Hungryogrephotos via Wikimedia Commons

Many of history’s greatest empires, from ancient Babylon to Rome, eventually collapsed under the weight of corruption, war, or just plain bad luck over the past 5,000 years. Until recently many thought that America could somehow escape the fate of the many empires of the past due to its unique founding principles, but the damage done by the policies of America’s liberal elite has recently caused many to reevaluate that assumption.

As the renowned Republican legal activist Dan Backer explains in a recent article for Townhall, America could be on the edge of disaster thanks to the radical policies of its liberal elite:

Liberal elites are dragging us into ruin, but it’s not too late to reverse the tide. Across history and empires, a society’s cultural, economic, and political elites consolidate power, inevitably leading to more and more dissent bubbling up among those who feel cut out. The defining culture of a nation—espoused, though over time rarely practiced, by its successful elites—is slowly lost by those from within and without, who seek benefits without assimilation into the culture that created what they seek. Nations that fail to reinforce their core culture, fail to assimilate new generations, and fail to create opportunity beyond established elites will ultimately fall.

In recent years, the American experiment hasn’t so much failed—Democrats broke it. Even before the Obama administration, the politics of diversity—which perverted our melting pot—took on greater and greater importance with each passing year. Conned by the radical Left, we went from appreciating the spice to demanding its stardom—showcasing idiosyncratic diversity as the be-all and end-all. Diversity supplanted the likes of freedom and liberty to become the defining character trait of America’s liberal elites.

However, we can still fix it. Those of us—conservatives, libertarians, and moderate Democrats—who believe in American values must come together and take on our common enemy: The radical Left. We need to stop treating those who broke America as anything other than frauds and hustlers, motivated by money, power, and revenge.

And it’s already starting, as we saw in the “red wave” that recently swept through New Jersey and Virginia. In those states, voters stood up for freedom and liberty, rejecting the Democrats and their union allies who have undermined childhood education long before the onset of COVID-19. They rejected the liberal media’s obsession with race, reinstating individual liberty, free enterprise, and socioeconomic mobility as the values of America—not surface-level diversity.

Will Republican victories in the coming elections be enough to forestall civilizational doom for America? Let us know what you think in the comments below.


  1. Liberals are the problem with everything happening in America right now ,they’re all antique dinosaurs trying to run the country they should have been out of office a long time ago it’s not supposed to be a career position do your time get out so that the next person can come in. You can’t run a country when the president’s got dementia problems, and a bunch of 80-year-old dinosaurs and foreigners that don’t care about this country. I don’t know why the military hasn’t stepped in because Joe Biden has broken every rule in the Constitution so yes I think the country could collapse but his bank account won’t, the Democrats are stealing all the money they can and whenever the war comes with China maybe we can throw covid syringes at them, because we won’t have money for beans bullets or Band-Aids. # get rid of the dinosaurs and dementia patients and rinos

    1. The powerbrokers are trying to lock up the water. Nestle, coke, pepsi. Watch Blue Gold and Tapped. You’ll see that not only lefty scum but scum like the bushes too. It’s an eye opener. Amazon has em both.

    2. P.S. sniffy wont make it much longer. We seize all his assets and those of his scumbag kid too. Nothing can stop the red wave.

  2. I heard about and I’ve made such great money.KJH It’s really user friendly and I’m just so happy that I found out about it. The potential with this is endless. 
    Here’s what I do… 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐲𝐬𝟎𝟏.𝐓𝐤

    1. You are correct. Republicans are going to destroy democracy and re-establish our constitutional republic, and that is exactly as it should be. This country never was, nor will it ever be, a democracy. Learn more about our government, constitution, and founding principles before you spout off and show your ignorance!

    2. Obviously you dine on bullpucky because you are full of it ! And I would remind you ,we are not a democracy . This nation was founded as a Constitutional Republic !

    3. Our democracy? Obviously, our public school system has either failed to teach you OR you simply skipped your Civics classes. Either way, you’re wrong. We are a Constitutional Republic.

      I can’t get over how many young people (in their 20s and 30s) I talk to can’t answer simple govt-related questions YET can spout off with very little understanding of our govt system (according to the Constitution) or the real reasons behind the issues.

