Matt Johnson from Omaha, Nebraska, United States via Wikimedia Commons

The federal government is housing more than 16,000 unaccompanied migrant children and teenagers in temporary shelters for a staggering cost of $60 million a week.

A record influx of minor children arriving at the border without parents or guardians has prompted the Biden administration to scramble to create 10 emergency facilities at convention centers and military bases across Texas and Southern California.   

The pop-up shelters have a capacity of 16,000 beds and currently house 8,500 children as 4,000 more await transfer from overcrowded Texas border facilities, where 500-600 migrants are packed into “pods” designed to sleep, 32 people.  

The Department of Health and Human Services is operating the shelters at an astronomical $60 million a week, for an annual amount of more than $3.1 billion. The cost to run emergency sites is over two and a half times more expensive than permanent shelters, where the 7,700 available beds were rapidly filled in the last few weeks.  

The increased cost of operation is “due to the need to develop facilities quickly and hire significant staff over a short period of time,” said a spokesperson for the HHS’s Administration for Children and Families, Kenneth Wolfe. 

The cost of caring for a child at a permanent facility is $290 daily, while Wolfe estimated the average expense at a temporary shelter would be “approximately $775 per day based on past experience.” Children spend an average of 31 days under HHS’s care before being released to family members or sponsors in the United States.  

The $1.9 trillion Cares Act provided the HHS’s Administration for Children and Families $47.5 billion in funding, which will be necessary to handle the influx of 184,000 migrant children the  Customs and Border Protection is projecting will arrive at the border in 2021.  


    1. No doubt they are recruits for the East Coast Elites in the child trafficking for sex. Check with the Podesta’s and the Lincoln project . They sed to pay, now their President gets them for free.

    2. Biden has no intention of going to the border. He just doesn’t see a crisis at all. It is all made up by republicans and over blown. After all this crisis are all future democrat voters.

  1. The invasion is by design. The ‘children’ are the root of the destruction of the USA…
    Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.
    Vladimir Lenin
    Allow the ‘children’ into the USA and destroy the USA.
    Look south. There is not even one successful CATHOLIC nation on earth.
    Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and you destroy the USA.

    1. Biden believes in abortion which is definitely against catholic faith… Biden is putting this country into a depression. Paying out $60 million a day to hose unaccompanied minors. Children born in the US are starving and living below poverty level . Dont see Biden doing anything for them. Our children and great grandchildren will be paying for the debt that Biden is putting this country in.

      1. Numb Nuts is also courting the Homosexual Vote. Apparently, he does not know what the term “Abomination” means.

  2. Indoctrination is the opposite of education. Indoctrination wins every time. Catholics have not changed in over 1500 years.
    Yeah, things are changing. Now the indoctrination of the USA is in full swing.
    the Constitution used to be the law of the land. Now it seems that magic and the bi-babble are in full pendulum.
    Catholics, ALL Catholics have a perfect record! A thousand years, a hundred nations and exactly 100% FAILURE. Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and you can look south of the USA to see what they bring: chaos, criminals, dogma, corruption, thievery, rape, murder to just start off!.

    1. I’m Catholic, but no longer devout. You DO know that Jews have been kicked out of every nation where they’ve settled in significant numbers? They’re currently getting the boot from France and Russia (Read about “On the Wings of Eagles” flights from those countries.) That’s not a sterling record, either.

        1. You might study the writings of Dr. Lorraine Day, who characterizes churches as being the lair of Satan! As far as Heaven is concerned, we’ll only know what will occur in that realm after we’re committed. You know, dead. (Some people claim to have had after-life/Near Death experiences where they’ve seen deceased relatives, God and even Don Pardo! I hope in my case, he won’t be saying “Come On Down!”)

        2. Says who. You are not God so why don’t you leave that decision to Him. You are about as stupid as al finnell.

          1. Larry, you have to be just one more sidestepping CATHOLIC FAILURE. You know nothing about biology, physics, geography, plane geometry if you are a CATHOLIC FAILURE. Catholics can know none of the above or they would know that magic and the bi-babble are just fairy tales.

          2. The Catholic faith has produced some beneficial elements, but they’ve presented a populist, conciliatory stance on social issues I found to be objectionable. I don’t believe our God and Savior needs to be interpreted, revised or marginalized to bolster the attendance of parishioners. The masses I attended were spoken in Latin, and were interminable, but people seeking the word of God must endure these trials to affirm their devotion. There’s a man who almost daily stands along our busy street holding up signs with the phrase “Trust Jesus”, as he conducts sermons with a bullhorn toward startled motorists. I dunno, the way things are going now, he might be on the right track.

