Gage Skidmore via Flickr

President Biden’s Department of Education has now taken the shocking step of reversing a regulation issued by the Trump Administration which slammed woke, racially segregated ‘affinity groups’ as a new form of segregation, and declared that they were ‘discriminatory.’

Biden’s Education Department has now reversed that decision, in effect giving their approval to racist and discriminatory policies.

As The Daily Wire reports:

President Joe Biden’s Department of Education reversed course on a decision that found racially segregated “affinity groups” to be a form of segregation.

In the final days of the Trump administration, the Department of Education determined that racial “affinity groups” were discriminatory because they treated students and staff differently based on their race. The New York Post discovered that the Biden Education Department suspended this decision.

Racial “affinity groups” are used in both K-12 and higher education institutions across the nation. They separate students and staff by race in hopes of giving black people a “safe space” to discuss their experiences with racism while providing a separate space for white people to learn about their “white privilege.”

The investigation into race-based groups was prompted by a complaint from a whistleblower teacher in a Chicago-area school district. The Evanston-Skokie School District was pushing “racial equity” training programs and lesson plans on students and staff.



  1. WELL it stands to reason it was a TRUMP order and DEMENTIA JOE is rabid anti TRUMP so he ordered it removed. If his head was affiliated in any way with anything TRUMP he would order it removed from his neck !

    1. It’s obummer telling joe what too do. Jonis a puppet. He doesn’t know what he is doing. They are using dementia jo to eradicate everything Trump to . We will over come and all this will be back the way it was

      1. I am so sick of hearing everything is racist. Open your eyes America, we are white , black, spanish, oriental. We are what we are. And guess what , we inter-racially marry and have kids. Stop the bullying. I am not racist because I identify myself as white. I personally don’t care who you are as long as you don’t bully. The democrats want control, so they lie to the black community, they prey on poverty, underemployment and poor educations. All of which they have been promising to fix for years, but haven’t. Covid isn’t racist and Aids isn’t racist. We have choices in this life, we have access to information, we have got to educate our children to do better and work hard. The things that have happened over the past couple of years is embarrassing and sad. If a police officer tries to do his job, he is a racist if the person of interest is black, ok lets look at that. Philadelphia had children gunned down in the streets. Who killed them. If they were white it would be all over the news and the community would have identified them. If they were black, the very community they live in would protect them, if they were any other race they would be f!@ked. The outcry has to be the same. Because it not in the interest in the so called representatives to address all sides, white people look bad. Screw that. I am a woman who works in a male dominated field, I am discriminated against constantly. That bull about no retaliation is just that , bull. Please no more hate. We all lose. Only the politicians will prosper. We as a people are better than that. As a country we are all the races and classes of people and only we can make it better. As far as Joe Biden, he doesn’t have a clue, he only knows what the puppet masters let him in on. He will be out in a couple of months and then there will be a war in the political field, because they all feel they are going to be “the line leader”.

        1. Right on the issue. According to the Woke I’m a racist, homophobe, and all other adjectives. Frankly if you get job skills and work you will no longer be poor. Pipe line jobs pay over $50 per hour to skilled workers and they can’t find enough people. Improve the country by cutting off all welfare as it is a form of economic slavery

      1. The “wizard of Oz” behind the curtain in the Oval Office is emboldened by the fact no one knows for sure who they can blame for what feeble minded Uncle Joe signs. The “wizard(s)” is a/are coward(a). The truest form of Swamp slime !

        1. The Deep State is running the controls behind that “lack of transparency “ curtain. We all know that Old Joe has dementia and “Sleep her way up the latter” Harris (VP) was picked by Pelosi to be his running mate. Notice that Old Joe is not doing any more than signing documents and occasionally reading the teleprompter. Blowjob Harris is taking her brand of socialism (and probably social diseases) on the international stage. Anybody else counting down until the next presidential election?

          1. It won’t matter, if they are allowed to change the election laws again and manipulate the machines. and allow other countries to be involved. Since when and for what reason would you send our ballots out of the USA. OH yeah ,and count ballots multiple times. I was watching television an 11,000 Trump votes just disappeared. My proof to all of this is people have been and are being arrested as we speak.

    1. Is he actually signing. I have never seen him show it like Trump did. So maybe he’s not. If anything has actually been signed, maybe someone stamps his name on the supposed order. Just saying. I know when my sister had Alzheimer’s, she couldn’t write her name. I’m not saying Biden has Alzheimer’s. There are other types of dementia.

      1. Well he’s probably just gazing at his navel and doodling on a pad inside of an official government portfolio that cost us taxpayers $300. a piece.

