Hungryogrephotos via Wikimedia Commons

A Democrat official in Minnesota is now praising the violent and destructive actions of the George Floyd rioters, calling their actions an “act of pure righteousness.”

As The Daily Wire reports:

On August 2, the chair of the Minneapolis Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, the affiliate of the Democratic Party in Minnesota, defended rioters who set a police precinct on fire during the riots after the death of George Floyd in 2020, writing that the burning was “a genuine revolutionary moment” and an “act of pure righteousness to open new worlds of understanding.”

In his essay on Southside Pride titled “The Cops Started It,” Devin Hogan claimed that the Minneapolis police “started shooting ‘less lethals’ at the angry teenagers and other crowds who had gathered at the Third Precinct on the first afternoon. It was unprovoked and at random. Our Boys in Blue were showing off.”

“The youth of Minneapolis have grown up seeing the police murder people who look like them without consequences,” he wrote. “They are out of f***s to give. Deliberately antagonizing them was a cruel excuse to give an opportunity to knock heads. Everything that followed was a proportional response.”

“The Target across the street wouldn’t let protesters into the store to purchase posterboard and markers to make signs,” Hogan wrote. “It got looted. Brand new flatscreen TVs and other detritus were used to build more barricades. At this point the world was paying attention. Friends and family were reaching out. How come words won’t satiate people? Why Minneapolis? The cops started it, I replied. They killed George Floyd and took every opportunity to escalate, agitate and make things worse. The cops are rioting and the people are responding.”

Hogan went on to call those who opposed the rioters actions ‘the powers that hold up white supremacy.’


  1. What an idiot. A perfect example of the left’s interpretation of what is right and what is wrong behavior. Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. God is watching and those who seem to be getting away with this awful, sinful behavior, will one day have to answer to Him. And He’s a perfect and just judge who won’t let anyone get away with these acts and words without the punishment due them!

  2. Devin Hogan is just one more CATHOLIC TRAITOR… ANTIFA is CATHOLIC…Same tactics for a hundred years, just different names! The VATICAN oppressors has a lot of power. It destroys everything it kisses.
    The only way to get rid of these “brown shirts” (old german thugs of Hitler) is to vote them out. The Catholics are the “brown shirts” and mean to destroy the USA. A third of congress and senate are VATICAN oppressors dogma victims And all they can do is mouth the VATICAN oppressors desire to destroy the USA just like they have destroyed every nation they kiss.

    1. Alfie, we don’t want stupid people responding. We have enough of that already. Were you born under a rock.

    2. you are such an ass wipe. are you delusional just like the rest of the left. Can you please go back in your hole and come out when you grow up?

  3. “Revolutionary moment” equals “insurrectionary moment”. Where is Pelosi and her inquiry into this ongoing insurrection.


  5. Cops should use real lead ammunition to fix the problem. Rock salt from shotguns is non lethal, but definitely a deterrent. Ask anyone that was shot by a farmer for stealing his produce. It will get your attention for quite a while.

  6. Let BLM burn his house and family and see how this idiot feels then. Liberalism at this level is truly a Mental Disorder.

  7. Sadly, he and his gaggle of allies certainly would not take the same stance if it were their families and friends, their personal loss of financial well being, along with their income streams, limbs, and homes as these hardline opportunistic anarchists’ he seemingly supports torch their businesses, well being, and home engulfing them in violent pilfering and flames.

  8. “Black is white, wite is black, lies are truth, and Big Brother is watching you” goes a treatise on Marxism by George Orwell. “Don’t let the pigs take over the farm” from another of his works that was teleological. I’m sure that some will misinterpret this as they are ignorant of Orwell’s writings and have not read ( Past tense ) his books.

  9. These Democrats are truly insane they are behind all the damage I this country and the what is so sad they will not own up to the mass killing of black men women and children they are the ones suffering they are killing more black people and yes blaming white get a grip do the math they have paid for this Distraction to business and then blame it on white privilege no I am not a cop lover but I am smart enough to know they are still needed yes the justice system need to be change but not by killing burning it’s by making laws that all follows without loopholes fixit and stop this crap

    1. Its called ….demon possession or walking with Satan. To not accept Christ, is to accept Satan. Repent!

  10. Devin Hogan is just another Radical that can always come up with some excuse for criminals. George Floyd was a drug addicted criminal who resisted arrest and died because the massive amounts of drugs in his body caused heart failure while he resisted arrest. They make him out to be a hero, when he was a common thug…and somehow that is justification for other lowlife’s burning the business and stealing from people who had NOTHING to do with George relationship…it’s was just an excuse to steal from people, and every single person who did that was NOT ENTITLED was NOT ENLIGHTENED…they were miserable low life CRIMINALS…no excuse…they were and still are criminals….and if they can live with that, I pity them. I Pity them, for the losers they are. Regardless of whatever they do with their lives, nothing will ever change the fact that they deserve to be called LOSERS.

  11. Once again, waiting for approval!!! That’s it, I am finished with American Action News!! You can ONLY post what aan approves of?? Sounds just like our HYPOCRITICAL GOV’T!!! BYE, BYE!!!

  12. So when sanity finally prevails, we know the name of at least one of the commie pricks to file charges against.

  13. LOL, this brainwashed jerk got 0 votes when he tried to run for some low level position. He wont get anywhere in life now that he has been labeled as a communist supporter. What a loser.

  14. What an idiot but I always knew the Democrats of today or Socialists or Communists – your choice – are all idiots. Their plans are just destroying the country they live in – what are they going to do then when the country has been destroyed?

  15. That idiot is the epitome of what is wrong with this country. He is saying it’s ok to be violent when something you don’t agree with happens. Well, Mr Jackass you’re going to find yourself in a very bad situation once day and you’ll be calling the police and no one still come to your aid. Goid luck skunk bucket. Righteousness my foot. It’s destructive and agaisnt the law


    1. They truly ARE a Godless SICK bunch, aren’t they! Myyyyy! Clueless, EVIL sons of bitches!
      Maybe not just yet, Maybe not here, but they WILL get what’s coming to them. DAMNATION!

  17. Anyone, and I mean anyone that aligns themselves with the DemocRAT party are certified DOLTS! Idiots follow idiots. Birds of the feather ya know!

  18. My question is what idiots voted for a person that has no brain. Love to meet this idiot… if these riots came to him/her, they would be hidding behing mommy crying. Oh and no cop shot anybody in the geoge case… what an idiot. In fact george was dead when he took that fenantyl, oh that is something else that dumb f..k forgot. I can go on but why this idiot will never see this. For a price I can teach this person good research skills instead of lying, spreading fear, and just being a dumb a.. Just sayin

  19. Defending yourself is righteous. Rioting, looting and damaging property is cowardly and will never end well.

  20. From current events, it appears that most, if not all, democrats have lost their sense of right and wrong and have been possessed by an evil spirit that impedes their thinking. Never, ever vote for a democrat. They will do and say anything to get or stay in power.

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