By The White House - P20210224CW-0490, Public Domain,

White House Jen Psaki is now telling Democrats disappointed by the Biden Administration’s latest disastrous week that they might need to sit back and have a drink.

As Fox News reports:

White House press secretary Jen Psaki turned to venting Friday as she expressed her frustration over the Biden administration’s “devastating” week following the failure of multiple Democratic policy initiatives to pass the Senate.

During an appearance on ABC’s “The View,” Psaki lamented the Senate voting down proposed federal voting legislation, as well as a move to scrap the Senate filibuster, and encouraged angry supporters to “go to a kickboxing class” and “have a margarita” over the weekend before continuing the fight.

“I think this week has been frustrating, devastating, angering, all of those things,” she added. “There are so many activists across this country who have been so central to getting to this point. I mean just a year ago, there were more people who were opposed to filibuster changes in the Senate, so we’ve made some progress on that front, but we’ve got to stay at it.”

“So my advice to everyone out there who’s frustrated, sad, angry, pissed off: Feel those emotions, go to a kickboxing class, have a margarita, do whatever you need to do this weekend, and then wake up on Monday morning. We’ve got to keep fighting,” she said.

The Democrat backed attempt to enact their radical voting rights legislation failed on Wednesday by a vote of 49-51 in the Senate.


  1. Three weeks from now you will wish you had started today. Simply give it a shot on the accompanying site.

    GOOD LUCK… 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐲𝐬𝟎𝟏.𝐓𝐤

  2. Psaki: “We’ve got to keep fighting,” Now when Trump uses such terminology, it’s a call for insurrection.

    1. l just g0t pald over 140 D0IIars per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be capable to do lt but my best buddy gets 0ver 19580 D0IIars a m0nth d0ing this and she c0nvinced me t0 try. 

      For DetaiIs……. 𝗕𝗹𝗶𝗽𝗜𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗮𝟭.𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗴𝗲.𝘀𝗵

  3. LISTEN UP… GOD’S Dark CLOUD Still LOOMS Over the WHITE HOUSE. GOD is NOT HAPPY at What Happened at the 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. GOD Chose TRUMP to be PRESIDENT of the U.S. NOT BIDEN. GOD is ANGRY. From SamuraiQueen. 😤😤😤

  4. Yes Jen, you dems are trying your bst to take control, niot carring if that control is consitutional, ethically right, hell even almost right. All you care about is power and keeping it no mattern how you do it including violence and killing. We all can see that. You lie constantly. In fact you lie way more than you even hint at a truth. My suggestion is try being honest, stop taking money to sell your soul and our country down the drain

  5. You have to get back to fighting on Monday as a leftists because you can’t convince anyone that your ideas make any sense, so you have to fight by calling everyone racist, sexist, homophobic, gender phobic and every other ist and ism they can come up with to smear their opponents.

  6. P-saki should have told the dums to go on a weekend bender with the way things are going for them. Then take the next week off to recuperate from a well-deserved hangover. ( tho’ they act as if they’re hungover all the time).

  7. Yes, Biden has no future, UNLESS De-Muck-Rats pass the ‘voting rights’ bill. And then it will be like Joseph Stalin said: ‘It matters not how the people vote. What matters is who COUNTS the votes.’ Catch my drift???

  8. Some guy who was in Africa might have some special kool-ade left over that you all can sip on. Feel free to drink it all.

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