    4. This is not a “Democracy,” a system where “every able-bodied man of his/her majority” votes on every issue in what our republic handles with elected representatives to stand for them. When Democrats wail about “…our democracy” they are talking about the party, not the nation.

  3. We’re a nation of Citizens we’re not subjects. Our Founding Fathers put a huge effort in protecting the individual. The current Liberal trend is to deny the individual his freedoms and force upon us mob rule. They with the help of Big Media and Big Tech are trying to tell all of us how to live according to their idea of Utopia. I hold my right to use any adjective I desire and will not be guided by another’s opinion. They have the right to disagree with me but not persecute me for my opinion. We can’t let their broken values destroy the nation.

  4. LISTEN UP….AMERICA’S FOREFATHERS put GOD First. HE in turn PROTECTED THEM and PROSPERED THEM. It ALL Began with GOD and the CHILDREN of ISRAEL. The SAME PRINCIPLES Hold TRUE for TODAY. IF YOU Put GOD Last then Expect the SAME in RETURN. From SamuraiQueen. 😄😄😄

  5. Horrible
    It is the MUSLIM and KILLARY running the show. Both of them COMMIES should be tried for TREASON for what happened to our country when they were in office. Hell NO as all of them, pieces of shit tried to impeach TRUMP for standing up for our country.

  6. I keep praying that we can fix this country but unless we turn back to God there is no help for America. I love this country and I’m a Patriot but I love God more and this country has turned so evil by trying to make us accept homosexulality and transgenders when God says it’s an abomination. I can’t accept either of those or a bunch of other evil stuff we are supposed to accept. So, unless we change and turn back to God we won’t be saved.

  7. There’s simply no place for the extreme left anymore. They wish to simply cancel those that disagree with them. They don’t care how many lives they ruin to achieve their goals. However, they do have one problem. They aren’t willing to give anything up to attain their goals. Everyone else is supposed to give up their futures though. Not very realistic. I’m quite sure that American heroes of the past didn’t spill their blood for the likes of the intolerant sobs.

  8. Libeals will never “get it” under any ckrcumstances. they are too focused on their failed ideas and actions, much like “the emperor has no clothes” scenarios describing past histories in ways that only liberals might understand. With a 100% failure rate of attempted socialist ventures, the best description of their endless proclamations is credited to Albert Einstein when he remarked that “doing the same thing over and over again, each time expecting different results, is the exact discription of insanity”.

  9. I wish our nation, once we regain control, would simply start ex-patting the anti-American Communists, never again allowing them to return to our nation, forever cut off from America in every way!

  10. This is basically true but… the reps may not be the saviors. The problem is these elites have money on both sides of the table.Also people are different so thaat division, the big ones, are because of these, let’s call them progressives and conservatives. But… now this is big how much are the conservatives ready to give up to force our way of life continuing. Let’s explore thsi. I belong to a very conserative, or “redneck” group. Now I am not putting down “rednecks” I am one, kinda. These “rednecks” will not give up their NHL, probably NASCAR either and both of those organizations are big contributors to many anti-American organizatins that are basically socialist (some say communist but I believe closer to Nazis). The point is these conseraatives are supporting the other side. Why? If this is a measure of their commitment to save America then we are lost…

  11. As long as mail in ballots will become the norm the GOP will never win the Presidency, Senate or House again….ever Mark my words. Since there is no investigating voter fraud and every time it does come up the MSM and the elites and radical left call it “conspiracy theories” by the right and everything is dropped. We have very few in the GOP that have any backbone like the radical left has.

  12. Liberals are illogical and the bane of America’s existence. They’ve never lived under the tyranny, physical abuse, and murder of Marxism/Communism, but they embrace it strongly.
    If it should happen, they will not be in charge. They will be persecuted along with most everyone else.

  13. The only civil process capable of restoring our Sacred Constitution and taking back our Constitutional Republic is:

    Outlaw any and all voting machines whatsoever and restoring a truly representative hand-counting with equal numbers of equal authority party officers doing the presiding !!!

    Everything else, especially mail-in voting, ends in socialist krap !!!

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