Lucélia Ribeiro via Wikimedia Commons

A pro-CRT (Critical Race Theory) parent in Fort Worth made a statement which many parents opposed to CRT took as a threat on November 9th when the parent in question claimed that he had 1,000 soldiers who were ‘locked and loaded’.

As Fox News reports:

In the Fort Worth Independent School District board meeting on Nov. 9, Malikk Austin turned to address the parents who had spoken up about critical race theory.

“For those who got an issue with this critical race theory equity, this is something I fight for, for my children,” Austin, who is African American, began. “How dare you come out here and talk about the things that my daddy and my grandparents went through, the lynching, the oppression, Jim Crow, and my kids are still being afflicted by this.”

“We are not our ancestors,” Austin added. “I got over 1,000 soldiers ready to go.”

After Austin’s one minute to speak had run out, officers came and escorted him out of the room. During this time, he shouted, “I’ll bring my soldiers with me next time… locked and loaded.”

When asked for comments Austin insisted that the term ‘locked and loaded’ was not meant as a threat.


  1. He is a racist piece of shit and a coward. Locked loaded means exactly that, but let him make that threat again. He’ll find his sorry ass in a pi e box. Him and his children aren’t afflicted by shit but their own fucking ignorance.

  2. If a white man said he had 1000 soldiers locked and loaded for anything, he’d be in jail and labeled a domestic terrorist. Sad state of affairs this world is in. I went to school my entire life with a very racially diverse group of people and I got along with each and everyone of them and never felt they resented my being white and I never considered them anything other than “the other kids in school”. And this was in the 60’s and 70’s. We didn’t need anyone to tell us how to get along, we all got along on the playground and after school when we hung out in the neighborhood etc. Sad to see what I’m seeing and hearing these days. These radicals just want to divide us along racial lines for their socialist agenda. Socialist are just using race as another way to divide this country making it easier to conquer with the socialist, elitist leadership they want to install.

    1. Well you’re dang lucky then because the trouble in our schools started with forced integration. I never saw any trouble in school before that, the schools were clean and safe and children were respectful. After forced integration there was fighting, hitting teachers, unsafe bathrooms and hallways, etc. The feeling of being safe in school was gone. Then came the metal detectors and police assigned to every school. Now we Have CRT and pornography in the library. should’ve just left things the way they were, there was nothing wrong with it.

  3. But Garland won’t come after this SOB with his Jackboots. This is a terrorist threat if there ever was one. CRT is a hate crime.

    1. CRT, Climate change, the withdrawl from Afghanistan, the fraud in elections, the media lying, the schools indoctrination of kids, etc. is all planned and not only backed but monetary supported by the suoer rich, and they are the bosses. Money pays for alot including politicians that appoint the heads of the alphebet soup of govt agencies. These rich don’t care about people, they think we are to stupid to run our lives and the country and to some extent they have been correct, We have nit help these politicians accountable for their actions, we have lost control of our schools, we have given up free speech by supporting the media(s), we have not done our duties because we have gotten lazy, looking to only make more money, not taking care iof iur neighbors and not paying attention to the politics of our country, I am just sayin what I percieve to be the truth and reality of the situation, Now many of us are doing what we should have been doing in the past. Great sign. If we can stop these destructive practices these super rich are orchestrating then we have to stay vigilant. Didn’t Franklin say something about this? Just saying. You are correct about Garland. All of these people are doing what they are paid to do. Oh and covid is the kicker as this was released and China is kinda partner in this. Here is the point, we need to take our country back but how. If there is another civil war we coulld very well lose. Not because we could not win against the left, I believe we coulld but that woulld open the door for other liberal bought off countries to step in. That could be a problem. Plus we would help in destorying our constitution. For htese reasons and others this should be a last resort and one that is well thought out. Now if we can get people in congress that are more resistant to big money then that owould be the best method. Where can you find these people that aren’t about themsleves and power but about doing a job right?

  4. This dude is totally infected with the communist agenda of CRT. MLK gave the entire nation the proper dream and goal to end any and all racism. It was to stop judging people by their skin color and judge them by their character. We have a national holiday celebrating MLK for this. This dumb jerk is totally ignorant of American history and sounds like a communist BLM Marxist.

    1. Blacks only worship MLK when they want to. He is ignorant of the part of history were white Europeans were slaves in Africa before blacks were ever slaves in America. The white slaves were not freed either, they were only murdered.