        3. I bet your comment comes from a person that has no faith in God? The church are the followers of Jesus Christ not a building, a faith, or a feeling. Man judges a man by his outward appearance and God judges the heart.

        1. That profession is more like an ordeal than a vocation. They can’t marry (Another ordeal..especially nowadays) and there are literally millions of people who need spiritual guidance, redemption and resources. I take my hat off to the Catholic priests, sisters and volunteers.

      1. You Catholic failure sure are good at sidestepping. There was no mention of Jews. How about the hundred nations, a thousand years of EXACTLY 100% FAILURE by CATHOLIC failures. Clean your own house before messing with others.

        1. There were no mentions of Catholics either, until your screed appeared. As far as Jews are concerned; they aren’t Jews (That phrase is a misnomer) they’re not Semitic, and they’ve managed to wear out their welcome wherever they’ve ‘Set Up Shop’.

      2. Remove brain, insert dogma and you have a CATHOLIC FAILURE forever. Yep, once the brain is gone, then the CATHOLIC dogma magic can run free!

        1. Catholicism has been around for quite awhile. It hasn’t ‘failed’ as much as the course of the Vatican has been changed to ‘adopt’ to a sociopolitical theme. Christianity started in the Garden of Eden, and Catholics are one Christian sect among many.

    2. You are an idiot. Perhaps you should know what you’re talking about before allowing your diareah of the mouth to run rampant.

      1. Solomon you are not. Judging others by your lack of knowledge is not good! Catholics have ignorance forever as their motto.

    3. I saw several years ago how Mexicans were converting to Islam. It state that 40% were converted. That seems high to me, but who knows if it’s the truth of not. Anyway it can become a problem for us in the United States. Just adds to other problems wanting to destroy America. WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO WITH ALL THESE KIDS??????? We can’t keep spending millions every week and millions more coming. They can’t work, need raising and taking care of. We have plenty of our own people to take care of first.
      This was planned Commie College Professors years ago to destroy America by over whelming the system until it fails . It’s not too far off. Something has got to change as we are being overrun and it will not be long before this country has a melt down where nobody can do anything. THEN WHAT?
      It sounds cruel, but if the United States is to survive we have to stop this BS NOW. Stop them from coming even if we have to mine the border and set up troops to kill them all. This was all planned as the Democraps, they figure we won’t send them back, drain resources because they can’t take care of themselves. Allow in all the gangs and others thugs to cause even more problems. SNOWFLAKES your about to reap what you sow and it’s not going to be pretty. Long Live the Republic. GOD BLESS and PRAY for America and Israel.

  3. Millions of Americans including many veterans living on the streets our nation in squalor and we are spending Billions of dollars supporting people who are not Americans and who have stolen into our country. People who illiterate in their own language, many infected with covid, who will be a drain on the working tax payer for decades. This is a crime against American. The Republic is crumbling before our eyes.

    1. You’ve got the general drift, but your observations exclude the deliberate effort of liberal government officials to provoke your ire, and compel opponents of their agendas to express ‘rhetoric’. This form of expression accords them the means to fashion a bully pulpit from which they can characterize conservative Americans as being “Extremists”, “Bigots”, “Xenophobes” and so on. From that perspective, everything we post will be marginalized on that basis. Indeed, we’ll be censored outright when ‘certain’ phrases activate their ‘algorithms’ detectors.

      1. You are correct. The CATHOLIC failures like to use words that have been ‘altered in definition’ and key words eliminated from the definition! For example:
        Bigot: a person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people. Note the word UNFAIRLY.
        Observation of proven failure forever is not ‘bigotry’. This would be observation, not bigotry.
        Observe and then decide if you are voting for a destruction of the USA.
        Questions to ask yourself:
        How many successful CATHOLIC “C” nations are there? Proven failure is a factor in future projections.
        Save the USA! Vote wisely, not by knee jerk dogma and propaganda.
        give me a nice long list of a successful CATHOLIC “C” nation … Hey, you have a hundred to choose from all just south of the USA.. A hundred nations, a thousand years and exactly 100% failure! . I am waiting.
        Vote for ANY CATHOLIC “C” and you vote for failure forever.

        1. I hear what you are saying, but I disagree with some of it. Blame a failure because they are catholic I think is wrong. It is not their faith that is wrong it is their character that is wrong or failure. Now I don’t belong or follow the catholic faith. My faith is in Jesus Christ not in a religion. Many faiths have loss their first love and have gone astray from their original faith.

        2. As dumb as you sound, you might be able to assemble a few brain cells to understand that Christianity as a religious ‘dogma’ functions within the mire of human failure, misery and hopelessness. How can any Christian be considered a ‘failure’ when they strive to redeem alcoholics, drug addicts, criminals and diseased humans with the power of our Savior? People have weaknesses, and many suffer greatly in poverty, pain and addiction. To help people in distress is to deny our own welfare and devote our resources to aiding the needy. What is the ‘failure’ you describe?

