By Governor Tom Wolf from Harrisburg, PA - Gov. Wolf: PA is One of Three States Recognized by CDC for COVID-19 Reduction Success, CC BY 2.0,

USA Today has now named Joe Biden’s Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services, Rachel Levine, as one of its ‘Women of the Year.’

There is one small problem however: Levine is actually a biological man.

As The Daily Wire reports:

Of Levine, USA TODAY noted, “Levine, 64, a trained pediatrician, became the nation’s highest-ranking openly transgender official last March when the Senate confirmed her as assistant secretary of health.”

Levine told USA TODAY, “I really feel that everything I’ve ever done, whether it was in academic medicine, in education, in clinical research, seeing my patients in my role in public health, in Pennsylvania and now my role nationally…has all led to this moment in terms of helping the nation through this greatest public health crisis that we have faced in over a hundred years.”

“Beyond the pandemic, Levine said she is concerned about the challenges women and girls face related to body image,” USA TODAY wrote.

Levine told the outlet, “We need to be welcoming and celebratory for women of all aspects, of all sizes and shapes. And we have to work towards that compassion for all women and not put such an emphasis on thinness and appearance. I think that we need to work as a culture in the United States, but also globally, to be more compassionate and more accepting of girls and women, no matter what their size and shape,” adding, “Women are absolutely critical in terms of promoting healthy behaviors for themselves and their families and our communities…I think women are often the creators of change. In terms of the changes that we see in our society and our culture, I think that women are those change-makers.”



    1. Because, today up is down and right is wrong!
      Think about why the guberment wants to take control of your children with their day care centers???
      That’s their way of indoctrination. From cradle to grave. People, please wake up now!

      1. Communism 101.. That is what is done in Russia–they indoctrinate the children from the day after they are born.. The teachers Unions in the USA perform the same brainwashing.

  1. And the bullcrap just keeps on piling up deeper and deeper!!! DISGUSTING this is what they push out as an actual awarding of a useless platitude!! It (this recipient) is as useless as the inhuman idiot who received it!!!

  2. Twisted and sick. He is the emblem of this anti-truth and anti-science administration. PRAY FOR THE USA!

    1. The government is beyond prayer, God will allow heathen nations to destroy this government, pray for godly wisdom for those that have the ears to hear and the eyes to see what is happening.
      It is as if we were living in the days of Jeremaih when God told him- Therefore pray not thou for this people, neither lift up cry nor prayer for them, neither make intercession to me: for I will not hear thee (Jeremiah 7:16.) The majority of this people is an extremely stiff-necked people believing they are more righteous than all others throughout all the Earth, they are a disobedience people who know not to do good. Thus, they will be repaid double for their iniquities.

  3. This demeans and disparages women. If they wanted to make him the transgender of the year, that would be fine. However, it doesn’t matter what he lops off, plumps up or grows out, he will ALWAYS anatomically be a man.

  4. The left is really regressing back to the stone ages by going full-circle. I have heard of a man’s man, a ladies’ man, I guess we are now going to have to say he is a real man’s lady??? So Women will become second class citizens as all of their accomplishments and awards will be given to men dressed as women, subjugating women once again, thus going full-circle. I guess women are OK with this since they are losing swimming races to men and soon to be Olympic team spots to a man. Now they are losing women of the year honors, kind of lets you know that leftists don’t appear to think too much of women, do they?

    1. . . . . . . they never did – only as useful idiots for those who supported their EVIL ideology. Way to go ladies; give the Left the very rope they hang you with.

  5. USA TODAY – someone still prints that worthless rag? Just remember this – GOD is NO FAN of transgender behavior and says so in His Holy Word. So, to support such behavior is not going to serve anyone well on their Day of judgement.

    1. These demented idiots never think about that.
      They think they will live forever. God is a myth to them.

  6. what a utter disgrace will never buy or read USA today. Biden’s clown and carnival freak show just keeps getting worse, can’t wait for most of the democrats to be gone

  7. You can be sure if Biden has anything to do with it. It is screwed up. He can’t do anything correct. Select a Woman. For woman of the year. Not a Man. Just maybe Biden didn’t know the difference. After all he is old an senile


  9. Disgusting, it is not a woman! Another thing confused mentally ill men are taking away from women!

  10. This is complete insanity and quite disgusting !
    Of course , Biden has dementia and this proves it !
    How embarrassing to the USA to be represented by
    a president so liberal that he has no common sense!

  11. hahahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahahhahahhahhahahhahahhahahhahahahahhahaLord have mercy, there is no end to their massive stupidityhahahahahhahhahhahahahhahahhahif you can’t laugh at these fools the only other option is to puke your guts uphahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahhahahhahahhahahhahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahhahhahahhahhahahhhahahhahhahahhathe depths of their stupidity have not yet been plumbed hahahahahahahahahahahah

  12. “It’s a man’s world,” so if men want to call themselves women, dress like women, take over women’s sports, get pregnant with imaginary babies, etc., then that’s how things are going to be. Whaddayagonnado?

  13. This disgusts me! REAL WOMEN Arent good enough to be WOMAN of the year!! Joe you ve Really Lost your mind! This is sooooo rude & DISRESPECTFUL to REAL Biological FEMALES !!

  14. Disgusting. Rachel Levine was an old fully developed male physician when he decided to change his sex. He was a Pediatrician and promoted sex changes in children at a very young age. I think the child’s Parents should not have the schools grooming young children into changing their sex. It should be an adult decision of an adult child or parent.

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