Don’t panic — be mindful…

Many states are in the opening phases of reopening their economy as the country adapts to life with coronavirus. More challenging days likely lie ahead, with the possibility of a spike in the daily death toll and increasing caseloads in the Great Lakes, South Carolina and the Northeast. Whether or not that manifests completely depends on myriad factors, some of which are in our control.
Many officials are pushing for their states to ease restrictions in a way that makes sense responsibly. We welcome these changes. The reality of everyday life in the near-to-intermediate future means we should take necessary precautions to slow the coronavirus’ spread and mitigate the risks to those most susceptible as commerce rightfully resumes.
Currently, rural and small metro areas with meatpacking industries are seeing some of the fastest growth in COVID-19 cases. Here’s a complete list of the counties most dramatically affect:
Colfax County, Nebraska

- County Seat: Schuyler
- Population: 10,709
Cases doubling every two days.
Platte County, Nebraska

- County Seat: Columbus
- Population: 33,470
Cases doubling every three days.
Jones County, Texas

- County Seat: Anson
- Population: 20,785
Cases doubling every three days.
Stearns County, Minnesota

County Seat: St. Cloud
- Population: 161,075
- Cases doubling every 2.5 days.
Benton County, Minnesota

- County Seat: Foley
- Population: 40,889
Cases doubling every 2.5 days.
Crawford County, Iowa

- County Seat: Denison
- Population: 16,942
Cases doubling every three days.
Guthrie County, Iowa

- County Seat: Guthrie Center
- Population: 11,353
Cases doubling every three days.
Wapello County, Iowa

- County Seat: Ottumwa
- Population: 36,051
Cases doubling every 1.5 days.
Buchanan County, Missouri

- County Seat: St. Joseph
- Population: 87,364
Cases doubling every 2.5 days.
Trousdale County, Tennessee

- County Seat: Hartsville
- Population: 7,259
Cases doubling every 1.5 days.
Carroll County, Mississippi

- County Seat: Carrollton
- Population: 9,947
Cases doubling every three days.
Liberty County, Florida

- County Seat: Bristol
- Population: 8,354
Cases doubling every day.
Northhampton County, Virginia

- County Seat: Eastville
- Population: 13,093
Cases doubling every three days
Personally Thank Trump for His COVID-19 Response! [ACT NOW]
How about some numbers.
one to two !!
Reopening just may be a good time to discover all those bringing in the SARS 2 virus to have ‘hot spots.’
You see daily growing numbers of COVID cases. What you never see is that number reduced by the number of patients who have recovered from the disease. Just more fake news media hysteria and hype.
Exactly Don!! How many times have you heard or read that in NY over 25%, and perhaps as many as 50% of the cases are in Nursing homes??? Not many I bet, outside of FOX News. MSNBC and CNN would rather alarm us than give us reassuring news!!
Amen! Spin spin spin … lie lie lie.
The saddest part are the masses
(sheeple) who don’t research and
obediently succumb to the FEAR
and irrational rules. TRAGIC.
There will be deaths from the Wuhan Hubei Chinese Military Bio Weapons Lab coronavirus Kung Flu weather we open our country, but if we remain locked down their will be millions of deaths from suicide, starvation and criminal violence! We should put this baby in first and stomp it to the floor, see how fast we can get through this quarter!
Once again, looking forward to you rednecks gasping for your last breaths. With no one to hold your hand, especially your leader who gives not crap one about you.
Keep drinking the kool-aid while they progressively eliminate your rights. We on the other hand, will take personal responsibility for our own health and safety and not wait for the government to give us our orders.
Kool-aid AND too much Mary Jane!!!!!
You are a complete idiot. Go set and sulk about Shilliary losing the election. If she would have won, this country would have already been destroyed, as she would have continued the destruction Obummer started .
Thank God Killary didn’t win!!!! We’d all be speaking Chinese by now, had she won!
Hey Moderator, Are you trying to deny my 1st Amendment Rights? WHY must my comment await moderation? No foul language is included! How about a Reason WHY?????
The Americans should learn a thing or two from Sweden!
In a uniquely Swedish way, decision-making has been delegated to experts with government simply announcing decisions without politicising the process.
Collective good is placed above party politics and that a true sense of unity, in both action and deed, has been guiding decision-making in spite of real differences of opinions amongst the relevant bodies and actors.
Local. news. On the. Radio. Today. Virus. Is more dangerous for. People. Forced. To. Stay. Indoors—-———the. Black. Plague was. Eliminated by. SUNSHINE—!!
It is getting more contagious but is it stronger or weaker.
Hey Moderator, Are you trying to deny my 1st Amendment Rights? WHY must my comment await moderation? No foul language is included! How about a Reason WHY?????
Number of cases? That is deceptive. The real data that tells you something would be how many TESTS did it take to get that number of increased cases. A real number is the number of hospitalizations as an increased PERCENTAGE. Or the number of deaths that were not old people with pre existing conditions.
What they are putting out is designed to stop the reopening.
What do they actually want? The economy to fail.
Look at what they are crying about now. They are upset that the cities and states are in trouble as a result of falling revenues. And WHO caused that? The very Democrats who now want to be bailed out.
Want to stop the shut down of the cities and states? Open businesses back up and let the disease run its course. Sweden, Taiwan and Singapore did that and their record of deaths is no worse than those who DID shut down.
ABSOLUTELY RIGHT !! The whole delay process is a desire to PREVENT RECOVERY. It is common knowledge that the MAIN source of infection is CONFINEMENT. Let’s get back to work, open the windows and let the sun in. Let’s get back to the parks and beaches — the SAFEST PLACES TO BE !!!!!
MSM is fear mongering…YES…. the more they test, the more numbers go up…no matter, it still is not changing the recovery rate…My gosh! Wake up, we are being played, in the name of control!!!YES people are dying…majority older with underlying conditions… It is sad, but, they new from the beginning old were more susceptible to this, and not recovering….and what did they do about protecting long term care residences????? NOT A DANG THING!!!!!!!!!!!
No reason for undue concern. Viruses and other causes of sickness come and go. This (the 19th) version of the Covid virus, which has been around since 1965 is no different. The panic being promoted over it is unfounded and it is no more deadly than seasonal flu that takes 60,000+ lives every year in the U.S. There’s been no cure discovered for the flu and there won’t be a cure for this virus in the foreseeable future either, so there’s no sane reason to lock down and hide behind a (useless) mask all of which does more harm than the virus.
While talking in terms of growth in cases as a percentage is understandable to a point not putting such statements in context is irresponsible. A county with 100,000 people and 5 active cases, equals .00005% of the population, jumps to 15 active cases which would be a 200% increase. That percentage increase sounds alarming yet the total number of cases is still a statistically insignificant percentage of the population of .00015%. Not that an increase should be monitored, but how much hardship should the remaining 99,985 people in this county be put through in order to try and prevent further spread?
Further more how many of the people in this population have actually died? For it is deaths and only deaths that should be focus of a government to prevent or reduce the risk of. The above county is an actual county. The one where I live. A total of 3 people have died in my county, all of which were elderly and had other health issues.
So while the increase sounds alarming it is in fact such a tiny percent of the population combined with the fact that 97.8% of known cases in the county have fully recovered, it really begs the question of if the county would need to do anything in response. I think the question from any rational point of view is no.
The entire reason behind the lock down was to prevent the hospital systems from being over burdened.