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According to a shocking new study trained dogs may be able to detect the Coronavirus in the sweat of humans.

As MSN reports:

Dogs can be trained to detect more than 90 percent of Covid-19 infections even when patients are asymptomatic, according to research published Monday, which authors hope could help replace the need to quarantine new arrivals.

Using their remarkable sense of smell — which can pick up the equivalent of half a teaspoon of sugar in an olympic-sized swimming pool — dogs have already shown that they can sniff out maladies such as cancer, malaria and epilepsy.

Several previous studies have shown proof-of-concept that dogs can detect SARS-CoV-2.

Researchers from the London School of Tropical Medicine wanted to see if dogs could detect a distinctive odour given off from chemical compounds associated with someone who is Covid positive but doesn’t show symptoms.

The breakthrough now potentially sets up a future in which governments begin using trained dogs to screen citizens for the coronavirus while they are traveling, and even in more mundane settings like restaurants and bars. A development that would be a total nightmare for American civil liberties.

The Washington Post ran a report in 2019 that stated “Multiple analyses of drug-dog alerts have consistently shown alarmingly high error rates — with some close to and exceeding 50 percent. In effect, some of these K-9 units are worse than a coin flip.”


  1. I’m against dogs sniffing out Corona Virus but the claim that drug dogs are wrong more than half the time sounds Wrong.

  2. How is this a nightmare for civil rights? You DON;T have the right to travel anywhere you want when yiu want and you certainly don’t have any right to infect other people.

    1. We did until people like you started popping up everywhere. Why don’t you go pop up in China somewhere. I’m sure you’ll love it there.

      1. What;s your issue? The man is just pointing out what civil rights would be violated IF this dog thing gets used…he’s saying you would not have any civil right to travel, and then you’d have no right to infect others.
        Going to China is not warranted for someone who understands and sees that our civil rights are being trampled.
        You are assuming that should anyone have a foreign sounding last name, they are not welcome in America…guess what? MOST people in America have foreign last names unless their name was from an original Native American tribe.
        So…maybe some decaf for you…

  3. And so now they’re going to hand us all over to the DOGS!?!?! You cannot make this stuff up…no one would believe it.

  4. Since the “virus has never been properly isolated and identified, and the PCR test according to Terry Mullis {the person that developed the test], it was never meant to diagnose any disease. It just amplifies almost anything in the body, thus there is no valid test for the virus if it exists. So how would a dog detect the virus?

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