The Biden Administration is reportedly considering the unthinkable: enacting domestic travel restrictions on the state of Florida in the name of stopping a potential mutant strain of Covid-19 which has been found there.
As the Miami Herald reports:
The Biden administration is considering whether to impose domestic travel restrictions, including on Florida, fearful that coronavirus mutations are threatening to reverse hard-fought progress on the pandemic.
Outbreaks of the new variants — including a highly contagious one first identified in the United Kingdom, as well as others from South Africa and Brazil that scientists worry can evade existing vaccines — have lent urgency to a review of potential travel restrictions within the United States, one federal official said.
“There are active conversations about what could help mitigate spread here, but we have to follow the data and what’s going to work. We did this with South Africa, we did this with Brazil, because we got clear guidance,” one White House official said…
The U.K. variant, known as B.1.1.7, has recently exploded in Florida, where over a third of all cases in the United States have been identified.
Though reportedly no decision is imminent, if Biden did carry through with such restrictions it would mark an unprecedented erosion of Americans’ liberty at a time when trust in the Democrat party is already an all time low.
Expect biden to put more feet in the street.
DC look’s like a prison under lock down, and biden needs to neutralize any and all conservative resistance. Death of the blue collar worker is near, then soros vision of utopian socialism will begin
And how many of said blue collar workers voted the Biden/Harris ticket? I got no sympathy.
They got sold a BS story I guess they didn’t realize he is a habitual liar! His puppet masters do all the thinking and he just regurgitates what he’s told. He is unable to think for himself.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Democrats have been fooling these (useful) idiots all of their lives, they’ll never learn. I would say let them suffer, they deserve to, but the rest of us suffer too and we don’t deserve it.
I agree. The problem is the Dems blame the Republicans for the problems they’ve created. And the dumb voters believe it.
The cycle continues.
Soros and Gates are absolutely laughing 😂 their butts off.
They cheated
Another reason to try and destroy Desantis. He cleaned up the voting in florida and low and behold, Florida not only got their votes counted in record time but the result was a win for Trump/gop. Can’t have anyone getting rid of the leftist voter fraud so they must be destroyed.
I agree. They had to have seen that our country was better off and respected by China and Russia among others and that their life and jobs/companies were better off during the 4 years of Trump’s presidency. Why would they want that to discontinue? However, we will never really know if those workers did or did not vote for Trump. Only speculation…with more votes in 2020 than in 2016, especially from blacks and other minorities and Jews it begs the question, how did he lose??
Trump did not lose
The sad part ..he wasn’t voted in…. he was stolen in..
Exactly right 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Be stupid and pay the price
Oh I agree. Here it comes
Not many of them – the election was won for Biden by corrupt, unethical, immoral DemocRAT election officials and Dominion!
DC is just a prop for the Great Impeachment . Have to show what Trump did to Washington DC.
He’s one IQ points from being a total retard
Cloward and Piven “Overwhelm the System”…
…we are there
white peoples fault.
How do we recall the current administration ? This party of doom is hell bent on destroying America and we have to figure a way to stop them legally before there is no more America. Lets be real if we waited for every disease to be cured before we are allowed to live a normal life we would be in isolation for eternity .So for those of you who helped to elect these fools I hope you are happy with your result as it won’t be long before the house of cards collapses around you and for those of you who can’t deal with life on life terms you will have to curl up in the corner and cry to no avail as there will be no one to pick up the pieces of your sad existence
Very well said it’s all the truth why do they think Biden will do anything he’s never done nothing for us
LET THE IDIOTS CONTINUE TO DIG THEIR OWN GRAVES! It may hurt us but that kind of convoluted thinking will continue to help them dig the graves deeper.
You would think that would be the first line of defense, after all they come into our country by the thousands. With them will come disease. Stop the insanity. The state of Florida has done better keeping the virus under control more than any state in the nation, one might suspect it’s more likely this would be a form of punishment because of their doing things their own way and has worked well for their state.
Stop all the people from all over the world coming too America bringing the variant with them.
You still don’t know how Communism works, do you? Google it!!!!!
This idiot was a total F**King joke when he was VP, was a joke entire career in congress, and it now the BIGGEST Joke perpetrated against the American People!!!
Bottom line……he’s is now a complete joke and needs to just shut the F**K Up !!!
I’m still totally astonished that this hopeless creature was actually elected President. Must have cost the dems a lot of money to pay off voters.
Nope just a campaign promise of 2000 dollars immediately. Well Georgia, you fell for more Democrat campaign promises that they have never kept. Far from “immediately” now it may be the end of February or maybe March or maybe never. You fools should have known democrats never keep any promises unless it puts money in their pockets.
NO MORE lockdowns and travel freezes. What we have seen from this virus is that it will run its course regardless of what we do. There are scientists and medical professionals who have looked at the data and those countries who did not go into lockdowns and quarantines have rates no worse than any of the countries that did the lockdowns, mandated the use of face masks, etc. (one of them was on Full Measure last weekend)! Think about it; seasonal flu cases are almost nonexistent; deaths to various causes such as strokes, heart attacks and cancer are down because the CDC inflated the number of deaths due to the China virus. We have been played, people. This is a serious disease but it is time to stop being played!