        3. Would Venezuela be considered a “Catholic Failure”? Their economy is down the tubes, and it’s now the murder capital of the world.

    2. NO CATHOLIC is an American. Look at the decisions and dogma by Biden, Pelosi, the SCOTUS, Murkowski, Kerry, and the third of CATHOLIC traitors that are holding public office.

      1. I agree these people you mention gives the Catholic faith a bad name. I also agree that the catholic church is not strong on how they minster there faith or laws of the church to the people.

        1. You characterize Catholic beliefs in the wrong context. Any Christian will tell you there are people within their flocks who are criminals, and prey on church members to gain financially, while engaging in unholy behaviors. They aren’t Christians. I apply that same description to church officials who adopt the liberal ideologies of ‘tolerance’ for sexual degenerates. God doesn’t ‘tolerate’ them, so why should we?

      2. I don’t about Pelosi. She attended every Bar/Bat Mitzvah in the 5 boroughs for most of her life. That doesn’t sound like any Catholic I know.

  4. How much longer will we countenance this?
    Is there anyone left that doesnt not understand what we will hvve too do?

    1. They’re not just Mexicans. These illegals come from many countries. There’s a reason why they flock over our borders: Because they made their own nations into poverty stricken, corrupted Hell Holes. That’s what they’re going to do when they gain the voting majority in America.

  5. C,on man, it’s only 60 mil. We’ve got nowhere else to spend it! By the way, who said crime doesn’t pay?

    1. Everybody talks Mary, but no action from anywhere. It will take a lot of death wake Biden up, formal we know he is really dead.

    1. Putting our economic eggs in one basket will not cure our ills. Trump had the right attitude– American Sovereignty–as his keynote agenda, while he drained the ‘swamp’ of people who’ve sold out our country to foreign cabals. We can take Trump’s ball and run with it, but the specter liberals present to inhibit any effort to resume such a campaign looms large within the courts, media and congressional circles. These people are not only insolent, arrogant and ignorant, they’re the majority we must deal with to project our opposition.

  6. We as Tax payers should not be made to pay for what President Biden promised the illegal immigrants. We as Americans have gone through this before. We need to take care of our own homeless before we make promises to other countries that we will help their people. They can not vote unless they become American Citizens which takes years. This needs to stop. All children need to transported to their country of Origin. Their parents did not care for the children they gave birth to let their country take care of them.

    1. The “homeless” in this country need to get off their drugs and get a JOB like the homes people do-it entails getting up every day and going to work and spending your money responsibly, anything Biden allows you to keep that is that his illegal brats don’t need worse than you do. There are many working people in this country who have worked all their life and are doing without right now. That’s where the money should be going, back to the people who earned it-not to the homeless, not to illegals.

    2. That should read that Homeless people need to work like HOMED people do-not homes people. Homeless people can work just as well as anyone else. They just don’t want to, why would you-I watch cars pull up and give these so-called homeless people cash for Standin’ on the Corner. And this is tax free cash they take in all day long for doing nothing.

      1. You’re correct. These homeless populations don’t pay rents, or buy cars, stereos and other trappings they’ll need to haul around. Americans should read about the Great Depression, and learn how being homeless in those days meant those hapless folks had to travel thousands of miles to pick fruit, or any work at all they could get. There were little if any benefits they could expect from the government or charities. When folks are hungry, they’ll find any means to feed themselves. Working and producing would be their sole solution (Crime, of course, is an option.) for a legitimate meal.

    3. In order to implement Socialism–particularly within a prosperous capitalist country–the proponents of that ideology must convince voters that the ‘solution’ for their ‘equality’ will be the elimination of a capitalist economy, and the expansion of government into all sectors of our businesses, education centers, cultural processes, media and services. If they cannot garner a majority vote from their constituents, they’ll import voters who are offered ‘rewards’ to leave their countries. (They’ll also register dead people, house pets and felons.) This process is well underway, and our hopes to reverse this trend went with Trump. Now we’re on our own. It’s not going to be pretty, I assure you.

  7. Hey, wow joe, you are doing awesome!!! How about taking care of AMERICANS, you are GIVING MONEY OUT TO FOREIGNERS, and you have VETERANS LIVING BELOW THE POVERTY LINE, HOMELESSNESS IS RISING, A LOT OF PEOPLE STILL OUT OF WORK. come on joe, how about a little humanity, show you have a little bit of a heart, HOW ABOUT EMPATHY??? Come on biden, DO SOMETHING POSITIVE FOR ONCE, JOIN AMERICA joe!!!
    (yeah right) CHOWDER HEAD!!!