      2. When they showed too much of the book he was signing, the page was blank. So he throws his official signature on a “blank check” so to speak. Pelosi and the other demented swzmp creatures fill in whatever they want.

      3. If you watched Biden publicly signing pages on his first day, you would notice the pages were blank. Now what would be printed on those blank pages after he signed?


    1. Someone should step up and challenge Biden’s presidency right now before he does any more damage to America. That person has to be strong!

    2. I couldn’t agree with you more. I hope Mike Lindell when he goes to court with Dominion, we may finally have proof how the election was fraudulent!

      1. Unfortunately any evidence Mr. Lindell presents will be ruled inadmissible by some woke left-modernist rule of evidence – district courts and of course the SCOTUS will follow their usually stonewalling and refuse to hear any appeal.

        1. SCOTUS has really shown their fear of the deep state when they turned their backs on the American people and the Constitution in regards to the 2020 election. Rather than follow the Law, they chose not to hear the case. What cowards! Very disgusting.

  3. Oh, but EVERYTHING President Trump did must be undone and more….

    Did not need this to prove Obiden’s administration is racist….

    1. Oooh ! Can we imply that out loud? Is it really rotten to the core Obama hiding behind Biden to finish what he was too much of a coward to do in the open during his administration. There’s a reason that so much money and effort was spent to erase his personal history. He is a curse worse than the undead !

  4. I’ll bet where senile President Joe Biden lives and owns property in Delaware, one could swing a dead cat and not hit a Black person!

  5. This will lead Biden to leave office, then we will have someone leading our Country only to destroy it from within. We will no longer have the FREE country we all have and grown to love.

    1. You bet ! That will leave us with Harris who is so intolerable that she was rejected by her own leftists during the Democrat primaries.


  7. He ran such a disjointed, incompetent campaign, there was no way he beat Trump. The Mob behind him made sure he won, by any means possible. Now he is paying his debts.

  8. Just More PROOFthat the Pretend President is not in control and is just “Biden” his Time in the 0val 0ffice,(yes those are zeros indicative of the occupation of the office) A Weak lamb being led to the slaughter (Metaphorically of course) unless HC has anything to say about it!

  9. The Biden admin and leftists are racist to the hilt – they have been appeasing th eminority groups for decades – first with welfare that keeps them in bondage and loyal to the left in order to survive, and now with the supposed COVID 1.9 million dollar relief package that Biden et al tout as massive relief for the poor – really people? Do you believe that a $1,400.00 check will raise millions out of poverty? Think again . . . if you do – you are fools.

  10. Joe Biden has always been a closet racist and his own VP called him out on his racism.It’s amazing that any black person would vote for that bigot.

  11. Department of education where did you get your teaching and administration certificates out of a box of Cracker Jackson, because you have no idea what your doing you a bunch of idiots but then again look who your boss is!

  12. SURPRISE,SURPRISE NOT BLM, ANTIFA ASS KISSER HIMSELF! What a moron. Maybe he will trip over his own brain and fall down the stairs.

  13. They are just helping the CCP to indoctrinate the future.
    Don’t wait today MUST sue Nancy Pelosi for gross negligence causing the wrongful dead of Ashli Babbit in the Capitol riot, she was unarmed, who gave those orders to the the Capitol police to shot an unarmed person without first giving prior notice of that they will be shooting at them , violating the law.
    No one is above the Law not even the POTUS, Nancy fired the experienced Capitol chief of police days before the riots and placed an inexperienced person to be in charge, refused the offer from the POTUS TRUMP to have 10,000 troops to stop riots in DC, there are multiple videos that show how the Capitol Police let the rioters in the Capitol and also guide them to the chambers then inside to ambush them and gun down an innocent person.
    We The People want the Law to be upheld even to everyone, no one is above the LAW.
    Now the say the Capitol police that shot Babbit is in hiding who is helping him to do so, and why they haven’t open an investigation!!!.

  14. When is the whole World going to wake up and realise the Ghost is not the President? Its a clown shown by an imposter who won 15% of the votes? President Trump won in a Landslide 81%

  15. Democrats are racists. They do not care about Blacks or Hispanics. They only view them as voters who will keep voting for them for government handouts. That is so demeaning and paternalistic that it stinks to high Heaven.

  16. To bad these blm and antifa are such cowards. They don’t mentioned who sold them into slavery and hence the reason for this lying systematic racism against blacks today. In fact these slave markets exist today. Funny the cowards are silent. There are many, many good blacks that have worked for what they got, thatnhelp others and don’t try to take from others things that they have no right to have. The dems have never been for the black oerson and many blacks support the dems because of free stuff. When all is said and done the dems will throw the blacks under the bus as they have done through out history.

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