Is President Biden going to do the same for California? The same strain has been identified in Sacramento and Southern Ca. Californians want to know…..
Several problems here:-
1) There is no evidence that the original is dangerous to humans and even less that this modified strain could be.
2) Such particles are distributed primarily by random air currents – does the wind recognise the Florida / Georgia border?
3) To work out how the modified strain reached Florida, read “The Hundredth Monkey” from Ken Keyes Jnr. or study Quantum Biophysics.
As King Canute so ably demonstrated, neither the winds nor any other forces of nature obey the commands of the “emperor”.
Blessed be
Karma Singh
before biden stops travel between states he better stop all travel between all countries first seal up the southern border so illegals can’t bring it in an others doing international travel don’t bring it back with them an spread it can do all work by computors or phone instead of in person can’t spread it by phone or computors
Biden is taking his orders from Harris and Piglosi. He needs gone before the damage he’s doing can’t be repaired
And maybe Obama.
Apparetnly he cant stand that Florida is doing better than almost any other state under the leadership of Desantis. Biden wishes that he had 1% of his ability and favorability. Therefore, he must crush the state of Florida into submission to give him what for! When will Americans recongize what an idiot is now the leader of the free world? Its very sad.
No Energy, No Jobs, No Toilet Paper! This is a sht show.
Biden needs to be impeached before any more damage
I started a comment, but I guess the censors thought I was being rude by commenting on our useless “leader”!
Let us split the us into 2 countrys. They can do what they want.
HAHA!! it is so difficult to take this guy as a serious leader…. People from other countries are allowed to pour into our country, unrestricted, for the most part, but if you live in Florida and you have been a citizen for 70 years, you are not allowed to leave your state….
If the final outcome of the policies pushed by this group were not so messed up for our country, this whole thing would be the biggest joke the world has ever seen.
Well while the old guy sits farting in his chair thousands of people have come and gone from Florida on a dat-to-day basis, so as usual for the dem’s a day late and million of $$$$ short
An all time low? Hardly. If that were the case, Biden would not be in the Oval Office and Schumer/Pelosi would not be wielding the levers of power in Congress.
Nobody believes that crap Joe ,,we will do fine without your blue state communist bullshit thanks just the same
Can he actually be that stupid? I know he is not very bright but is he a total moron?
Thought restrictions like that were racist.
Pedo Jo and the communist Ho got to go. Biden wants to please the leftist elites and no one else. Harris is an avowed communist and wants total control over every American citizen. If they do oust Biden, Harris better watch her back. Pelosi want to be queen bee and will do absolutely anything to get rid of her. I would not be surprised if she follows Hillary’s “convenient accident” example.
Every American has to wonder when the American military is going to become American again, and deport all Democrat politicians in Washington, and elsewhere in the various state capitals. It seems that the Republican Party has neither the gumption or the ability to stand up to strongly anti American Democrats. Is it now time for a Jeffersonian solution to the modern American problem?
Loretta Hagler
Yes stop the illegal s
Obey the constitution, which he is not doing He is against the American people. He needs to reinstate the
Pipeline. He lies all the time. He is a friend to China. China is no.friend to the US He is is the godfather of his family business. I never could stand him.
Floridians please tell senile Democrat President sleepy Joe Biden to Kiss Your Gits!
How is this statement accurate?
The U.K. variant, known as B.1.1.7, has recently exploded in Florida, where over a third of all cases in the United States have been identified.
Over 1/3rd of all the cases in the US are in Florida??? That is not true according to any website you look at FL has about 6.4% of the total cases, 6.5% of the total population and 5.8% of the total deaths with a population of over 65 at about 20%, the highest in the country. So this is just false yet somehow whoever wrote this article has come up with this outlandish statement???
There will always be another “variant”…
…we can’t let them do any more this time
Lemme get this straight…sleepy joe wants to place travel restrictions on Americans in Florida but open our southern borders to allow illegals from third world countries to flood in unchecked bringing with them God knows what diseases…got it.
There aren’t enough soldiers or National Guard who would enforce a lockdown as described above. Maybe in the blue states, but not the red. It won’t play in Peoria.
This guy is a total jerk The only one were at war with is you and your China friends, what have you got against the American people being employed? You have put more Americans out of work with your low IQ agenda and continue to do so….by the way have you heard Breitbart noted that the Pope said the coronavirus pandemic “reminded us of the value of life, of every individual human life and its dignity, at every moment of its earthly pilgrimage, from conception in the womb until its natural end.” Life at conception is a concept that is diametrically opposed to the abortion-on-demand platform of Joe Biden. Yet ,he remains firmly in the pro-abortion camp. Those aborted souls Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi you are responsible for are waiting for you on the other side and looking at your ages they will not have long to wait also all those dead they you claim voted for you are also waiting best of luck in the after life.
I wonder if President Trump was in Texas, would the travel ban be about Texas?
I wish he wouild do the same for Texas so we can keep the mutant strain of communism out of our state.
Geez, this man is a danger to everyone! Why put a domestic travel restriction on Florida when we get thousands of illegals coming across our unprotected borders? Nothing makes any sense anymore!