  5. The only reason his kids are suffering according to him is himself he has got to be the worlds worse dad if he is teaching his kids to hate people because they are white


    1. Where are the white people standing up to tell him about what their white European ancestors went through in Africa when they were enslaved? The cruel Africans never freed the white slaves, they murdered them.

  7. I guess this is more “melanated compassion” we have heard so much about. Funny how it’s spoken of but very rarely displayed.

    1. Oh, and by the way, your arguments would be carry more weight if blacks would stop killing other blacks. Tell us how your children are dealing with that rather than abrogated Jim Crow laws.

  8. Thugs are not soldiers, most are cowards! I don’t live Texas, but I think that Texans can handle any insurrection.

  9. This guy is not looking at what the future would hold for him and his “1000 soldiers locked and loaded”. It wouldnt be very good idea for them to want to start a race war. I dont think a 13% army will defeat a 60% army by any means. His ancestors, generations ago, might have endured thru a bad time in the US, but to say his kids are or have been affected is a big lie. It sounds like he is one that promotes past issues blaming “whitey”, for everything gone wrong in his life, only for the facts to show the total opposite. Not 1 person alive today can say that “whitey” is/has kept them oppressed and enslaved. If people feel that way, it is by their own doing. Todays society of “entitled” people need to take a long look at what they can do in their life to better themselves instead of expecting “whitey” to give them free payouts. If you dont lime where your life is taking you, quit blaming someone else and get off your ass and do something to make changes for your betterment.

    1. His ancestors went through something bad the same way ours did. White Europeans were enslaved in huge numbers in Africa before there ever was black slavery in America. The cruel Africans never freed them much less gave them any rights and freedom like America gave to the black slaves. Africa murdered all the white European slaves. America has given everything to blacks and this is what they give us in return.

  10. If children are going to be taught about black slavery in America in schools then I think they should also be taught about the white European slavery in Africa before there ever was Black slavery in America. The white European slaves were never freed, the cruel Africans murdered them all.

  11. Whites need to demand that the history of slavery be thoroughly taught and that the white European slavery in Africa be taught as well as they later black slavery in America. The white European slaves were never freed, they were all murdered. Much less did Africa give them rights and the freedoms that America gave to blacks .

  12. If blacks could conduct a decent school board meeting, or anything for that matter Africa wouldn’t be what it is.

  13. Just a big blowhard…those who spew things like this are just all talk and looking to intimidate…he better watch himself .

  14. Throughout 6,000 years of recorded history, the Black African -N-e-g-r-o- has invented nothing. Not a written language, weaved cloth, a calendar, a plow, a road, a bridge, a railway, a ship, a system of measurement, or even the wheel. (Note: This is in reference to the pure-blooded -N-e-g-r-o-.) He is not known to have ever cultivated a single crop or domesticated a single animal for his own use (although many powerful and docile beasts abounded around him.) His only known means of transporting goods was on the top of his head. for shelter he never progressed beyond the common mud hut, the construction of which a beaver or muskrat is capable. Before the white man came to make civilization, the black would immediately kill any born that was not pure black. This is discrimination at the ultimate! Does Critical Race Theory (CRT) address the 100% failures of 6,000 years???

  15. This poor man got up on the wrong side of the bed, didn’t he? He had better wake up and realize that there is such a thing as JUSTICE: in the larger sense, the world will treat you like you treat the world. This is the meaning of karma. With hate in your heart you are blind to love and you will risk reaping hatred. Unless a better man comes along and returns to him love for hatred.

  16. See, I would’ve stood up tall and drew my sidearm from its holster and aimed it at a point above that piece of sh*ts right eye. DO NOT BE AFRAID OF PUNKS LIKE HIM, HE AINT SH*T BUT A MOBILE TARGET….piss on him and every person who thinks the same as he does…they act like they want a civil war, but they don’t, they’re all chumps…I personally know more than a few combat veterans who just finished their military hitch, and we can step right back into combat without missin a beat…

  17. Hey Malikk, go ahead and send your boys out! The few that show up will be quickly dealt with. In the highly unlikely event that all thousand show up, expect the same result. Will you be out front leading them? You poor dumb SOB. You pathetic, desperate punk.

  18. I see it more as an excuse for violence. Probably also being paid to create chaos. Follow the money.

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