Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia Commons

Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) shocked many on Thursday night when he called for Russian President Vladimir Putin to be assassinated.

As Business Insider reports:

Sen. Lindsey Graham has called for the Julius Caesar-style assassination of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Graham is not the first conservative American figure to call for Putin’s assassination in the week since Russia launched an unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. Fox News host Sean Hannity floated the idea that Putin should be assassinated during a March 2 episode of his podcast, “The Sean Hannity Show.”

Some Russians, too, have advocated for a regime change in their homeland. Businessman and US-based crypto investor Alex Konanykhin put a $1 million bounty on Putin’s head this week, calling for military officers to arrest him as a war criminal.

Many condemned Graham’s statements however, claiming that they were highly irresponsible coming from a sitting senator and could potentially lead to further military escalation with Russia.

Is Graham right that Putin should be assassinated, or did his rhetoric go too far? Let us know what you think in the comments below.


    1. S­t­a­r­t w­o­r­k­i­n­g f­r­o­m h­o­m­e! G­r­e­a­t w­o­r­k f­o­r-E­v­er, ­S­t­a­y a­t H­o­m­e M­o­m­s O­R a­n­y­o­n­e n­e­e­d­s­ a­n e­x­t­r­a i­n­c­o­m­e. G­e­t s­t­a­r­t­e­d. Y­o­u o­n­l­y n­e­e­d­ a computer a­n­d a reliable c­o­m­p­u­t­e­r c­o­n­n­e­c­t­i­o­n­ s­o d­o­n’t g­e­t l­a­t­e t­r­y……. 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗸𝘀𝗶𝗹𝘃𝗲𝗿.𝗰𝗳

    2. Graham, Cheyney, and Kinzinger are three peas out of the same pod. All three should be voted out of office! They lead the RINO parade!!!

    1. Firs casualty of war is the truth .
      It’s ok to help Ukrainian citizens however he’s blaming Putin instead of the Ukrainian Oligarchs who are the evil controllers of 
      the money laundering , bio weapons manufacturing , Trafficking manipulating , Democrat , IMF , Fed Reserve , supported country .
      They represent the reason Putin requires protecting Russian territory including citizens of eastern Ukraine who support Putin . ( 96% of Crimea populace support Putin in his attempts to save Ukraine citizens from their Nazi’s in power . The REAL Hitlers . )
      The citizens are innocent of the Nazi Ukrainian handlers .
      Graham benefits along with other war mongering politicians from deals with weaponry companies and defence contractors . Scum like Graham are promoting the war that results in human casualties . MSM have already been caught with false video and photos of events in Ukraine .

  1. Oh but it is okay for putin to send an assassination squad into the Ukraine!
    If radiation is leaked out, from these attacks on the nuclear power plants, into the areas and drifts into our NATO nations air space, that is an attack on our NATO Allies!
    There you have WWIII started by potato head putin!

  2. The Main-Stream Media was so worried Trump would have us in a war? NOPE, Leave that to Biden! Why aren’t they pitching a bit_h about it now, like they were then, when it wasn’t happening? Can you imagine how much BS we would be hearing right now if this were a Trump Presidency?

  3. RINO or not, I don’t know. But I am sure the only way this invasion of Ukraine ends is for Putin to be eliminated by ANY means necessary.

    1. Not true. Eventually, Putin’s rich friends could get very tired of being poor and oust him from his position. Remember, their accounts are frozen. A whole country against a single man has no chance of winning any battle.

      As for Graham, he should be careful about his suggestions. I’m sure there are some very unhappy American citizens when it comes to Mr. Lindsay “COVER MY OWN BUTT” Graham and may think about ridding themselves of his sorry RINO rear-end!

      1. Well he is absolutely right, and I say put a very large reward on him and let anyone hunt him down like a animal.

  4. Lindsay Graham is right but he should have kept his lips tightly closed, the brutality Putin has shown in the past and at present is beyond words, this guy is a lunatic and should not exist in this world today!!!!

  5. lindsay goes where ever the political winds blow ,people of south carolina have been mis led by this democrat wanna be. he’s the one that needs to go. has shown his true colors years ago and yet they vote the liar back in,shame on the people of s. carolina

    1. You could not be more wrong if you tried. Lindsey Graham is a true Republican. You, yourself, must be a democrat to even believe anything like the words you wrote!

      1. Sandra – my wife got involved in politics approximately 6 yrs ago. She cheered whenever seeing Lindsay on tv. I warned her, everything he does and says is for HIS OWN POLITICAL BENEFIT above anyone else; my wife vehemently disagreed. 6 years later, after watching everything he does and says, she can’t stand him!

        BTW: Where was Lindsay when the Senate was taking a vote to end mandates? He conveniently skipped that vote – he’s worthless and deserves to be ousted!!

  6. I fully agree that Putin should be killed. He is pure evil in a blue suit! He knows nothing but greed and believes he should not be denied anything he wants and if other people are standing in his way well then his way of thinking is just KILL THEM. EVIL EVIL EVIL. Send him back to where he came from….the very pit of HELL !!!!

  7. I am sure Ukrainians and most Americans want Putin to be GONE. However, I am surprised that Princess Lindsey would propose assassination on the airwaves because this will be used as propaganda in Russia to turn those who are enjoying some degree of post-USSR capitalism against the USA.

  8. oh, what really happens nobody knows. This burocratics of Bruxells is dominating the world. Domination with slogans like “climate change”, The forests preservations, OMS, UNESCO, and other. This sanctions ( economic sanctions) in Russia will put Russia “hand to hand” whit China.

  9. Would anyone prefer a world war over a political assassination? PUTIN, HIMSELF, IS GUILTY OF MANY ASSASSINATIONS – WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND.

  10. Not that Putin doesn’t deserve it, but just take a look back at history. What assassination was a precursor for WW1? Stranger things have happened!


  12. Putin did one thing that I like. He told the media if you report fake news, you will face up to 15 years in prison. When can we implement that here in America????

  13. Putin is clearly a psychopathic lunatic, but still The Right Honorable Senator Mr. Graham should zip his trap.

  14. I’m not going to call for Putin’s assassination. But it would not hurt my feeling if he were assassinated….

  15. I was suspended from Communist Facebook by ZuckerPig and Comrades for making a similar statement about Putin and his Boyfriend Kimmie of North Korea fame. The Left/Demo-degenerates will start screaming bloody murder hoping for an assassination of two “Evil” Scumbags like Putin/Kimmie, but God Forbid anybody object to the “Live Birth Abortions”, they so joyously support.

  16. Lindsay Graham is part oif the deep state Washington swamp and as feckless as Brandon, both need to be removed from office.

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