Is there anything the 75 million that voted for Trump can do? And Florida is a red state, we are completely open and I have received NO notification about Florida holding a 3rd of all USA cases of the new B.1.1.7 Coronavirus. I definitely have to research this.
That wouldn’t be surprising, that’s what a dictator would do.
This is silly, considering that Biden, himself, appears to be mutant virus strain!
What can you expect from the moron in chief?????
Biden desires to lock down domestic travel. Why doesn’t the poor excuse for a President stop all immigration entering the country and not being vetted or tested and quarantine for a few days to rule out Covid. He is the one poisoning America with his regulations and openness. Again, the Democrats only care about votes and not America.
Good luck with that stupid shit.
Time to lock him and all of his followers down on a barge and sink it in the middle of the Pacific ocean. Maybe we will try to start to get a little back to normal after that.
Try and stop me. I hadn’t planned a trip but if this low life POS tries this I will drive my gas guzzling truck to Florida because due to the stupid and ineffective mask order, I will not fly. And I suggest nobody flies and curtails any other public transportation until this order is rescinded. Let these people, many are his big donors, lose money and watch Jobama Xiden squirm.
Sounds UNCONSTITUTIONAL to me; Since WHEN does the Constitution permit the Government to restrict FREE travel?
Since the Libetards dont give a sh*t about that and will continue to ram their communist agenda down your throat!!!
Get ready to hear this when you travel…….”Let me see your papers” !!!!
O-Biden`s travel ban from Florida is to keep President Trump from flying. Plain and simple
If bide keeps this crap up he’ll soon be president of washington DC and nothing else.
Got nothing to do with any virus!!! Its in Washington state…nothing said. He’s going after states fighting his natzi ways!!!!
Agreed! It is politically driven!!!
But right now, we here in FL sure could use less of the Yankee idiots coming down here with their F**Ked Up libetard attitudes!!!
Leave that sh*t at home, or stay where you are, so you can’t/don’t infect our state!!!
I do believe the only reason he is targeting Florida is because Govenor DeSantis has done such a wonderful job with the state and they do not want any state to flourish especially one run by a Republican!
Now we begin to see and understand why there is fence, barriers, police, and national guard all around DC. The new dictator Biden and his communist comrades Pelosi and Schumer will need the protection from the masses because of their unconstitutional edicts.
The planned and orchestrated Capitol mostly peaceful riot was just an excuse.
But he is having the Border Patrol release illegals into the country without even giving them a virus test! What a dumb a** hypocrite!!
So Biden says it is because of a new covid variant . But Florida has more vaccines done, and is open with their stores. We all know who lives there, so is that the reason? Has anyone thought about that? Stop his travel and his supporters.
They got the support through CNN, and their affiliates, with the use of subliminal suggestion, and psychological warfare, taught and used by our military! You may notice, the Dems have an undertone of hatred and violence towards Republicans, they are also very compliant with mask mandates, you can practically pick them out at Walmart, and that kind of behavior is not normal! We have half of our population, that wasn’t voting on their own free will! Like myself, in the months leading up to the election, we all saw good folks we know, turn into mindless Biden supporters, Speaking with hatred about Trump, a person they know nothing about, calling him a liar, but ask them what he lied about, and they don’t know, but he’s a liar! Ahhhhhh, that’s not normal folks! The whole BLM/Antifa thing, over the police shootings, Psychological Warfare, actually had people saying Trump pulled the trigger! Ahhhh, not normal folks! Anyways, bottom line is……does a travel ban on Florida, mean people are not both allowed to travel into Florida, and return back to their home states, and that Floridians are not allowed to travel out of state, and back into Florida? Gee….it’s really going to be interesting how Biden plans to restrict domestic, and international flights in and out of our airports, are truckers going to transfer their goods at the weigh stations, to another truck, are trains going to switch engineers? And , Ahhhhhh, maybe we can close the northbound lanes of I-75 and I-95, and the Eastbound lanes of I-10, so the airlines can switch pilots, and crews, because his only other option, would be to restrict all commercial flight in Florida, to strictly “in Florida domestic flights”, along with all private aircraft! How’s he plan to deal with a Cessna flying from Lake City to Valdosta, for a cheeseburger, gonna have the Air Force shoot them down? Lol, Folks, this whole thing is ludacrious , and we all need to give our good Governor, all the support we can!
What’s wrong with this picture. More travel restrictions placed upon American citizens while tens of thousands of “immigrants” are allowed to enter the US with no Covid screening, questionable identity documents and allowed to freely move through out the country without contact tracing or restrictions.
Biden et al, will do anything to try and destroy Florida and Desantis. THEY are winning and Biden and his leftist states are LOSING> Can’s have that. There is only so much coverup the leftist media can do before people hear the truth. I don’t think biden actually planned to do this but put it out to scare people from going to Florida for fear of catching the coodies. Won’t work. Florida is thriving, growing and standing strong. BTW, desantis won gov partially/mostly because of his positive stance on school choice for the state. The black mommas realized education was the only thing that would get their babies/grandbabies out of the ghetto and voted for him and school choice. Desantis was running against a black man.