Gage Skidmore via Flickr

Former failed Democrat Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton claimed that former President Trump was attempting to distract Americans from his ongoing legal troubles by embracing wild conspiracy theories.

As The New York Daily News reports:

Hillary Clinton suggested Thursday that a desperate former President Donald Trump hopes to divert attention from his deepening legal trouble by spreading ludicrous lies about her.

“It’s funny, the more trouble Trump gets into, the wilder the charges and conspiracy theories about me seem to get,” Clinton said, drawing laughs as she delivered the keynote speech at the New York State Democratic Convention.

“His accountants have fired him,” Clinton added. “And investigations draw closer to him. And right on cue, the noise machine gets turned up.”

Clinton, who lost to Trump in the 2016 presidential election, delivered her speech on the same day that a judge ruled Trump must sit for questioning in the New York attorney general’s civil investigation into possible fraud by the Trump Organization.

Clinton’s comments come as some within her own party have begun talk of potentially running her as the Democrat presidential candidate in 2024 should President Joe Biden decided not to run.


    1. S­t­a­r­t w­o­r­k­i­n­g f­r­o­m h­o­m­e! G­r­e­a­t w­o­r­k f­o­r-E­v­er, UViO ­S­t­a­y a­t H­o­m­e M­o­m­s O­R a­n­y­o­n­e n­e­e­d­s­ a­n e­x­t­r­a i­n­c­o­m­e. G­e­t s­t­a­r­t­e­d. Y­o­u o­n­l­y n­e­e­d­ a computer a­n­d a reliable c­o­m­p­u­t­e­r c­o­n­n­e­c­t­i­o­n­ s­o d­o­n’t g­e­t l­a­t­e t­r­y…

      Read all about it here… 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐲𝐬𝟎𝟏.𝐓𝐤

      1. I didn’t know it was Donald Hillary Trump. He does eat shit but that doesn’t surprise me – he is one big asshole.

        1. Better look in the mirror before calling someone else names — the biggest one is most likely looking right back at you !!!!!!

        2. No Hillary is the biggest ass hole there is. She is criminal in every way and if for a second you think she’s not then you are so full of hate you will never be able to see the truth even if the proof was right in front of you.

          1. Right back at you! You spoke the truth.. maybe it’s time to evaluate your own conclusions in light of the facts

    1. Yeah , turn her in to a KFC meal for Satan. Two small breasts , two plump thighs (and one fatass) hold the fried and biscuit.

  1. I am so tired of reading the lies that the Democrats spread about everything. I do believe that they don’t know what Truth is!

  2. There’s no telling how much financial support that hillary has lost in the last five years. The only thing she’s standing on is what she will spend, and we all know how selfish the democratic party
    Is. So it’s according to what she’s willing to spend from her own personal stash.

    1. It is not the DEMOCRATIC Party. Democratic is a PROCESS, and ideal, Democrat is a party and a person of that party.
      Part of the reason the Democrat Party can even continue is that people CONFUSE the words, Democratic, Democrat and Democracy, believing that they vote for Democracy when voting for a Democrat.
      Please, never use the word Democratic to describe a party member.

  3. LISTEN UP….CAN it be PROVEN that JOHN DURHAM is a LIAR???? I Think HE Takes HIS JOB SERIOUSLY. ALL TRUTH Shall be REVEALED …NOTHING will be HIDDEN. AMERICANS Deserve to Know the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. PUT an END to the MIND GAMES. From SamuraiQueen. 😄😄😄😇😇😇

  4. Gee, after that damaging report came out it looks like she’s the one trying to divert attention away from her crimes. What she ordered to be done is nothing short of a real crime against our government. Of course she’s not only named Clinton, but she’s a democrat, so nothing will happen to her, at least until we get a republican administration in place. The people that put that report together better watch their backs because those people that cross Hillary somehow end up dead.

  5. Now that the Dems know how to successfully rig a prez election, she will be the next candidate and will beat whoever runs. Mark my words.

  6. If she is accusing someone else of causing distractions T H E N that is exactly what she and the demoSCUM trash are doing, not Trump. They always accuse others of what they themselves are doing or going to do.

  7. Hillary Clinton has a truly nasty habit of jumping to conclusions, (as in if anybody really wants her to run, again), whenever the opportunity, in her opinion, presents itself. Reminds me of the Sunset Boulevard movie, where an aging Norma Desmond says, “Ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille!” In this case, if Hillary and her minions did arrange for the snooping, she needs to be brought to justice. Between the antics of Trudeau, (who thinks he IS the Second Coming), Dr. Fauci, (who never met a camera, a microphone or a reporter he didn’t love), and Joe Biden who does whatever his handlers so direct, a good satirical comic book could be made for public consumption.

  8. Hilary Clinton needs to pay for her crimes. The leftist State media alliance with corrupt bureaucrats and dishonest politicians has been party to multiple attempts to overthrow the US Government. It’s Socialist Race Idealogy spreading fabricated accusations without the slightest evidence. These are the agents of totalitarian collective intent on destabilizing our Constitutional democracy and consolidating power. It’s now or never, Americans must put the communists out of office, refuse to recognize them as legitimate and start calling them out in court one by one until all are locked away and unable to wage war on freedom loving taxpayers

  9. Matthew Williams, who wrote this article, makes no mention of the Durham revelations, and of course neither did Hillary — she knows better than to go into specifics about those alleged “lies”.

    Mr. Williams compounded his omission with a New York Daily news article that had nothing good to say about Donald Trump, but it did quote him in one place:

    “This is a scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate and those who were involved in and knew about this spying operation should be subject to criminal prosecution,”

    Even there, Durham was not mentioned by name.

  10. Hilary, must have been rehearsing her response to the allegations for the last 5 years. She knew it was only a matter of time before it would all drizzle out. When do the tears start? I am sure there is a whole scenario to follow. First righteous indignation, then everyone is picking on me, then I am ill, then madness. All the while she is laughing her ass off. The woman is a manipulator and will do anything to get her way…If Hubble was alive, you could ask him.

  11. Hillary will be pointing her finger at anyone else as she is dragged into the dungeons where she deserves to ROT. Even the LEFT is beginning to see and understand who and what Hillary is and to take action to distance themselves from the pestilence of her and the lefts’ actions.

    The problem? She may never see the prison she deserves here on earth, but one day she WILL meet GOD, then justice will prevail.

  12. You absolutely can tell what Ms. H. Clinton has been and is doing by simply listening to what she accuses her opposition of doing.

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