    1. There are tons and tons of jobs out there for anyone who wants one. I know plenty of people who are sitting at home having a great time because they have more money coming in now from Biden for doing nothing then they ever had in their lives. They have no intention of working. It’s about time to give something back to the working people who have gotten up and gone to work every day of their lives and supported everything in our cities. All money comes from them and they never get anything back. Homeless people need to get a job and work for a living. Get off the street corner where they stand all day taking in tax free cash for doing nothing.

    2. There are Active Duty Military living below poverty lines.
      Barry Age 76
      PO1 USN RET
      Vietnam 3x (Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club)

  8. He is paying off the Castro crime family in San Antonio. The good news is that all these corrupt satanic Nazi democrats will be arrested and in military tribunals very soon!

  9. they are ILLEGAL ALIEN CATHOLIC “C” INVADERS. Know who the enemy really is. A third of all politicians are “C” traitors. Half call themselves r, half d. CATHOLICS that call themselves ‘r’ do not like Roe v Wade. CATHOLICS that call themselves d’ do not like guns…….. CATHOLICS are NOT Americans, they are CATHOLICS…….Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and you vote for a traitor and failure forever.

  10. We Need the Military to intervene! Lock the DC GATES and charge them ALL with crimes against OUR country and Their CORRUPTION!!it CAN be PROVEN IF we could get the SUPREME Court To Actually investigate and charge them. To many Rats protecting the Sewers!!
    Send the ILLEGALS back to their country for care!! We Have AMERICAN CITIZENS to take care of FIRST!!
    Come On Military! Protect OUR CONSTITUTION!!

  11. Meantime the dem party has the border open for unaccompanied minors to refill their pedo rings, they are not being reunited with their family, they are being hoard just like the girls 12-17 to the San Diego Convention Center from Texas instead of taking them to their family, the dem are stocking their prostitution pedophile rings. 

  12. What a fkn Waste, when you have millions of homeless drug addicted people in this country. Yah We are for the people alright! Yah you Pelosi and Biden , Obama and Clinton. bunch of phony jerks.

  13. To hell with American citizens and the money they pay 8n taxes. Old numb nuts has got to take care of those future Democrat voters.

  14. A plane ticket back home would cost the US tax payer A LOT less. Finishing the wall so it is more difficult to enter would cost less. But then joe and the dems are courting a buying the vote of future voters, so money is not object. Besides it not their money they’re spending. It’s your & my money. I’ll approve payment to fly them back, that’s it.

  15. Defunding the police will return the days of vigilante justice, the radical democrats, white’s, black’s will open a Pandora’s box of righteous justice extremist, seeking their ideal of justice, instead of established law, provided by our courts and society. If law and order is not allowed to continue, the radical left, will destroy out country from within. These deceivers have attained a political voice or position of authority and they must be removed and voted out of office, they are not real Americans, and do not abide by our American values, or our American Justice system. The Democrats who are in office now, lack the ability to govern, without our police force to serve, we will have total chaos.

  16. Because Biden reversed Trumps Border policy’s he’s wasting 60 million dollars a week he ether wants this problem or to to stupid change the policy’s back

  17. This is like living in a third, or even worse, a forth world country. The Democrat’s, with Obama’s blessings, is rapidly transforming our country from one nation under God to one nation gone under. Biden and Harris, along with others, are giving us Americans a wake-up call and will have hell to pay down the road.

  18. Know who the enemy is…..The invasion is by design. The ‘children’ are the root of the destruction of the USA…
    Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.
    Vladimir Lenin
    Allow the ‘children’ into the USA and destroy the USA.
    Look south. There is not even one successful CATHOLIC nation on earth.
    Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and you destroy the USA.

  19. Why are we housing minors anyway? Who are they going to eventually live with? They should have stayed with their parents in their country and go through legal procedures to become citizens. Now their parents will be able to get a free pass to citizenship. No other country does this.

  20. Biden is not spending it…. you and I are spending it… and our kids, grand kids, and great grand kids… he must be stopped.

  21. At that rate it would be cheaper to fly them all back to where ever they came from in First Class and give them each $10,000 to stay in their own country.

  22. Where is President Trump…you ask….he is not where he should be and that is leading our country….we did what we were suppose to do…we voted…he did what he was suppose to do….worked tirelessly with rallies while Biden sat in his basement…but people who should have known better let the election be stolen….that’s where the fight should have been….this fraudulent election should have NEVER been allowed to happen….now we’re swirling the drain….I know this comment isn’t helpful but I’m still pissed that “the powers that be” let this happen….we shouldn’t be in this mess in the first place….grrrrr

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