Scrapping Common Core
On January 31, 2019, Gov. DeSantis stripped the ineffective and failed Common Core education standards in the state of Florida via executive order.
“One of the things we would constantly hear about on the campaign trail was a lot of frustration from parents in particular with this idea of Common Core,” DeSantis said. “When you complained … I heard you. I told you I’d do something about it. And today we are acting to bring promises to reality.”

Love Ron DeSantis! Hope either he or Josh Hawley run for the Presidency after President Trump serves his second term.
I was so glad to go into Publix Supermarket and see all of the employees smiles without the mask. Then I went there last evening and many of the employees had mask on again. Apparently the communist got to the company and now the employees have to be vaccinated or keep wearing a mask. I was sickened by it and am very disappointed with the Publix upper management that seems to be in bed with the communist.
That would have been my last time shopping there.
Ron is an up and coming star. Keep your eyes on him
He’s a badass!
We need 49 more governors like Ron, governors with vision, integrity, backbone and testicular fortitude!
Maybe Ron can become President and have Trump’s help in the background like Bar Hussein Obuma is doing for Biden now. Then Trump could be involved in a couple more terms too. We need more Trump, much less Obiden.
Libs are afraid of every politician who speaks the truth and adheres to conservative principles, unlike the Democrat-light RINOs of the Washington establishment.