
The city of Richmond, Virginia offers universal basic income.

Morgan Riley via Wikimedia Commons


  1. Who foots the bill for this. Some combat disabled veterans don’t recieve that much. Bunch of chit. Why work when the liberals will rob honest hard working citizens to buy the votes from these wards of the democrats plantation.

      1. my question is, are all of the cities dem run? I bet they are. Who gets this universal income anyway, everyone? how funny hope the fed govt doesn’t bail these cities out when they go bankrupt, but yoiu know biden will.

    1. I just wanted to say thank you for your service. How would someone acknowledge your Purple Heart when talking with you? I have a friend who was also awarded one, but you don’t want to say congratulations, so how should we show our gratitude for how you were awarded one? I also agree that veterans, especially war injured ones need to have more things done for them than all these people sitting at homme draw2ing money for not working. Biden does not have a clue.

  2. And when it is enacted, blm and antifa are going to b***h and moan that it isn’t enough, and will go back to raising hell and rioting.

    You want to end this? You send in the National Guard, armed with 12-20 gauge shotguns, with rounds loaded with birdshot, ratshot, and rocksalt. It won’t be lethal, but it’ll sting, and it’ll damn well make them think twice about looting and rioting again. If they do come back, single and double ought buck is a good convincer.

  3. Welcome to the communist democrat party of the “new slave era”. democrats always fought to keep slavery!

  4. Wow! I don’t want to live in the north, so Jackson, Mississippi will give me a nice retirement income? That’s great! Easy Street from now on, baby!

  5. Putting citizens on the dole without working was one ominous hallmark presaging the fall of the Roman Empire. He who ignores history is doomed to repeat it.

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