Have We Turned the Corner?

While the public’s health cannot be understated, particularly amid the prospect of future outbreaks of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on the horizon, there isn’t enough bailout money to keep businesses from failing the longer the economy remains stalled.
Attempting to balance these two impulses, the CDC and FEMA, at President Trump’s urging, are drafting a plan for a gradual reopening of the American economy.
The president wants a comprehensive plan soon to provide guidelines for at least some states to reopen, “but not before May 1.”
To minimize the danger of an infection curve rebound in the United States, the CDC has pushed for a “COVID-19 Response Corps” to assist state and local health departments.
According to a draft obtained by the Washington Post, any reopening must meet the following conditions:
- A “genuinely low” risk of infection
- A “well functioning” and proactive COVID-19 monitoring system
- A public health system that has a surge capacity to handle deteriorating conditions
Here are the places and businesses Trump wants to be reopened in phase one:
Phase One Places

- Schools and daycares
- Summer camps
- Parks
- Faith-based organizations
- Dinning restaurants
The Washington Post reports:
The first priority, according to the CDC response document, is to “reopen community settings where children are cared for, including K-12 schools, daycares, and locally attended summer camps, to allow the workforce to return to work. Other community settings will follow with careful monitoring for increased transmission that exceeds the public health and health care systems.”
The document also says that during phased reopenings, it is critical to strictly follow recommendations on hand-washing and wearing face coverings in group settings.
The plan also carries this warning: “Models indicate 30-day shelter in place followed by 180 day lifting of all mitigation results in large rebound curve — some level of mitigation will be needed until vaccines or broad community immunity is achieved for recovering communities.”
Explore our interactive COVID-19 map below to learn about the latest updates from every state!
Do You Approve of Trump’s COVID-19 Response? [TAKE THE SURVEY]
Go back to California and take care of Frisco homeless !!
I’m becoming increasingly concern about all this praise – FEMA is now running the country and my question is why are we not talking about that..,signing that declaration changed the narrative which I believed caught our President by surprise. FEMA cannot be overruled by the executive office or congress – what does this mean Governor? Who are you taking your instructions from now which assist rolling out plans for The citizens of California?
Why is there not a vaccine when there are thousands who have recovered do they not have antibodies that cured them
You don’t get it. They can’t control all the other things that are in that plasma. And so they can’t just allow people to be saved from dying unless they can have given their stamp of approval
I see one thing in these three items. CONTROL. Folks, it is likely that we will be losing more of our freedoms. Good luck getting your business opened back up.
We must return “Freedom of Movement” rights to the people of our country, NOW!
First of all, I have noticed not infrequently, AAN people apparently have no spell check – what the hell is ‘dinning’ – the word is ‘dining’. Next – one, if not the most important thing to reopen are the SMALL MOM AND POP businesses upon which this one-great country was founded and based. I have a friend who owns a very small Mexican restaurant in Gorman, Ca and she hasn’t said it, it is frequented and popular by/with about 95% Hispanic crowd, but I cannot see her, nor many other mom and pop businesses existing much longer if this quarantine/lockdown continues much longer.
Wrong. School should be opened immediately. The children are not at risk and the FACTS show that. Open everything. Just stop packing people in like they do at restaurants and sports events.
Wait. The main idea was to flatten the curve. So let people go ahead and get sick and get over it. we have plenty of ventilators and beds.