as are untold thousands (maybe millions) of other progressives, liberals, elites, and dems. Those of you that are “good, honest, hardworking dems – walk away before you get infected with TDS. Your dem leadership is headed in the wrong direction (i.e., socialism, abortion, gay rights, etc.). They are leading you astray, walk away before it is too late. Show your leaders you will not be sheep who they can lead without question. Walk away, I diid and you can too – it just takes a single step!!

  8. Their insane hatred of our President is destroying their brains. There is not one shred of rationale left in their cortex. Good riddance to all of them come November. They should be renamed Dimwitocrats.

  9. The Chinese Virus is a product if the left and its alliance with China. Evil is the center of the dems and the left may the virus attack its master and destroy their evil party.

  10. Typical Democrats Claim that President Trumps hatred under cuts their plea for unity which we All know is a Farce !!!!! Yet in New York, Democrat mayor di Blasi pleas for all citizens to Rat each other out by taking video of any one not complying with his COVID-19 Agenda !!!!!We should make a video of him kissing Hitlers Ass !!!!!

  11. Its bad to say but , the brainless democrats along with their fake news networks need to get all the cases of the Virus in this country. They are all already sick, so why not, they are all scum.

  12. The Democrats are pure evil : always hoping for Trump to fail ! Their wishes will not come true. He is a staunch believer in his Lord Jesus Christ ! His destiny lies in HIS hands, not in the evil democrats !

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