By Monroe County BOCC -, Public Domain,


Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, running for governor, publicly denied claims she has a sex tape in an announcement posted to Twitter and her campaign website.

“It’s absurd that I have to dignify this, but there is no sex tape,” Fried loudly announced. “Sorry to disappoint. Also sorry basically every successful woman has to deal with these types of rumors.”

That raised eyebrows nationwide because no one claimed she did.  

No campaign, media outlet, commentator or group has ever claimed Fried has a sex tape and no one seems to have heard any allegation she did.

Observers say her loud public denials of a sex tape appear to be a Jussie Smollett-style publicity stunt to attract sympathy and attention to her floundering campaign.

Fried, an outspoken liberal, has grown increasingly sensational as her campaign for the Democratic nomination against Republican Governor Ron DeSantis trails congressman and former governor Charlie Crist by double digits.

A favorite of radicalized online liberals, Fried started her campaign by embracing Rebekah Jones, a Florida woman and state employee who raised hundreds of thousands of dollars from online liberals by falsely claiming DeSantis covered up COVID-19 deaths by ordering her to falsify data entered onto the state’s COVID-19 website.

A review of her claims found that not only did DeSantis never order her to falsify data, the data never falsified, she never had access to it, and Jones had an arrest record in three states for crimes ranging from sex to production of revenge porn.

Jones became a darling of liberal activists for her sensational claim and she raised hundreds of thousands of dollars through GoFundMe claiming she needed cash for legal expenses.  She switched to untraceable cash donations when GoFundMe cut her off over concerns she was personally pocketing the cash.

Fried, realizing Jones’ grip on online liberals, latched onto the apparent fraudster, but that failed to jump-start what should have been a promising campaign.

Fried has also begun comparing DeSantis to Hitler and canceled a campaign event claiming protesters threatened to kill her.

Polls show Fried trails DeSantis by 11% in the Aug. 23 Democrat primary and if she were the Democrat nominee she would handily lose to DeSantis.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of


Michael Brigham has written for American Action News since the summer of 2019. His areas of expertise include foreign affairs, government, and politics, but regardless of the subject matter, he has a nose and an insatiable appetite for news. In his free time, he enjoys reading nonfiction, watching a mix of comedies and true crime documentaries, and spending time away from the swamp hiking in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains.


  1. When they have no true substance to stand on for their platform, all liberals will resort to lying or making absurd allegations.

  2. I don’t think conservatives should be concerned about being accused of the responsibility for her sex tape allegations….. they would obviously be coming from her Democrat opponents in an effort to get her to withdraw or she started to rumors to gain sympathy votes! It’s hard to believe Democrats not only sink to this level against Republicans, they will do it to other Democrats as well!
    We have problems within the GOP but, they don’t hold a candle to the level of Dem depravity and many other adjectives I could use to describe them about the depth they have descended to! If the Dem party was a submarine…….their hull would have crushed long ago!

  3. CYA time. She’s saying that because she wants to have already denied the allegation, and wants to stay ahead of things. And, maybe there is a sex tape that is to be released soon. Time will tell, won’t it?

  4. Lie, cheat, steal, lie some more, cheat some more, steal some more, then deny, deny, and deny again, and then repeat! What a bunch of folks! Sooner or later, those who voted for Democrats will wake up, see the truths and vote these clowns out of office. And ‘yes, Joe did it!’ Inflation, immigration, and abuse of children by ‘adult’ is all HIS fault!!

  5. We have collected about 30 million names and addresses of the liberal dem bloodsucking parasitical ticks, since 2009, why are we waiting?

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