Photo edit of John Fetterman at a campaign event in 2022.. Credit: Alexander J. Williams III edit/Pop Acta

First-term Sen. John Fetterman remains in a Washington D.C. hospital, and complains of hearing the voice of the teacher from the “Peanuts” cartoon when listening to people speak. Fetterman suffered a stroke in May 2022 while campaigning for Pennsylvania’s open Senate seat which has caused major cognitive issues, including a problem with auditory processing. Since joining the Senate, Fetterman has needed technological tools to help him conduct conversations with staff and colleagues. On Wednesday morning, he complained of lightheadedness and was immediately rushed to a D.C. hospital in fear that he was suffering another stroke.

John Fetterman Rushed To DC Hospital, May Have Suffered A Stroke

According to Fox:

Fetterman has to carry around a closed captioning device that types out what is being said to him so that he can have conversations, since he cannot fully understand the spoken word on his own.

Before moving to Washington, D.C., Fetterman’s office was equipped with closed captioning tablets. There are now wired screens in the Senate chamber where closed-captions are typed out for him by professional broadcast captioners.

Democratic colleagues described the closed captioning system as working to help Fetterman have seamless conversations.

“It’s just a slight delay,” said Marie Gluesenkamp Pérez, D-Wash, the Times reported. “I didn’t notice he was using it at first. Then I was like, ‘Why are they holding it?’ It took me a minute to figure out what was going on.”

Fetterman refuses to speak with reporters due to being unable to take their questions in echoing Senate hallways, according to his chief of staff Adam Jentleson.


  1. Congrats people in Pennsylvania. You voted in a sick person who can’t understand what you are saying.. Are you really that stupid. Are you really that uneducated? You even voted in s dead man. The world is laughing on just how stupid Americans have become. Or were your election rigged? Let hear from you! Explain why you voted for a man who can’t understand anything you say to him and now hearing voices in his head. On my God the stupidity of the American voters!

  2. And this ladies and gentlemen is what you get when you elect someone who’s mentally incompetent to be Senator. And we’re already well aware of what happens when you elect someone who’s mentally incompetent to be President. Not that Bite-Me Biden was elected legitimately anyway but the point still stands.

  3. I’m like are you kidding me? This is a sitting member of our senate? This can’t go on any longer. I believe they have a plan to install his wife as interim. This needs to be STOPPED!

  4. What this all says is that Fetterman does not belong in Congress. He needs to be in a rehab center where they can attend to his needs. For the Dems and his wife to put him through all of this is not only disgusting but it is abusive.

  5. Pennsylvanian’s elected a brainless Senator so my opinion is this, you made your bed now lie in it. On a larger scale that is what all of us are doing with your installed brainless President.

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