
Just shy of 50 retired military officers have signed a letter endorsing President Trump’s consideration to mobilize troops to restore order in cities where rioting continues to rage.
“Notwithstanding the non-stop hostility of the news media, President Trump has established a record of being cautious and restrained when using military power,” they explained in a letter published by the Washington Times.
We couldn’t have said that better ourselves. Here are the highest-ranking heroes supporting President Trump’s push to restore law and order in liberal cities.
General Buck Kernan (U.S. Army)

Kernan retired in 2002 as a four-star general.
His last command was as the head of the now-deactivated United States Joint Forces Command.
Lieutenant General William G. Boykin (U.S. Army)

Boykin retired as a three-star general in 2007. He last served as the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence for President George W. Bush.
Lieutenant General Thomas G. McInerney (U.S. Air Force)

A decorated pilot during the Vietnam War, McInerney went on to serve as a top military adviser to the secretary of defense and vice president during the Reagan administration.
Lieutenant General Jay Garner (U.S. Army)

Garner retired as a lieutenant general in 1997. He rose quickly through the ranks from a combat infantryman in Vietnam, eventually helping design the Patriot missile system and commanding U.S. Army Space and Strategic Defense Command.
Lieutenant General John Pickler (U.S. Army)

After graduating from the United States Military Academy, Pickler served with the First Cavalry Division in Vietnam. His final assignment was as Director of the Army Staff in the Pentagon from August 1999 to November 2001.
Lieutenant General Ronald Watts (U.S. Army)

Watts served as Deputy Commanding General of the United States First Army, the oldest and most established field army in the U.S. military.
During his career, he also served as the commander of the heralded 1st Infantry Division.
Lieutenant General John Woodmansee (U.S. Army)

Woodmansee served in the U.S. Army for over 33 years, including 1500 combat hours as a helicopter pilot in Vietnam, before retiring as a lieutenant general in 1989.
His last command was the Army’s V Corps in Europe, replacing then-Lieutenant General Colin L. Powell.
Lieutenant General Dennis Cavin (U.S. Army)

Cavin advanced through the ranks to eventually become Deputy Commanding General United States Army Air Defense Artillery Center before retiring in 2004.
He recently retired from Lockheed Martin as Vice President of Army and Missile Defense Programs.
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God bless these warriors they are the ONLY true patriots in the leadership of the military, sadly we will have to recall them to duty soon!
The sooner the better…
Majority of veterans will NOT support Trump. And this grandstanding by so-called “retired” military Officers is a joke. Taking a stand against American citizens violates the military oath.
Funny, in my own family (3 Veterans) plus a goodly number of more Veterans,
we are ALL supporting President Trump. They EACH have repeated their Oaths,
to me…and here is a reality for you. There is no expiration date for that Oath,
which is to protect America from ALL attackers….foreign and DOMESTIC.
Portland has had over 56 days to step up to limit the protests to a Civil level,
and they have NOT made any effort to do so. In fact, they have encouraged it!
The First Amendment does NOT provide …”approval”….to harm, loot and destroy.
THANK YOU, DHS and President Trump for working to stop this INSURRECTION.
On top of our DHS effort, I want to see charges against those persons (Mayor & Governor) for their …ALL TOO OBVIOUS DERELICTION.
I guess the majority that you are talking about must have served in the fake military and my oath did not violate keeping federal property safe from the enemy and these people are enemies from the start. Col. USMC
The majority he must be talking about must be “Fonda-ites”…
PS. I am a Desert Storm Veteran who’s sick of seeing our cities being destroyed by, and protected by, Marxists.
PS. I am a US Army Veteran who served in Operation Desert Storm.
I’m a 30 year retired Command Sergeant Major and I stand with President Trump. He has full authority of the safety and security of this great country from foreign or domestic terrorist/ violence. Make no mistake! I know many veterans who stand with this great man… I have only heard the ppl that don’t make it in the military cry about him… These Generals that are talking against the President is just plain disrespectful n against their oath. Be for real!
Too bad they are taking a stand against garbage that doesn’t deserve to be called american citizens. I don’t think you speak for any vets. We need to take control of these cities and arrest this disgusting pos, you appear to think otherwise, must be a liberal.
You are full shit!
Ready to serve their country AGAIN, thank you ! These are true patriots and heroes. I am humbled to even be able to write this comment. America loves you !
To jd shields you are wrong.we protect Americans from foreign aid domestic and having did two tours in nam we protected you too.you are just another liberal that had two presidents that were too weak that sent 58000 to their deaths.so move to another country if you don’t like the protection we provided you
No Navy Admirals – NOT surprising!!
No Marine Corps Generals – Surprising!!
The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878, by President Rutherford B. Hayes which limits the powers of the federal government in the use of federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States.
Key word is “limits” not “prohibit”
(a) “With respect to Acts of Congress authorizing the exercise, during the period of a national emergency, of any special or extraordinary power, the President is authorized to declare such national emergency. Such proclamation shall immediately be transmitted to the Congress and published in the Federal Register.”
The president DOES have the authority to use federal troops in a national emergency.
Sorry leftists..,
Put those treacherous liberal mayors and governors in jail. They are breaking the law by encouraging and protecting the rioters.
Hooray, go to DefCon 2.
Hire Boomers too for Miltia role?
Take case to White House, FNC & FBN alone
Given the Obama sewage still in place at the Pentagon it would not surprise me if someone tried to yank their pensions.
I fully support President Trump. I would sign up in a minute to help preserve our wonderful country. I already served 20 years and would gladly give 20 years more if physically able.
Thank you for your service. I am the mom of a Marine.
If Trump does not move to restore order, we will have anarchy. After all. These are the same areas where citizens are just about forbidden to arm themselves and protect themselves.
Very good article. I am dealing with many of these issues as well..